Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hostessing is God's Buisness

ONE of the gardens is clean. Parts of others have also seen improvement. There are muscles I didn't know I had that are speaking to me this morning. For all the work I did yesterday, I deserve a break, right? So this morning, daughter Lauri will pick me up by 8:15 a. m. and we are going to shopping mecca, Merrillville. We have a few things to do but this is mainly just a time to get away together. We must be home early enough to scan a few garage sales that begin this afternoon. The daughter who lives with us is contemplating an independent move and says she needs furniture so we will see what is available today. We would be happy for her if she and her son could have a place of their own.

While I'm preparing to leave home this morning, there is a guilt that overcomes me when I look at the windows that need washing. That guilt quickly disapates as I concur that rain is possible and who would want to wash windows in the rain? There is always tomorrow.

On Saturday, our small group from church is having a picnic at one member's home. I volunteered to bring apetizers. Apetizers are my favorite part of a big meal. First of all, one doesn't have to be seated around a table to enjoy them. This finger food can be picked up before the meal begins. I love that part. I have been considering which apetizers I will bring. I have only chosen one so far but will probably get ideas at Costco today. Tomato cheese bread is something my daughter Lauri taught me to make. I have changed the original recipe a bit and come out with a scrumptious delight. Costco sells a two loaf package of roasted garlic bread that is wonderful. Sliced into rather thick pieces, I butter those and slide them under the broiler for a few moments until they are lightly browned on the edges. Then I add a generous portion of shredded white cheese. On top of that is placed a thick slice of fresh tomato. A sprinkle of basil and back into the broiler it goes. When the cheese is melted and the tomato looks broiled it is ready to devour. Wonderful stuff. I find such delight in making people happy. Serving tasty things brings as much joy to me as eating it does to my guests.

One of the things I learned on my trip was that hostesses come in all kinds and each is a joy to their guests. The home doesn't need to be a palace to be warm and welcoming to people. The gardens don't all have to be manicured. The dust doesn't all need to be invisible. After spending delightful time in other's homes, I realize that for most of my years, I've tried to have all the elements right before inviting people for fellowship. That is a big mistake that I and many others make. Most of those that entertained me on our trip, didn't know we were coming. They warmly welcomed us into their comfortable homes. Homes speak of how people live when guests are not there. Pictures of children and grandchildren in every nook and cranny proved to me how important family was to some of our hostesses. Books lying on tables and the floor revealed the love of learning by others. Five different hostesses entertained us while we were on our vacation. Each in their own way expressed their welcome and delight at our visit. I came home more determined to be a good hostess and not procrastinate. For a long time I have thought of having dinners for eight at my home. My plan is to invite six people from our church for lunch or dinner. I would mix up the people in no organized way. Perhaps invite every tenth couple in the directory. I don't know how I would manage the invitations but it has been fun musing. Hospitality is one of God's directives. He knows how important it is to welcome others into our lives. When I was a child, it was very common to have "company" on Sunday evening. I don't think church folk entertain in their homes like they once did. Now we say, "Would you like to meet us at Old Country Buffet?" on Friday night". Its time to put down the masks and welcome others into our homes. I'll see if I can get my plan off the drawing board and into action.

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