Monday, July 2, 2007

The Power of Words

Last evening, my parents and we were invited to my brother's home after church. Their two daughters and husbands and two grandchildren were there. It was the first time we had seen their oldest daughter's new son so we enjoyed the sight and sounds of a beautiful new baby once again. When it got dark, the sons in law put on a small fireworks show. We lined up our lawn chairs on the side of the hill and looked out toward the cornfield where the boys had set up their launching station. The weather was nippy and some of us were wrapped snuggly in our blankets. The show started and the first ones were rather basic. The crowd snickered a bit first but there was one in the crowd that saw things differently. Ater each launch our little three year old grand neice cheered her daddy on. "Yea, Daddy, you go". From out of the dark, one could hear Daddy's response, "Thank you Sweetheart." The little sweetheart is a doll. She has long wavy blonde hair that outlines the shape of her face. Ken commented that her lips appear so red that it looks like she is wearing makeup. She is a beauty and it would be difficult to deny her anything. As the fireworks show progressed there were more oohs and aahs. Suddenly, I heard the little girl on her great grandpa's lap yell, "Daddy, you are my hero!". The crowd exploded with delight. This little girl in three years has learned what some don't learn in a life time. She knew how to encourage the person she adores. One knew that the man in the dark field several yards away was thrilled to the bottom of his heart while he entertained his little three year old daughter. I still smile when I think of that moment and I'll bet he does, too.

What a lesson for me. Words can make or break a situation or a relationship. Last night, Lexi reminded me that only five kind words spoken in a split second can melt the heart of a 300 pound football player. My words have an effect on people too. Do they thrill hearts or hurt them? I will think about that today and invite you to think about it too.

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