Sunday, August 30, 2009

Almost Ready to Come Home :)

Thank you to all who called on the power of God on Pam's behalf. Following is Pam's own journal enry.

Sunday, August 30, 2009 1:02 PM, CDT

Hi Everybody,This site amazes me. Thanks to all of you who have checked in on my progress and have lifted me up to the Lord in prayer this week. I have needed that. And the results were AMAZING. The Lord is Good, just as he says. I am feeling very woozy today. The nurses think it is due to being relatively inactive for so many days. I hope that is all it is. I have been "encouraged" (pushed) to walk and have done it. Not with the greatest of ease, but I'm getting the job done.The preliminary results of last night's CT scan were that no other tumors or cysts exist in my middle parts. I think that was to check abdominals, spleen, kidneys, ovaries, etc., etc. We will wait and see what today holds, but the doctor is not ruling out a departure for tomorrow. Is that not unbelievable!?! I am thankful to have had this strange circumstance at this time and place and not 10 years ago. The technicology and knowlege they have is so astounding. I hope all of you and yours are enjoying a blessed Sabbath day, rejoicing at the feet of Jesus.

My brother Jim, Pam's dad, called today and said he and Sue had gotten to spend the morning with Pam. Pam's husband went home to take the little girls to church. It was the first time Jim and Sue had time alone with Pam. I know Phil is her wife but first of all Pam is Jim and Sue's little girl. They had a wonderful time together. Jim said Pam was all dressed and looking like she was ready to go. I told him I think her secret thought was, "Daddy, take me home". Once a kid always a kid and once a parent always a parent. God is truly a God of families and a faithful God of the generations.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Praises to God. Pam's surgery was finished before noon and was declared by the surgeon as a complete sucess. She was awake and alert in the ICU unit. A couple hours later, Phil and the parents and some of Pam's siblings were given permission to visit her. Phil said she looked good, put up her thumbs and said, "I like these drugs, keep them coming". Praise God for his care even in medications.

We are so grateful. Thanks for joining us in prayer.


I can't say it as well as my nephew......

Friday, August 28, 2009 8:18 AM, CDT

Hello Everyone,Just wanted to update everyone. They came and took Pam into the surgery room around 6:00 today to start with the prep work for surgery. We were surrounded by family, after some tears and devotions we left. Pam is in a wonderful disposition with many smiles. It is just amazing knowing where the heart is and where it longs to be, but were not going there! Reality is surreal signing a living will makes you realize what you have and how much you love those that you have. She is in the Hands of the Great Physician and also a good surgeon named Dr Boskoya. The nursing staff has been wonderful I have never been in a hospital that lifts your spirits and greats you with a smile and a positive attitude. The surgery is scheduled to start around 9:00 this morning and we will be getting up dates about every 2 hours. Keep us in your prayers.Pslam 27:13"I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

I'm so impressed with their faith. Pray.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Merrillville and More

Quite the day! By nine thirty, I picked up two of my friends, both grandmothers of a grandchild's upcoming wedding. They both needed something to wear. So to the mall we went. Both are quite satisfied with what they came home with and now they are ready for the next couple of weeks as their dates are only a week apart. Both ladies came away with deals of the century. What would we do without Carson's for dressy clothes.

Our niece Pam has surgery in the morning early....7:30. God bless each family member, guide the medical team. PLEASE remember Pam in your prayers tonight for a peaceful good sleep and then for a productive outcome tomorrow.

I got very good news on my blood test. My labs looked good and I was directed to continue the medicinal plan I am on. That was awesome news for us. Now my prayer is that God will negate any negative side effects those medications challenge. God is good and is building my trust in Him.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pray for Our Pam (Niece)

The day is strange. Cloud cover part of the time, then suddenly bright and sunny skies. I prefer the later but I understand rain is forecast for the day sometime.

Is there anyone else out there that has a terrible time keeping the kitchen table free of papers and meer junk? I suppose others use a cabinet top or some other place. I no more than get the thing cleared off and Ken comes in with the mail. You know where that goes. A little pile of this and a little pile of that. So frustrating to me. He accuses me of throwing away the paper before the ink is dry. Ugh. I hate newpaper lying around. So I wait until morning and find sheer joy in dumping the thing in the garbage. No, Julia, I don't recycle. I know, a black mark behind my name. Then by mid morning the new paper comes and finds its place on the table....and so it goes. I'm looking at my table....there are things I need to put away.

My niece was diagnosed with a brain tumor this week. She is 37 or 38 and has a husband and three beautiful little girls. The latest is that the medical team believes the tumor is benign. The surgeon says he can get to it fairly easily. So Friday morning at seven thirty, remember our Pam in your prayers. They will do the surgery then. As my dad said when he called me, "If it isn't two things, it is three." God is faithful. I am so encouraged by the way our family has come to Pam's side in thought and prayer. I smile when I see the closeness of cousins. My dad has always been one to keep us together and I would say his children have followed his lead. We try to all get together once a year. The last two years we went to my brother's house for a fall kind of gathering. He built fires, his wife made pulled chicken, and we had a lovely hay ride after dark when the moon and stars were vivid. Jer pulls us out into fields unknown. He is the best baby brother anyone could have. Love that boy.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sun and Skin

I took the opportunity to go to Lauri's around noon, hoping we could put a lunch together. I brought some garlic hummus (Lauri's favorite food). We took a few tortilla shells and sprayed them with a bit of oil then put them in the oven. They got toasty brown and crisp. We broke it into pieces and scooped the hummus with them. It was very good. Son in law, Elton, had made some salsa so we had some of that too. Yummy stuff. I finished my meal off with a white flesh peach, I love what flesh peaches.

The rest of the day I just plunked around at things here in the house. If I could have done what I wanted to do, I would have driven to Kendra for her last free day of summer. She starts school on Monday. One would be crazy as a loon to try to drive back and forth to Algonquin on a Friday. Soooooooo, maybe next year.

Yesterday I visited a dermotologist. I had to look one up on line since I didn't know of anyone in general area at this point. My one request was that it had to be a female. My experience with male dermotologist is negative. Horrible bedside manner. I found a PA within a group in Merrillville who just happened to have a cancellation yesterday afternoon. I have been treatinga spot on my nose with a cream given by my primary physician for over a year. A month ago it looked so good, I stopped the cream. It erupted. Scared me. Dr. Heather looked at it for two seconds and said, these are precancerous and are caused by exposure to the sun before age twenty. Well, of course, we didn't have sunscreen then. She took a long swap on a stick and froze it with instructions to follow up in six months with the comfort that these things do come back, :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rain and the Lack Thereof

As we drove to our daughter's birthday's imprompto birthday celebration last evening, the heaven's open for a short time and it rained really hard. I clapped my hands and said, "Yea God, thank you so much". Ken echoed, "Amen." The crops are hurting badly. There are places where the plants are so dried up, they are stunted, brown and hanging with yellow leaves. The corn leaves looks like ithey have turned in on themselves. It is very sad to watch. My brother walked a corn field owned by my dad and said he didn't see an ear of corn. Makes me sick. Like my oldest daughter said upon hearing this news, "it is always weird to me that someone would really WANT to be a farmer." There is 90% farmer in my dad and brother.

We had a mildly stormy nght and had a 1/2 inch of rain. Makes for happier farmers.

Yesterday morning I did the whole laundry. That may not sound like much but for us, it was a big milestone. Then we went to Merrillville to do big grocery shopping. It was a huge day for me and I was exhausted. That may suggest why I still sleeping at noon today.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A New Beginning

This morning I was at De Motte Christian School for opening chapel at eight thirty. DMC is where my brothers and sister and I got our elementary education. I love what it did for my kids and now what it is doing for my grandchildren, all five that attend there. I know the kids love to see there grandma sitting in the chairs below their bleachers. Ethan was all smiles. My eighth graders seemed to enjoy being king and queen of the hill this year. Someone was sitting in front of my sixth grader . All I could see was her beautiful blonde straight and shiny hairWhen I walked to the car I laughed at myself. I left my purse with wallet and phone in it on the front seat in plain sight and hadn't locked the door. I guess

After the chapel I visited my friend, Joyce, who said she had to get to Kohl's before her 30% coupon expired. My friend does not do things unplanned. I do little that I plan ahead for. So we talked it over and she decided she would take my offer and let me take her. She needed clothes for a wedding. We spent adequate time at Kohl's and both found bargains.

Then we went to Taco Bell for a double decker supreme. Yum. Then on to Starbucks for a smoothie. Yum again. We left for home and found I-65 backed up everywhere. It cured me from taking it again. I most often take the back roads but somehow thought it would be okay to a certain exit. Not so. An unepected accident. What we found was that ALL south bound traffic was being routed off at our exit. UGH. We took more back roads all the way to town and then through town as well.

The wisdom I learned today was to use my patience and not listen to my tendency to want to make it fast.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Saturday and Sunday

God gave me strength to travel three hours to and from Milwaukee for my niece's wedding. We were all a bit hesitant about the wisdom in having a wedding at this point. I am so glad we went. My niece looked "beautiful"and her husband worked very hard to carry out the meal. It was all very good and nicely done. The occasion was in a lovely park. Though the temps were hot, we were under trees and a nice pavilion and the breeze kept us comfortable.

The minister and his wife got lost (we did too) they arrived right on time. Delightful people. I plan to continue the discussions we began yesterday. Only with God centered people can we meet and share for fifteen minutes and love occur between you. I loved them both. I'd love to attend their church some time. I know that an African American church would be a shock to my spiritual upbringing, God has brought me full circle from the type of racism I felt during the time I was raised. As a teenager,I worked at the Gary fruit and veggie market. We left at four in the morning and had so many races that came for our wares. I remember not being able to recall what color or what nationality the person was whom I just waited on. Thank God for truth and a growth in love and acceptability. I love you Donald and Thiersa. Thanks for sharing the person of Christ with us.

Today we were privileged to enjoy a return of a former minister of Community along with his dear wife. What a joy. I enjoyed the hugs that are familiar with them. I enjoyed Don on the pulpit again. Didn't use a note and preached the word from his relationship with 'God. Sometimes there isn't enough time in life to manage our dearest relationships. Don and Donna are special people.

Later, we called our daughter, Scarlen, her girl friend, Lynette, and our grandson Isaiah. "Do you guys want to meet us at DQ?" "IS Dad going to pay? Yes Baby, Dad will pay. We had such a nice time. The kids only wanted cones so the price was indeed cheap for an hour with those we love. We shared many chuckles. It was last Sunday that Isaiah collapsed in the parking lot. We enjoyed talking about those that helped us. Oh yea, we still had a laugh as we recalled that Scarlen turned to someone as she held her baby's head in her lap and yelled, "Get my Mommy." I told Lynette she has called me much worse things in her growing up years, which seemed as if they lasted forever. I love to hear her call me "mommy". We also praised God for seeing that Isaiah was well and just passed out. We also praise God for a daughter that has come full circle. Adoption is not for sissies but it is a wonderful faith builder to see God perform a miracle. Even when it takes twenty years.

Enough for today. Blessings for a great week.

Friday, August 14, 2009

His Eye is on You and Me, too

When I was a child at home, my father used a gun more often than in later years. If he got tired of cleaning sparrow poop up, he would sit and pop off a few from the chair he sat in. Farmers did those things then. As a result I grew up with little if any appreciation for sparrows. With the Biblical references about sparrows, I have changed my mind over the years. Matthews10:29-31

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29Are not two sparrows sold for a penny[a]? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. 30And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

God knows sparrows aren't of much value in the world's market. They are so plentiful. But they are created by Him so therefore God's will still controls the life and safety of a sparrow. Thank God He says that we are worth more than MANY sparrows.

I turned on Joni Lamb this afternoon and Ms Lilly sang "His eye is on the sparrow"

Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heav’n and home,When Jesus is my portion? My constant Friend is He:His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Refrain:I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free,For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Why should I feel discouragedAnd why should the shadows come And why should my heart feel so lonelyAnd long for heaven and homeWhen Jesus is my portion My constant friend is He, His eyes in on the sparrowAnd I know he watches meI sing because I'm happy I sing because I'm freeHis eye in on the sparrowAnd I know he watchesAnd I know he watches I know he watches meI sing because I'm happy I sing bcaause I'm freeHis eye in on the sparrowAnd I know he watches And I know he watches I know he watches me I know he watches me

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Project Stress

Well, today was installation day. Yep, the new light over our dining table is in place and looks great. I'm very impressed and now all the more eager to get the matching entry light. All did not go particularly smoothly. I shared my desire to have the light hang over the MIDDLe of the table. Seemed reasonable to me. My husband didn't take so kindly to it. It was a bigger mountain in his head than it actually turned out to be. When I was young, I would have fought for my way. No more. I simply said, If you are satisfied with the light where it is, go ahead and put it up the same way. I truly gave it up. I had no idea how the thing would turn out. When it was far enough along to see what he was doing, I realized he had finally understood my point, and realiszed it simply needed another hook in the ceiling. I think he is more pleased as well.

Then there were two toliet seats that needed to be replaced. I had expressed I wanted a soft seat. He thought it was ridiculous. He doesn't know how it feels to sit on a hard seat with a bony butt. Since the payment came out of my account, he didn't fight it. Yea, seperate accounts. There are reasons. Even if no one else understands, we both understand and prefer it that way.

Projects usually give cause for pause at our house. Let me go on record as saying, I love the man with my whole heart and truly do understand him more and more. He is God's blessed gift to me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hummers are My Friends

It is a beautiful day! The sun is a flower in itself today. To add to the day's joy, the hummers have found the new feeder that atttaches to the window in my sun room. One just flew away as I wrote these words. They are a miracle.

Our eldest grandaughter's fiance' s been in the reserves for six months and is coming home tomorrow. Whitney is delighted to say the least. Her twelve year old brother started school today. Isn't it too early for school to start? Lots of activity going on at the Bakker household.

My husband golfed this morning. Then he went to church. I called him two hours ago and he said he was helping some guys put up track lighting. I called him again and he claims it will be awhile. Ughhhhh. I'm ready to have him here awhile today.

I guess Cash Cab will be my companion the rest of the afternoon.

Not much wisdom today.....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Slow Down, Baby

Another blood test at the hospital this morning. As long as we were closer to Menard's, we decided to look at a light fixture they advertised. We liked what we saw and now have a big box in our dining area waiting for the installer; Ken. He has a lot going on today to because I sense his preoccupation, I'm happy to be patient. There was an entry way light to match it and we will need it but I have to wait until my current spending ceases a bit. Funny how that happens when one hasn't been able to get around for awhile and now, I see things and realizes their utility usefulness for us.

I bought four pair of shoes at Penney's yesterday........70 percent off is still a hand full of money when one buys four. I have looked and looked for months for the type of shoes I found so felt I might as well fill my color needs for the future. Just call me Imelda Marcos. ::)))))

Soooooo, all of this says to slow down Baby. I will. I've had lots of practice doing that over the years. There has never been a bottom less crock of money at our house. God has always been faithful, however.

Isaiah seems to be fine. He went to soccer practice last night and seemed unphazed. Praise to God

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Isaiah's Memorable Sunday

Our Florida son, Jay, took his son, Austin, 13, to Chicago for a Bears event this weekend. Our Chicago daughter, Jennifer, invited several family members for Saturday evening and seven of us could make it. Our daughter's better half is a fantastic cook to we enjoyed an awesome meal. Best of all was enjoying each other. It was the first time Scarlen and Isaiah had experienced downtown Chicago condo life. It's interesting to bring country bumpkins to the city where one has to ring a bell or make a phone call to just be allowed into the building. I chuckled at their reaction. We all enjoyed their wonderful terrace filled with beautiful pots of flowers. Jennifer made a great hostess and I was very proud of her. Each of our children is so different in character..........the love in a parent's heart for each if them is the same. I am so proud of all eight of our children. God has been oh so gracious.

When we returned home last night Scarlen said she and Isaiah would attend second service this morning. Generally first service attendees, we said we would see them on their way in and our way out. Ken and I woke up at eight this morning which would give us 45 minutes for showers and breakfast. We decided to go to second service. When we got to church the kids were coming out from the first service and when they saw us began to laugh. While we stood talking with some people, a nineteen year old boy that had an aneurism a few weeks ago came out the door, a parent on both sides. It wasn't a pretty sight. Scarlen asked what happened and I told her. It wasn't a pretty story either. Unbeknown to me and to his mother Isaiah didn't know Josh's condition. Isaiah turned around and said to his mom, let's get home, I can't see. One never knows when he is teasing or serious. No sooner were we in the hall at church and a man came and got us and an EMT lady we were talking with. He told us that Isaiah had collapsed in the parking lot. Scarlen was sitting on the ground holding his head in her lap crying her eyes out. The EMT lady asked Isaiah questions and that is when his story came out. Jan called for the EMTs and soon, very soon, the ambulance was there and they took Isaiah inside and sized up the situation. Isaiah was very pale and rather scared and lathargic. We decided to take him in just to make sure he was okay. I rode in the front seat with the driver and Scarlen sat in the back with Isaiah. They did the usual tests, gave him a liter of fluid, fed him a cheeseburger fries. The doctor said Isaiah has venovelga syndrome which simply means when he hears something grusome he passes out. Hmmmmm.......I know there is no blood relationship here but I think he got that from me.:)))))))) The good news is that he began to perk up and was soon his old self again. I'm not sure his mom has recovered yet. I called the man that got us out of church to thank him for his help. He Scarlen had looked at him and said with vigor, "Get my mom". Like I said yesterday or the day before, that relationship has healed and continues to bloom. I praise God and love her to pieces. When we got home, I told Ken I needed to sit and recover. Mom couldn't show emotion, only support so I needed a bit of peace and restoration.

Friday, August 7, 2009

What a Magnificient Creator

This Is My Father's World

1. This is my Father's world,
and to my listening ears
all nature sings, and round me rings
the music of the spheres.
This is my Father's world:
I rest me in the thought
of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
his hand the wonders wrought.

2. This is my Father's world,
the birds their carols raise,
the morning light, the lily white,
declare their maker's praise.
This is my Father's world:
he shines in all that's fair;
in the rustling grass I hear him pass;
he speaks to me everywhere.

3. This is my Father's world.
O let me ne'er forget
that though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.
This is my Father's world:
why should my heart be sad?
The Lord is King; let the heavens ring!
God reigns; let the earth be glad!

I told Ken last evening to be really quiet upon getting up this morning since I planned to "sleep in". No big plans for today so I thought I'd make up for yesterday and get a good start for tommorow. At 9:21, the door bell rang, Ken had locked the door so I had to open my eyes and get out of my chair. It was Bernice, "Come on, get dressed, we are going out to Lake Village to see someone I know." To say I was perplexed is an understatement. I walked around in a daze. Finally, I took a Navy shower (one minute),got dressed, ate a half a bagel and out the door we went.
On our drive, we saw so many "naked ladies" blooming. As we discussed the miracle of that particular plant, couldn't help but note the amazing creation of our God. A bulb is planted and in the spring, green shoots similar to daffodils come up and look healthy and like they are ready for a long summer. Soon the green shoots die and disappear. In August, in the same spot as the shoots grew, long stalks grow tall and robust and produce a gorgeous pink flower. Look around, you are sure to see them in yards if you are not familiar with them. A miracle that happens year after year.
On our way home, we stopped at some relatively new friends of ours; John and Jan. They are late sixty newly weds of a year or so and both are delightful. Since it was some after 11 o'clock, Jan insisted we eat lunch with them. We had a great lunch and just prior to our sitting down, she asked if she could put on a CD of hymns played by piano and trumpet. It was wonderful.........soon the hymn This Is My Father's World was playing. When I heard the phrase, "he speaks to me everywhere", my spirit bowed in submission and praise. That is where the "naked ladies" came into the picture of my spirit eyes. Join me in praise today.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

God is Gracious

I got up early today.......did some actual work around here and then left to pay the lady for her radio/CD player. My husband seems to think he can make it work, we have such a hard time getting AM/FM here. I think it has some thing to do with the power lines across the street. Ken has the machine installed and I haven't been home enough today to check it out.

I drove to Bernice's house to see the shoes she got after I called her to give her the tip that there were beautiful black dressy shoes at a location. She got about five pair of winners. Wish they had been 9s instead of 7 1/2s.

After we visited a few more sales, Scarlen and Lynette called that they wanted to join us. Bernice had to go home so I went to get the girls. We spent the rest of the day shopping from one sale to the next. I am so whipped. Time to REST. The biggest purchase of the day was the last one. Isaiah has shown interest in an accoustical guitar (thank heavens). He is beginning to see electric guitar with less awe. His grandma could not be happier. To say I encouraged the purchase would charge me with deserved guilt. We went home to get the boy so he could make the decision. He now has an accoustical guitar, which according to this grandma is softer and mellower than the screamers. I think he is seeing that as well. I love to watch him develop. The other day he told me he was getting into Mozart. SMILE>>>>>>>>
A good day to bond with my daughter and friend. We had a nice time. I praise God for those
good relationships. It hasn't always been that way. God is my restorer......yours too!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hump Day.....what an awful name

The sun was very bright today yet I don't think the temps were all that high. I am so sensitive to sunshine. I talked with my hair stylist today when I got my hair cut and she suggested I may be taking some meds that make me that way. When the sun enters the side window of my passenger seat, I am uncomfortable. I remember feeling that last winter on the trip to Phoenix also. I decided to call Lynette who used to live with us and now works at Auto Zone. She is bringing me some shades to see if that will help matters. She is such a joy. When she answered her phone she said with confidence, "Hello Mother!". It just made me laugh outloud. I don't see her often anymore since she is working two jobs but she still brings a smile to my face.

I also visited the Wed garage sales. I didn't find much but had fun looking. I found an under the counter radio and CD player. Where else but De Motte can you say to the it okay if I take this home and see if it works at my house? If it works I'll be here in the morning to pay you and if it doesn't I'll bring it back. Gotta love a small town. Would it not be a gift of God if our whole nation of people could trust each other? I guess that will be heaven.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

At Least I Can Watch a Little News Now

Watching Fox news. I can't stand it right care reform, a different form than the one proposed......yada yada yada. Let me go on record that I am totally opposed to the manner in which the president to handling this. Tell me how the government would respond (the judges) if I had signed some big time contract without reading the darn thing first. Further more, we are supposed to be a goverment for, by and of the people. Really? How can we be involved in that decision making when our representatives haven't had the opportunity to read the bill. What has gone awry in this country. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

On the other side of the coin is the good news that the two journalists detained by North Korea a hundred and forty days ago have been pardoned and will be sent home on former Pres Clinton's private plane. I wonder how much of the farm we sold for that exchange. I'm delighted for the girls and their families. I'm concerned for what this may say to the other countries in the world that play by their own rules. Just today we hear three back packers have been detained in Iran. Ouch. I'm sure glad the Word tells us that God is in control of the rulers of the nations. Help us Lord.

I got my driver's license renewed today. The picture is so laughable. It is horrendous and doesn't look a thing like me. (I hope).