Friday, August 31, 2007

Wounded But Still Tickin

Today I am sporting a cut on my cheekbone. Did I hear you ask how that happened? Well, yesterday on our marathon shopping day, we were in Party City picking up paper goods for my grandaughter's birthday party. My daughter was standing in line at the check out. I had just checked a price I didn't want to forget so I said to her, "I'll go to the car and write that down." I turned and saw the door but didn't see the plate glass wall before the door. I smacked my self into that wall with a thud. To say it knocked me a bit silly is probably something that could be proven. There was considerable pain for a few moments and I stood still wondering if I was going to hit the floor or if I'd make it. I decided I would make it and took my humiliated and embarrassed self to the car to mop up and pull myself back together. I felt like crying and thought, nope, you aren't hurt that bad, suck it up. Talk about feeling stupid. Lauri finished her business in a hurry and came to evaluate her injured mother. It took a few minutes to convince her I would be just fine even though it looked like I was going to develop a goose egg under my eye. She happened to have a cold pack in the cooler in the back of the car so there I sat with an ice pack on my check in the middle of the parking lot. Eventually, we took off again for Valpo from Merrillville. It is a route I have taken many times and I scared my daughter by running a red light, missing it altogther. I didn't see it until I would have had to make some screetching sounds so I glanced both ways and decided the cars hadn't started yet so we would be okay. Well, according to Lauri, that was proof that I wasn't quite right. Two embarrassments in one day is not good.

In the early morning yesterday, we went to what was told to be the largest garage sale under a tent. Well, that wasn't exactly true but it was fun and we found a few little treasures. All of my adult life I have looked at baby baskets with all the beautiful white bedding with a bit of envy. I don't know why I haven't had one in my life but I do now. I'm going to be ready for this new baby we are expecting in February. Ten bucks bought the layers of white beauty in a basket on wheels. When we got home, I tore the entire thing apart and washed all the pieces. I had it all back together by bedtime. Even Ken is impressed and thinks it is very pretty. I told Kendra, the mom to be, that her little boy may baulk at the frills. She laughed since we don't know what sex that baby is just yet. We should know in a month or so. It isn't going to matter because that baby is going to spend some time under all that pretty stuff whether it is boy or girl. Grandma said so.

Today, I began pressure washing the house and sidewalk at about eight in the morning. I worked solid for four hours and then tinkered with doing this and that in the afternoon. I would say I got in a good day's work. I got part way around the house and have more done than has to be done so I will finish tomorrow. After the house is clean I will wash the windows and then we should be clean enough for winter. It feels really good to look at a clean house. Josh, number three son, a painter, is supposed to get to our house yet this fall. If he does, we are ready for him. He has chosen the colors and I don't even know what they are. Josh is so artsy and has such good taste, I fully trust his judgement. I know it will look good when he is finished with it.

Another day in my life. We are getting ready to go out to eat with friends. Nothing special, just salad bar at the truck stop but it is opportunity to touch base with friends. Blessings to my blog friends.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


This morning I read the fifteenth chapter of Genesis. This is the account where Abram reminds God that he doesn't have any heirs to whom he can leave his possessions and God then promises him an heir that will "come from your own body". He leads Abram out in the dark of night and tells Abram to look at the stars. He says, "Don't worry, Abram, your children will be as many as the stars are, so many they will not be counted." What an unbeleivable promise that was. He and Sarai were both a hundred years old and hadn't had a child yet so what on earth could happen to make them both fruitful. I'm quite sure there were no infertility specialists for them to run to in order to make this promise come true. No, Abram and Sarai waited on God. Have you ever been in God's waiting room in the game called life? I think we all have. It's not a pretty place to be or a very comfortable place. The fifteenth chapter of Genesis starts this way, " After all these things, this word of God came to Abram in a vision: "Don't be afraid, Abram. I'm your shield. Your reward will be grand!" What a comfort that must have been to Abram. In spite of all that was going on around him, wars and rumors of war, all of which he was in the thick of, God comes to him in the night and reveals to him in a dream that he didn't have to be afraid. God had it all under control. Not only would God be his shield or protector but He had a gift tucked away for him as well. He was going to receive a reward. Isn't that the way our God works. Always has a surprise for us tucked up His divine sleeve. BTW, if you aren't aware, God was faithful to Abram and did fulfill His promises to Him. You and I can count on that same faithfulness from God.

The surprise He had for me this morning may not seems much to others but to me it was a sure sign of His presence with me and His direct involvement in my day to day, moment by moment life. I got up early to sit in my sunroom (too early for the sun) and commune with Him. I am finding that if I don't make a special effort to do that before anyone in my world wakes up, Satan will steal that time from me as sure as I'm living. After I read Genesis 15 and 16, I read a devotional booklet. After that came my prayer time. I use a book for prayer time that gives me a springboard from which to pray. It is a book laid our as a calendar with scriptures to pray each day. I find that using God's word to begin my prayer time works best for me. After all, I am after His will, not mine. What scripture do you think was the first on the page? Genesis 15:1, 1 After all these things, this word of God came to Abram in a vision: "Don't be afraid, Abram. I'm your shield. Your reward will be grand!"

I don't know if that rocks your socks but it surely did mine. It confirmed for me that God knew we were meeting this morning and coordinated my scripture reading with my prayer time. It was an awesome moment for me. You see, I strongly believe that there is a spirit in me that I have little to do with. When I give Him opportunity, He feeds me in an organized way without my help. I only need to make myself available. Satan tries to prevent those moments but he wasn't successful this morning. I praise God for that "God moment" in my few moments with Him this morning.

Enjoy your day. Don't be afraid. He will be your shield. He promises you a reward for a life of faithfulness to Him. Hang on to Him, it's quite a ride.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

No Matter How Hard I Try

Our dear friends, Leroy and Wilma from Flint, called late yesterday to say that Wilma has returned to her home after ten days in the hospital. She confesses to being very weak but is also very happy to be on her own sofa and in her own bed. I pray God's blessing of peace and healing over her.

I have no prior commitments for today. A clean slate they would say. How will I fill my time? I would like to make a trip to the library to check on a couple of books I would like to buy. The library offers a service to sell books to the public for the same price for which it can buy them. I've gotten others there and the price is nearly half the suggested retail. For those that buy many books, I recommend checking with your local library to see if they will do the same.

Another thing I could do is to take the camera memory stick with our vacation pictures to CVS to print the pictures. I haven't had the time or desire to tackle that project. It will take some time in the store, choosing and then cropping and then printing. UGH. That process is so much better than it once was when we had to send in our film and then we got what we got. This way, one can choose the pictures that did turn out well. I shan't complain.

Modern technology is something I simply can't keep up with even on a common consumer level. Just about the time I have my phone figured out, I need a new one. When I realize what my camera can or can not do, I would like one that can do more. I struggle to stay ahead of simple computer programs that one really needs a knowledge of in order to stay current. Two of my daughters presented me with something called the photo viewer key chain. It is a small screen with the capability of holding 60 pictures (now I've learned that means it probably holds fifty or less). But fifty pictures is a lot of pictures to have at one's finger tips. When we went to the two family occasions last week, I didn't have any pictures with me. Some did. I always feel like a big loser mom and grandma when I show up to things like that without any pics of my family. My girls know me and decided to give this to me as a solution to that problem. Well, first, I plugged the thing into my computer to charge it, which took several hours, then I put the programer CD in and downloaded the program. I was feeling rather smug. All was going well. Suddenly, it told me the program was "termined". So I uninstalled the program and tried again. Same thing. Then I tried to call tech help. That was on Sunday. No tech help on Sunday. Monday, I tried again and after three calls got that problem solved. Since Monday, I have been attempting to download pictures off the computer. Nooooooo soap. Then I dialed tech help one more time. I was on hold for forever and decided they were sick of me and didn't want to answer my call so I gave up. A young gal that lives with us is pretty good with computers so I asked last evening if she would look at it and see if I was so dumb I was missing something obvious. To my delight, she was dumb ,too. Neither of us can figure it out, so today, I will try to call tech help the fifth time. By hook or by crook, in the near future, I will have my children's and grandchildren's pictures with me at all times.

And the Lord, the God of creation, knows it ALL. He is the master mind behind it all, technology and everything else. Doesn't it boggle one's mind to think of the store house of knowledge He has? He gives us His creatures the keys to unlock many of His secrets. Some secrets are still behind His lock and key. Many of those we would desire to have. Such as the answer to cancer. The answer to mental illness. None of our big questions are a match for Him. Let's just trust Him with all those questions for which we don't have the answers (yet).

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'll Stay Tucked in His Way

Yesterday, as I prepared for the meeting last night, I turned on the television. First, Judge Judy was on. The case concerned four generations of family, the three adult generations all in conflict with one another. I won't go into detail but it made me literally sick to my stomach. I wasn't all that impressed with the way Judge Judy dealt with the participants either. She may have good morals but she certainly doesn't know how to handle people in a kind way. I made the decision, that days I am home in my retirement, I will not watch Judge Judy. I don't need that kind of upsetment in my life. Then Dr. Phil came on. I've heard he is a Christian and does good counseling. The couple featured yesterday had been married three months, had a set of twins together prior to their marriage and the woman had a couple of older kids. The man practiced a tyrannical type of discipline, the step kids hated him at this point and it didn't seem like there would be any hope for the marriage. Even though this story, too, was sickening, it seemed I couldn't turn it off because I felt I had to hear the end of the story.

This experience reminded me of the time I was a young mother and stayed home during the day caring for my baby. Soap operas were a rather new phenomenon then and I got hooked. Some months into my watching General Hospital, God revealed to me that viewing that stuff was not beneficial to me. My spirit was not quiet. Gradually on, the people on the screen had become real people to me and their problems and mistakes were becoming burdens to me. I know it sounds crazy but it was true. The feelings and mood that developed in me yesterday upon my viewing those current shows were familiar of the same feelings and moods I felt 40 years ago.

I feel strongly that God's message to me 40 years ago hasn't changed. I will not watch that stuff. It troubles me. It disturbs my peace. It frustrates me. This morning my time with the Lord was particularly sweet. I felt like He was in the chair next to me listening to my heart crying out to Him on behalf of those I love and know. This verse popped off the page of my prayer book........
"You, O Lord , give wisdom;
From Your mouth come knowledge and understanding,
You store up sound wisdom for the upright;
You are a shield to those who walk in integrity,
Guarding the paths of the just
And protecting the way of Your saints. " Proverbs 2:6-8

Pray for wisdom in all your ways. There aren't many gifts that are as important. I wish to keep trusting Him for wisdom in my life.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Let's Get Some Work Done Today

I slept so good last night. Generally, when morning comes, I've been tossing about already but this morning the sound of the shower woke me and I was startled to see it was 6:30 already. That is Isaiah's magic moment to get up and get ready for school so I entered his room and tried to wake him in the proper and acceptable mode. One morning a few weeks ago, he told me I hadn't even tried. I had spoken too softly and didn't wake him enough. Another time, I had been too loud and it was annoying. My response was, "Okay, you little Poop, I'll fix you, I'll get you an alarm clock of your own and you can get yourself up". I haven't heard anymore complaints but the next time I do....................

I'm experimenting today. I am attempting to make bread bowls for soup. I read on the net that one can use frozen bread dough, cut it in three pieces, form it into a bread bowl shape and bake it. The recipe said it is best to let the baked bowls set out for some time covered with a towel. That way the bread hardens up a bit and makes it easier for it to hold the soup. We shall see. Nothing ventured nothing gained, they say, so all I have to lose is the four bucks it cost to buy the bread dough. There is always a project underway here. Perhaps that is why I feel like I don't get a lot done. I wish the really mundane things would just get done by themselves. I'll have time to do those things today, too, as I wait for the bread to thaw first, then rise, then bake, and then cool and harden.

Kendra just called to say she was on her way to her first day of school. I asked if she was excited and she said she is excited because she feels well this morning. Teaching while sick isn't any fun so it is a good thing that on her first day she is feeling well. Her biggest challenge was deciding what to wear. What is comfortable and what won't make me look fat? Well, the little girl will learn that she isn't fat now. Give it five more months and then she will feel big. Oh the realizations of a first pregnancy.

So, the beds are made, the bread dough is thawing, the husband and kids and grandkid are off to school and I have the run of my own house. I can't tell you how good that feels. That is when I can accomplish the most work. So here I go..............

Sunday, August 26, 2007

It Looms Large

What a day! What a weekend! What a week! It has been more than a little busy for me. So this is retirement, uh? I have come to the conclusion that if I am to keep up with the entertaining and socializing schedule I've been on, I will OD. I know the solution......hire a housekeeper, chef and a gardener and I'll be all set to entertain to my heart's content. Hmmmm, may be a bit of a problem doing that economically. I guess I'll have to find another solution. Okay Lord, you have the answer to all this, please reveal that to me so that I can be all that you want me to be and reach all those you wish for me to reach with the gift of hospitality. Remember the idea I had for dinners for eight or more with folk from our church? Well, that is still in the plan but I'm not sure how I could fit it in. Perhaps, just perhaps, this wheel will begin to slow down.

The praise team I coordinate was on schedule for today. That always takes a bunch of time and planning. I enjoy the planning, stress about whether every thing is in place and then enjoy the service but it does take its toll. The first song in the order of worship today had been practiced successfully on Tuesday night and then during practice before the service simply fell apart. It was horrible. The drums were not with the keyboards and the vocals were somewhere else. We went back to that song three times and each time, it was a rough go. The Lord saw us through during the service and it went well then so that was all that mattered but it adds a bit of color to one's morning. Ken is on the sound and we also had all kinds of problems with mikes before the service. Ugh. I was glad when it was over and all had gone well. The people gathered in a church service haven't a clue how much goes into the coordination of a simple church service these days. The next time someone leads in worship in your church, encourage them with a kind word.

As soon as church ended, we high tailed it to my aunt's and uncle's home for dinner. My other uncles and aunts and my dad and his wife were in attendance as well. Ken and I were the only ones from the next generation invited. I felt quite honored. My father's sister is my delight. I so enjoy her and relish in her fellowship. She cooked a wonderful meal that all ten of us enjoyed. I hope I can do what those dear people do when I'm in my eighties.

One of the things my out of town uncle talked with me about this weekend is the publishing of my grandfather's book or story. We have done much work on it to date but there is a lot more to do. The family gave me considerable money this weekend to get this project off the ground so now I know I must get serious about all this. Tomorrow I have a committee meeting here to plan and food to prepare so I won't think about it until Tuesday. Then I must make some calls to publishers and see what would be best for our situation. We are thinking to have 200 copies made so we need to find a pub that can do that and can make it the most attractive for a reasonable cost. I think once I get at it, I will feel better about it but at the moment it looms rather big.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Enjoy the Ride

Yesterday was a day of catching up with other's lives. My brunch with my friends was a rich visit. There were four of us there and after general converstation, we went around the table and gave an update our children and grandchildren. It was a good morning and we stayed longer than I had hoped. This left less time for me to prepare for my uncles' and aunts' visit in the evening. They along with my dad and wife arrived around seven. I set a beautiful table with some of my rather "new" antique luncheon sets in a hue of green. The I flew (made a fast trip) to Costco for dessert and the ends of my day met the middle. I was finally prepared and had time enough to calm down and just enjoy those precious people's presence. Much history was discussed and remembered. There was so much said I couldn't get it all down or get it all in my head. I came out pretty frustrated with myself over my mental limitations. None the less, we made the most of our opportunity to be together. My Uncle Bob, preacher, missionary, seminary professor, long time retired, has been fighting pancreatic cancer and more recently, heart disease. He said he asked God for three days of energy so he could make the trip from Michigan for the family funeral and for the 75th anniversary of the church where he grew up. This man is one of my heros. He is a hero of the faith for me and I feel like I'm sitting at the feet of Jesus when I talk with him. Love literally oozes from him. His wife is a dear woman who has supported his every move, lived in Africa where she reared six boys and came out happier for it. My Aunt Selma is my dad's and Bob's sister. She has played church organ and taught piano lessons since she was a young gal. Her teacher years are over but she still plays that big organ at First CEC. Her husband is Uncle Ray who is my mother's cousin and dad's brother-in-law. I think of him as a big teddy bear. He and Aunt Selma have supported Ken and my decisions with our family for all our life. No matter what was going on with us, we knew they would support and encourage us. So with them and my dad and wife whom I've written so much about, we had a very special evening here yesterday.

Because of the abundance of rain we have received, there are puddles of water everywhere. Seeing the puddles in parking lots and noticing how clean the water was brought something to my mind. That is that no matter how old I get, I still have a child's heart in many ways. I would dearly love to take off my shoes and play in the puddles as my siblings and I did as children. Remember how warm that summer rain collection could be? Not only did we walk and run through it but we also rode our bicycles through it and the water would spray up onto our feet and legs. What fun it was! A fond memory that my youngest two daughters remind each other of often is when their mother stopped at a flooded church parking lot after they had been retrieved from school and let them play to their heart's content in that warm "out of place" water.

Another child like thing I would love to have the freedom to do in daylight is to run a shopping cart in front of me and jump onto the back of it for a free run through the parking lot. I know I'm supposed to be much too dignified to do such a thing but I probably would embarrass some if they were witness to my cart riding in Miejers parking lot after dark. Becoming "of age" has its drawbacks. There are certain things, one is not supposed to take part in after that undetermined age has been reached. What a pity!

Perhaps it isn't undignified to want to experience the innocence and delight of being children. We should always have the heart of a child in our relationship with God. He tells us that in order to enter His Kingdom we need to humble ourselves as a child. Mathew 18.

I know that it is pride that keeps me from carrying out some child like actions. I worry about how "other" people will look at me. I think Jesus knew about all that pride in me. He told me and he tells you that in order to experience the best thrills and enjoyment in our life with Him, we need to humbles ourselves as little children. Children aren't too proud to sing "Jesus Loves Me" at the top of their little voices in the middle of Meijers or any other place. I'm not sure I can justify taking shopping cart rides or running through puddles at age 65, but I can justify humbling myself as a child when it comes to paricipating in the things of God. Join me in the journey with Him that gives us thrill after thrill. Be brave. Take a chance to share the Word. Trust Him like a child trusts his parents. Enjoy the experience. He's got you in His hand. Let His hold on you thrill you the way a cart ride thrills me. He is our life and He loves to see us riding on His wings with glee.

Friday, August 24, 2007

His Mercies New Every Morning

We were kept safe in the Father's arms once more during the night while it stormed and stormed. Ken and I slept in our bed but Isaiah was safe in the lower level family room on the sofa. His mom's room is in the lower level so she has a safe bed all the time.

The land has not seen so much lightning and we have not heard so much thunder in a very long time. It seems we can't find the end of it. I woke with a startle at 5:30 this morning when the thunder clapped loud enough to wake the dead. I know there were tornado warnings and flash flood warnings all around the area so now when light has come, one wonders if there has been damage nearby. One thing is sure, all of nature is clean, clean, clean.

Yesterday was a day of family reunion. Because of the triple relationship involved between Jim's and Hope's family and mine, I was kept busy greeting and visiting with people I hadn't seen for years. It was so good to see my Recker cousins from Michigan again. Four of the six sons of that family attended the funeral. Then there were distant cousins I was very close to as a child from the Bierma family that also attended. I hadn't anticipated all that reuniting and was delighted to see those I rarely see. Then, of course, there were all the Terpstras. They, too, are cousins once or twice removed. The day was a busy one.

The memorial service was just what I expected, celebration of Jim's life and God's workings in and through him. Three of his five children eulogized him. It was heart warming to hear of their love for their father and their testimony that Jim had prepared them for this day. Jim had had a spiritual awakening in the last couple of years. Prior to that, he was a believer and knew he would spend eternity in heaven but didn't have the joy of walking close to Jesus in a personal relationship on a daily basis. It is wonderful that his family has the assurance that he became closer and closer to his Savior even before his fatal accident.

Today is Friday. Where has the week gone? I'm not sure I have accomplished anymore retired as I did while I was working. When I expressed that to my daughter, Kendra, she said, "Well, Mom, it's because you have a life". I guess that could explain it. I do know that in the next week I must get to doing some of what needs doing here in a physical sense. It's time to get underneath things and CLEAN.

This morning, I am invited for brunch to my long time friend Norma's home. Norma and I attended school together throughout elementary and high school. She and I were best buds, shared our hearts and our dreams together. As young wives and moms we spent nearly every day together talking, playing cards (in the winter), canning, cleaning. Our children have fond memories of the six Vander Molen kids and the hours they shared as little ones. As time went on, our family left the church we attended together and though we continued to live in the same area, we didn't see each other all that often anymore. However, when we do, we pick up where we left off and carry on our relationship. She is a wonderful woman of God. I love sharing with her and hearing what God is doing in her life. Joining us this morning will be a mutual friend, Penny. She and her husband are missionaries overseas and are home on furlough. Penny loves tea and scones so my scones are ready to go into the oven. I shall bring them hot along with a bowl of Devonshire cream to make them all the more irristible. I look forward to a rich morning of sharing, remembering and praying together.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

And The Covenant Goes On

What a relief to see the familiarity of my blog this morning. Each time I tried to access it yesterday it told me it was unavailable. Who can make sense of a computer? I am amazed at the human intelligence it takes to keep all this running smoothly. I think I'll just be grateful all is well again.

The heat was so oppressive yesterday. It felt much warmer than the temperature registered. As my grandaughter Alex said, "You can swim through this stuff". Tis true, the humidity had to be way up there.

A friend called in the morning and invited me to lunch at her home. She had experimented with some creamed onion soup and graciously invited me to partake with her. It was just the two of us and along with a nice salad and her hospitality, the lunch was fulfilling and enjoyable. BTW, the soup was very good. Cindy likes to make soup. I'm glad she does because it certainly isn't one of my favorite creations. It doesn't help for me that my husband thinks soup is a precurser to the meal so if I make soup, I have to make an entree beside so what is the point? At any rate, the onion soup was a treat.

From Cindy's, I came home to encourage Ken that we should attend my cousin's wake early so to avoid a large crowd. He had golfed all morning and was apparantly feeling very warm. He had just showered and was all dressed. He asked if he could go to the funeral home in his shorts. I told him I didn't think so. He grumbled a bit and I went on my merry way getting ready to go. When we were ready to go out the door, he was still donning his shorts. But, tennis shoes and ankle socks to a wake????? I didn't think so. I commented that I didn't think I wanted to go with him dressed like that. He was not too pleased and began to change clothes with irritated vigor. I told him he should probably act disgusted. He said he was disgusted. As I recall the scene, I can just have a good belly laugh. He finally was dressed with dignity and off we went. I shared this story with my daughter and grandaughter and they got quite a chuckle out of it because knowing the two of us, they could just envision the scene. It is pretty funny in retrospect. Marriage is a hoot, isn't it?

After attending the wake, I accompanied Lauri and Alex to the bone specialist. Alex broke her ankle way back in May and this was the final followup. We learned all is well but were frustrated at having been kept waiting about an hour and fifteen minutes for the doctor. When we got out of there, it was girl party time. We hit a few stores and then went out for a light dinner at Red Robin's. After that Lauri still needed groceries so we went to Walmart. All the while, the clock continued to run and it was getting late. I checked in with Ken a couple of times and he was fine with the absence of wife. I reminded the girls that Grandpa could be a geek about the clothes he wears, but it isn't every husband who is just fine with a wife that unexpectedly doesn't get home until 9:30 at night. They couldn't have agreed more. Isn't marriage a hoot?? I count my blessings.

So, today we lay to rest Jim Terpstra. It occured to me on the way to the wake yesterday that his wife is my first cousin and second cousin. I don't know how easy this will be to follow but her mother and my dad are brother and sister AND her father and my mother were first cousins. As I explored the relationship deeper, it amazed me that not only is Hope my cousin twice but Jim was my second cousin. Weird. His father and my father were first cousins. I wonder how often it happens that one is triple relation to a couple? That all makes Jim and Hope cousins, however, Jim was adopted as a little boy so there were no biological ties there.

The wake was a mixture of joy and sorrow as wakes usually are. I think there was much more joy than sorrow there yesterday. Everyone knows where Jim is. There is no doubt of his deep faith in Christ and his desire to bring help others. Having gone on a dozen or more mission trips, there were displays of pictures of those trips and the work he did there. Even at the early time of the wake, there were many people comforting the family and reminiscing with them. The family are surely held in the hand of a comforting God and also the hand of the family of God. Hope and each of her children were wearing a shirt that belonged to Jim. That was a touch I hadn't seen before. One of the sons said they all raided Dad's closet in the morning to chose their shirt.

I'm sure the funeral will be a celebration of Jim's life and a praise to the God who created him. Jim's mother told Ken and me that Jim was five when she and her husband adopted him. Since we have adopted children at older ages as well, it was a big comfort to me that this adopted child had taken hold of the truths of the faith that his family held dear. Praise to God for His amazing grace. And the covenant goes on....

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

More Potpourri

We received exciting news on Sunday morning. Our daughter, Jennifer, called to tell us she received a diamond ring from Kip Alexander. She and Kip have been dating for some time and have now decided to make it official. We couldn't be happier for her. She has been under extra stress with her job for sometime since the housing market has cooled. So this happiness comes at the right time. She told us that Kip is requiring a dowry. His requirement is a goat, a cow and a bushel of apples. Kendra looked through her nephew Ethan's toy animals and has found a small cow and a small goat. We are two thirds of the way to fulfilling the demands. I will look for a miniature bushel of apples today in a craft store in Merrillville. We plan to ship these items to Kip promptly so that we can seal the deal. Obviously, this is all for fun, and we all enjoy the game. Kip has joined in our family celebrations several times so we all feel like we know him well and can easily welcome him into our family. Plans for the wedding? I think they will elope and celebrate afterward with two parties; one in the east for his family and one somewhere in this area. We agree with their tentive plans. Jennifer is the same age as her sister Lauri, who celebrated her 40th on Sunday. Now that was a safe way of telling you Jennifer's age because she wouldn't like it if I did. Being an adult, she can make all the wedding plans herself and I can be a guest.

Today, a friend from church and I will go to Merrillville to get some supplies for tickets for our women's retreat which is in February. I worked on the brochure during the night on Sunday night when I couldn't sleep. It was perfect time to do that as I got no interruptions at all. It feels really good to have that behind me. The seven members of the retreat team will meet Monday night and resume our work after our summer break. The retreat is a highlight of my year in church life. It is so amazing what one day will do in the hearts of women. Just a week ago, a lady new to our church stopped me and asked for the words to a song that was sung at the retreat this past February. She said she is still moved by the music she heard and sang that day. For me, that is confirmation that God does visit us in a real way on that day. We have seen God work in mysterious and wonderful ways as we prepare for those special days. Our prayer is that His Spirit hovers over each person that attends. I can just imagine the walls of the church being covered with angels keeping out the attack that Satan throws at these dear ladies every day. On that day, we just enjoy Him and soak in all that He gives us.

We visited my cousin last evening. It was difficult to go to this grieving family, but once we rang the door bell, my cousin, Hope warmly welcomed us in. To go to a house of mourning is not a pleasant thing. One of Hope's little grandsons, a fourth grader, told a great uncle, "I'm going to play Amazing Grace on my guitar for Grandpa's funeral". It was just so precious to watch the expression on his cute little face outlined with blonde hair. I know my cousins family is solid in the faith and praise God that I can have the comfort that He will meet all their needs. My cousin's hopeful words were, "I have a new future now". I thought it took great grace to say those words. Her husband was only 56 years old.

Monday, August 20, 2007


I had to go through Netnitco to get my internet service back. We had a severe thunderstorm during the night that messed up our connection. I get an isolated feeling when my internet service is not up. Crazy but true.

This morning my local grandchildren went to their first half day of school. There was an opening chapel and I told the kids I'd be there. Faithful grandmother, you know. I looked at the clock in the kitchen (which was blinking) and it said the time was 8:08. That meant I had 22 minutes to get to the school on time. When I started the car, the clock gave me the unfortunate news that I was LATE. It was already half over. What to do? I decided I had to at least make an appearance so by the time I got there was about ten minutes left. At least my late appearance would be noticed by my kids so they will know that I was there, albiet late. I'm generally a prompt person so this morning's experience was out of character for me.

Today, I called the high school where I worked until this new found retirement and spoke with my former colleague. We worked in the same room together for six years. I wondered how she was doing without me and learned that someone was hired for my vacated spot, that she is doing fine, and all is well. I suppose there was the tiny twinge of sadness. How can someone take my spot so quickly and be doing so well? I had prethought this whole thing way back in June and knew I was not indispensible to the school or to any of the students. School life goes on even when the faculty changes. Even though I'd like to visit sometime, I am happy not to have to go each day. I know I will find my niche in other things as the Lord brings opportunities my way.

Isaiah came home from school with a new excitement. He wasn't so eager to go this morning, but he met his new male teacher and he says, "Mr. Brinks is cool". That is good news. A male teacher is going to be very good for my grandson who has no biological father. His grandpa is his male role model but it will be good for someone younger to be influential in his life. I am very pleased and thankful.
and crashed.
My cousin's husband was killed on Saturday when the heliocopter he built himself malfunctioned and crashed. Jim was in his late fifties and was into all things fast and fun. He loved his motorcycle......ultralights.......and his latest, the heliocopter. Jim was a pretty intelligent fellow and seemed to be able to fiqure things out that would be a challenge for most. I know that he died doing what he loved but it leaves a huge vacuum in their close knit family. My heart bleeds for my cousin, Hope and her children. This will change life dramatically for all of them. I'm also saddened for Hope's mother and dad and Jim's mother. All of them are older and now experience the loss of an adult child.
The phone just rang. It was our dear friend, Leroy, whom we visited with a couple of weeks ago in Flint Michigan. I recall feeling such an urgency to visiting with Leroy and Wilma. Her health has been failing and my spirit said, it is time to see her once again. Leroy's call was not good news. Wilma had a stroke on Saturday and is hospitalized with additional health problems as well. At this point she isn't able to speak. She knows what she wants to say but can't make her tongue express it. I cannot imagine how frustrating that will be for her. Again my heart bleeds. At the end of our rather long converstation, Leroy began to break down a bit and said through shaking voice, "The Lord has laid it upon my heart that I can preach her funeral service when the time comes". I place them both in the loving hands of a God who doesn't like to see His children suffer and never intended them to have to endure these things.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

One Last Day of Celebration

Today we had a 40th birthday dinner for Lauri. The menu was planned for Lauri and regretfully not her husband. We had broiled tilapia, potato casserole( made by grandaughter, Alex), creamed brussel sprouts, fruit and tomato cheese bread. Poor Elton didn't like the fish or the sprouts. I guess it just wasn't his birthday. His daughter, Mackenna, going into fourth grade, ate close to a dozen sprouts. She says she loves them. Brussel sprouts have always been a favorite vegetable of our older children. The younger aren't so excited about them.

This afternoon we attended my niece's shower. She received a truck load of beautiful gifts. My question is where they are going to store the loot. I commented that the niece and her husband may have to move out and let the "baby things" move in. It isn't any wonder one sees so many baby items at garage sales. The number of baby necessities young moms need these days far surpasses anything I experienced as a mom. My great niece will have a wardrobe fit for a princess and enough baby items to make all her moments pleasant. I just have to chuckle a bit...I guess that reveals my age, uh?

In order to get a birthday dinner sandwiched between church and a one o'clock shower meant that we had to attend church at Lauri's church which begins an hour earlier than ours. As it was, I had to work fast to get it all together. Ken came along side me in effort and together we managed to get it all on the table shortly after noon.

I'm ready for a rest. Hopefully, tonight and tomorrow will be low key and opportunity to rest and rejuvinate.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Celebration Complete and Fulfilling

I hardly remember where I left off.....Oh yes, we were leaving for Shipshewana. We are home once again........well, we aren't home yet, we came directly to our daughter, Lauri's. Tomorrow is her 40th birthday....since we are busy tomorrow with our niece's baby shower, we came to celebrate tonight. I bought two wonderful looking pies from Das Esenhaus in lieu of a birthday cake. I called Lauri for her choice and bought both the raspberry creme and strawberry she suggested. They are cooling in the refrigerator now and both Ken and I are salivating as we have seen them. Actually, my friend Cindy introduced me to the raspberry creme and it is delightful. It kind of reminds of the Turkish Delight with which the White Witch in the Chronicles of Narnia wooed Edmund into trouble. After weighing in at the doctor on
Thursday, I feel like eating a piece of pie would be as detrimental as the Turkish Delight was to Edmund. Oh well, Lauri's fortieth only comes once a lifetime. The pie will serve as my dinner tonight. It's so easy to be lead into temptation.......

We celebrated our 45th anniversary in real style. We enjoyed the wonderful concert by Dino last evening. His piano talents truly are inspired with his faith in God and his entertaining gifts are unusually delightful. We spent the night in a spacious and super neat bed and breakfast. There was another couple approximately our age that were staying there as well. We didn't meet them until they returned from the same concert we attended. Our new friends and we sat up until after midnight sharing our lives. We found them to be people of faith and easy to share heart with. They are from Celina, Ohio, are parents of four grown sons and eight grandchildren. We concluded our bed and breakfast stay by sharing our breakfast together. We stayed until we had to be out at ten o'clock. Before we parted, it was decided to meet at the same place on the same days next year. The reconnection is planned. As we stood at the car, each of us commented on the common things we have experienced. Margie said our meeting was a "God thing". Nothing is so fulfilling to me than building relationship.

We also had opportunity to reconnect with two sets of friends that live in the area. One of those couples we met on a trip to Korea over twenty five years ago and we have kept in contact all these years. We count them as good and true friends. Another couple are our Amish friends. When we arrived at their home, the parents were not home but two of their adult daughters were. We visited with them for awhile and then left promising we would return when their parents returned home. We did return around one o'clock and spent an hour or more visiting. They are such interesting and pleasant folk. Today, we talked about the high cost of feeding their horses and what it cost to replace the daughter's horse after the last one died. It was really cute as she explained that she just loved her horse and how perfectly he met her transportation needs. Harley told us he and his son put 35 miles on their bikes last Saturday which ended in their handle bars got tangled and he got thrown out onto the highway. His elbow is very badly bruised but seems to be healing. Their lives are so different in one way and so similar in other ways. When Mary was explaining her excitement over her new horse, I could just hear one of my kids say the same things about their new car. All is relative.....(a phrase I learned in German class at Trinity Christian College and have understood more fully as time goes on).

Friday, August 17, 2007

Forty Five Years Ago Today

Forty five years ago today, I was a young bride, scared to death. I didn't have the kind of confidence I have today and I worried about all the details going well. My mother was a detail person and wanted everything just so, also. The church hall where the reception was to be held was not air conditioned. Mom was concerned that it would be uncomfortably hot for our guests so she ran all over northern Indiana looking for air conditioning units she could make work in the church windows. Nothing was found so we were forced to rely on God for the temperatures. As it turned out, the day was cool and the night even cooler. There was not a hint of need for conditioned air. Isn't that the way with most of the things we get hot and bothered over. I've heard it said that 90% of things we worry over, never happen. Praise God for that.

We rarely do really special things on our anniversaries but my husband must feel that this one is special. We are going to Shipshewana, Indiana. It is a favorite place of mine and I've been there three times already this summer. Instead of shopping this time, we are going for a concert. This concert is held in the famous Blue Gate, restaurant, theatre, and store. The guest artist is Dino. Dino is a fantastic pianist and uses his gift to praise God with playing songs that glorify Him. I have seen him on television often and know that he has a show in Branson so when I saw he was going to be at the Blue Gate today, I told Ken that I would be thrilled if we could go to hear and see him. We haven't made any overnight accomodations but Ken said last night that we should do that. We will see what we can find. Surely some motel, hotel or bed and breakfast will have an opening. If not, it is only two and a half hours to our own bed.

God has been so good to us. When I look back over forty five years, I have to take a deep breath. I have spent more times than I care to admit worrying over things in our lives; big things like money and health. They say hindsight is 20/20 and for me, seeing God's faithfulness makes all the truths I know of Him clear. With his help we have reared a large family, all of whom love God, love each other and love us. Can't get any better than that. We are more wealthy than most billionaires. Unity of spirit is worth far more than money can buy.

So, today, Ken and I praise God for our life together. It has been challenging and we have often struggled, but when we look at the result, we couldn't be happier or more thankful. We still fuss at each other now and then but neither of us would trade each other in. Goodness, I wouldn't want to start training another one. :) My husband has always been faithful to me and I to him. Divorce has never been mentioned or considered. Love is a result achieved only through committment and hard work.When we went into this contract, we both knew it would be forever. God's grace has made that possible.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Joy of Creation and The Sorrow of Evil

The day in Chicago yesterday was filled with all that it is.....skyline.....lake....shops......restaurants...........people........people........people. And of course, the zoo. The boat ride along the lake front was narrated with history and information. I love information....I wish only that I could retain more of it.

The zoo was enjoyable under cloudy skies and moderate temperatures. During the eating of our picnic lunch, we were sprinkled with rain but not enough to dampen our clothes or our spirits. We ate lunch near a large group of people sitting at picnic tables lined in a row. I believe their mother tongue was Spanish......perhaps something else. They were playing bingo when we arrived at about 11:30 and were still playing bingo when we left at 3:15. My thought was that there was probably something more I could fill my time with than playing bingo at the zoo for four hours. To each his or her own.

I was amazed once again at the variety of animals that exist. There were a few I had not seen before. The titan was one. I am sure that was the name the zoo sign indicated but I haven't been able to find it on the internet. Perhaps they haven't heard of it either. It was a rather large mule like animal with a very differently shaped head. Another unknown to me was an African wild dog. It has long ears and is tri-colored in yellow, black and white. It was evident the dog ran in packs as the pack at the zoo ran from one end of their area to another as a group and not alone. The reptile house displayed many animals unfamiliar to me. Some of them quite creepy. I was again struck by the beauty of some of the larger animals....the zebra and its beautiful coat.....the long necked giraffe with its dignity.....the mystery of the apes and gorillas. I wonder if all who believe the story of creation in Genesis are as awed as I when I look at the variety, size, shape, and texture of each animal. As I said a few days ago, God worked very hard in His creating. He is an awesome God with uncomprehendable imagination and power. To think He did it all for His pleasure and ours is a joyful thought. I truly enjoyed the zoo yesterday with my family and the family of God from our church. It was a nice way to sum up the funfilled activity of summer with some of my grandchildren.

Some of our friends have invited my husband and me to the Cubs game today. Ken is an avid Cubs fan regardless of their standings in the league. We always enjoy a day at Wrigley field. It brings back memories of our attending as kids and then later of taking our own kids. In those days, one didn't need a prepurchased ticket. We could decide in the morning that it was a good day for a ballgame, drive to Chicago and walk up to the gate for a ticket. Those were good days. We would take a picnic lunch and eat it at our seat. That privilege has died as our nation got more and more careful about security. Not all progress is pleasurable, but some of it necessary because of the evil of mankind.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

No Turning Back

The invitations are made. The family reunion effort is off the drawing boards and into actiion. I spoke with one of my cousins yesterday. The clouded relationship I perceived is reality. There are still struggles in one family after all these years. My heart hurts when I hear of siblings that don't get along. After speaking with her, I had twinges of regret. Have I opened a rat's nest? I am not used to family upset. As I said earlier, my father's side of the family has always been a haven of love and acceptance. Not each one saw eye to eye with the other but it didn't come between a relationship. In my family of husband and children, we work hard at not holding grudges. It takes repentance and forgiveness for any relationship to succeed. If these two elements aren't practiced, true relationship cannot exist.

Regardless of the outcome, I have already begun the journey. I am going to trust the Lord will bring connection and renewal to family relationships through a time of togetherness.

In a half hour, Lauri and her four children and Isaiah and I will leave on a coach bus for a day in Chicago. Our church is sponsoring a trip to Navy Pier and Lincoln Park Zoo. One last outing for the kids before school begins again. I'm looking forward to this trip into the city in which I don't have to drive and buck the traffic. Chicago is a great place to visit but I'll take De Motte any day for a place to live. My daughter, Jennifer, wouldn't agree with me on that point.

I don't know if my readers have noticed but the scripture verse of the day is automatic now. Bible Gateway puts the verse of the day in and also gives opportunity to listen to the entire chapter that the verse comes from. Just click on the little sound icon and listen to God's Word. Let it refresh you. I loved finding verses to illustrate the point of the day's blog but decided this was a better way to feed me and the reader also. Another new feature is the NeoEarth that shows where my readers are from. I find that so very interesting. The internet is an amazing tool that I enjoy using very much.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Family Reunion?

Taking a deep breath. And a great time was had by all.......Sherri and Don and their children were delivered to Midway late afternoon on yesterday for their trip home to Phoenix. My husband had a doctor's appointment so I was the designated chaufeur. I enjoyed the face to face conversations that were to end at delivery. My son-in-law asked if now that we are retired if they would see us more often. I told him that plan had been set in my mind for years. We have been cheated of spending life's moments with that family because of distance so with God's blessing and will we hope to travel there more often and stay a bit longer. They say company and fish begin to stink after three days. We will have to devise a way that we won't be in their space on a continuing basis. We will figure it out in time.

I'm on to a new project. At least I hope I can pull this together. My father's family is very close and has gotten together often over the years. My mother's family has not been so cohesive. My mother and her two brothers died quite young and the family hasn't gotten together for many years. Even when they were alive there seemed to be some cloud in the area of relationship. I don't know if I was the only one to feel that and it was my problem or if that was reality. I have been thinking of having an informal cousins reunion for that side of my family. Now people who know me would think that would be a piece of cake for me. However, it will take a great deal of courage. Since the family has not been very close, thoughts run through my mind like, "I wonder if anyone would come". Then another thought rises up, "Who cares, at least you will have tried." I don't have anything to lose and everything to gain so I'm going to encourage myself to carry on. I'm considering where to start. My invitation is typed excluding the date. How does one pick a date??? I think I will call one cousin from each of the two greater families and make sure the date I pick isn't already filled with a family wedding or some other affair.

During the night this new thought of mind has been running through my head. At first it seemed like it would be an easy effort. Then I thought of all the cleaning I would want to do first. After those thoughts, I wondered if we would be able to get the house painted first. I know. Ridiculous. Yes, the house needs painting and our painter son says he will get to it this year yet. Yes, there are dirty corners in my house, but not so bad as that it would be a big effort. I can do this......can't I?

Yes, I want to see my cousins this side of heaven. It looks as if it will have to take someone to make the effort. Why not me? Each spring I like to honor my grandparents by visiting their graves. I think honoring them by bringing their grandchildren together would be greater respect. I can just see their faces glow with joy. Yes, Lord, I can do this....with your help.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Let the Fun Begin

Monday morning........the plan today is for our eldest daughter's family to visit my dad and Mary for coffee time this morning. They will need transportation so I'll tag along. Following that will be a visit to our son-in-law's relatives. Mid afternoon will find us making one more trip to Midway airport. The time in the car will be sweet as we will get one last opportunity for visiting with this precious and loved family. Then the dreaded time of seperation will come. Many years ago, my daughter and I couldn't experience one of those times without tears. However, with more opportunity to travel both for her family and for us, we generally know that we will see them "soon", even if that "soon" is six months or more. I don't think God intended family members to live so far apart. Tongue in check.

Our youngest daughter and husband will also leave for their home today. They live about two hours from us and come "home" often so the parting is not as much sorrow. As a matter of fact, they will be returning next weekend for Kendra's cousin's baby shower.

After today, life will return to routine. Our lives are never boring. I once heard it said, "If one finds him or herself bored, it is not a state of reality but of the mind". I so heartily agree. If I find myself feeling unmotived or blah, I quickly decide to change my focus and look for something to be productive. I have a perpetual list of priorities that lay under the surface so that when the time comes available, I can roll my priorty list in my head and select something on the list. On the other hand, I am not a person that cannot sit for a rest or do something just for the fun-of-it. I'm convinced that God intended that we enjoy our lives. I don't think He stands by with a stick waiting to smack us if we quit working. I know people who seem to think that is the way God is. It is difficult for them to use time for things that are pure entertainment. They feel they are wasting "time". It is the entertaining moments in which I find refreshement that make the moments I find sheer toil bearable. I try to never be too busy for time with people. It doesn't matter how much work I have to do..........people come first. Someone may call with a request to go shopping, meet for lunch, go to the beach or anywhere else. If I'm up to my eye balls in preoccupation but I feel my interaction with them will benefit one of us, then it is time to put down what I'm doing and join the fun. I don't regularly golf or play cards or or or .....even though there isn't a thing wrong in that practice. But I do leave home for activities with friends and family without much qualm. I've come to believe God would have me cherish the moments, AND I DO!

Today, I will enjoy one more day of pure pleasure. Tomorrow I will begin my catch-up. There will be sheets to wash and a house to clean. Until then, let the fun begin.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Day of Rest

This morning I washed and dried three loads of beach towels. That is a whole bunch of beach towels. Yesterday morning we all went to the parade in town. It is always nice to see town's people that one has known for years. Our town parade route is at least a mile long and people are lined up throughout. We sat across from the bank on the property where we raised most of our children. There were twenty seven of us. We took up quite a bit of space. The kids had great fun picking up or catching the candy thrown to them from floats. Our youngest, Kendra, is still a child at heart and stood out with the kids luring the candy throwers to "Throw it this way!" She collected some the kids didn't see and then passed them out to the highest bidder in our adult crowd. Eventually she brought some to the lawyer friend of ours whose office is now our old house. He and his wife teased her and said they noticed she had no shame. Needless to say, the kids in our clan came home with candy bags full.

After the morning in town, we came home and grilled pork chops and hamburgers for everyone. Then all piled in a van or SUV and off to the lake we went. We were surprised at the crowd when we arrived and learned there was a demonstration by world famous wade boarders. I thought it was hysterical when our son Jay said, "Oh there is so and so from Orlando". He is a boarder that Jay has seen on television and in the magazines. Later in the day, Jay got his picture taken with him. We set up our camp right next to where the boarders were gathered. That was not intentional but fun. All in all, the adults and kids were entertained by the stunts those guys did in the air over the water. In addition our son in law, Elton, added to the day's fun with all the things his boat lended to. The day was a great success.

John and Kim and their five children left for home from the lake. John has to preach today so they needed to return home to get organized for their usual type of Sunday. This morning the alarm went off at five o'clock. It was time to get Jay and Austin in the car headed for Midway Airport to return back to their home in West Palm Beach, Florida. Ken drove them and had returned before nine. Now it's time to go to church. A few of our crowd have already gone but we will still fill a pew today.

Aren't you glad our Lord designed our week with a day of rest included? I just read the story yesterday of how He himself rested after creating the earth and its inhabitants. I'll bet He needed a rest after all that work. I'm grateful for today. We will be busy but there is still a rest in going to church and feeding on the Word and fellowship. Have a blessed day of rest.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Give and You Shall Receive

And His mercies are new every morning. Yes, His strength is new this morning, too. I'm thinking mainly of my daughter Lauri who has gotten the brunt of the responsibility this week with our family home. I have ten in my household but she has more and many of them are little kids. Her home is more conducive for kids because there are kids that live there. Beside that, she has a lovely big home and a big yard. I feel badly, though, when I see her strength wear thin. I know what its like........I did it for years and years. However, she would be the first to say that we are having the time of our lives. She commented yesterday after we took the kids to a movie just to have an hour and a half of quiet, that though we complain about the noise they make, it is a delightful experience to watch those little cousins interact.

I don't recall laughing so much recently as I have the last few days. The way the adult kids banter between them and poke fun at each other (all in love of course) is entertaining. My dad and his wife have been with us several hours this week. Last night my dad just sat and grinned from ear to ear as he watched the adult kids mess around. There happened to be on the table a magnet in plastic with many magnetic screws. One could fashion a creation on the plastic base. A contest developed over the course of the day and by the time our eldest son, John, arrived, the heat was on. Pictures had been taken of earlier creations and he took on the challenge of trying to create something bigger and better. He completed his statue and then something occurred that threw all the magnetism off and the thing collapsed. The entertainment was priceless. I'm not sure the contest is over. I think new mercy will be had in that area, too, this morning. I should think of some neat prize to award the winner.

Having Jay around, our computer gurue, is a big help in the tech department. He put all the pictures from our Bear's camp trip on a slide show with music in the background. Too cute. I asked him if he would put that link on my blog so maybe we will get lucky today. One has to stand in line as Jay grants tech wishes to family members. Poor guy.......

Yesterday, a couple of my daughters presented me with a Joyce Meyer study Bible, a gift for my birthday. I opened it this morning and thought I would begin at the very beginning, a very good place to start. Genesis 1 is such an interesting commentary of the beginning of the world. It struck me how God tells us that with each living thing He created, He put within that thing the ability to recreate. He talks of making flowers and trees with fruit, all having their own seed within them. It made me think of how we have within us the seed of Jesus Christ. As humans, we not only can recreate another human, but we can use the seed of the presence of Jesus within us to create good in all our activity. Jesus tells the story in the gospels of the sower, one who plants his seed in good soil and reaps a good harvest and those that plant their seed in bad soil and reap no harvest or worse. When I look at my family, I am grateful that in God's grace I was born into a family that had taken this seed planting and harvesting principal very seriously. This principal was taught to us very early in life. What one sows, one will reap. Now we all know that life isn't always predictible but we also now that on the law of averages, that principal is strong.
When we give love, we get love. When we give time, we get time. When we give money, we get money. When we give effort, we receive results. It is a principal of life. I trust Ken and I have taught that to our children and I pray our grandchildren are learning the ways of life taught from that vantage point. All of this hangs on God's grace to us all. After all, it is His prinicpal.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Bear's Training Camp

Our plan was to attend the Bear's Training Camp today. There was a scheduled practice on their internet website for today. We have talked this trip up to our little kids for days and all these Bear fans were hyped. Yesterday afternoon, Lauri checked the schedule one more time only to find they had cancelled today's practice. Fortunately, if we acted fast we could save the day because they had a practice last night at seven. We hurried and scurried to ready gazillion sandwiches and get all the troops ready to leave. We made the practice on time but learned we should have arrived earlier because there were so many activities for kids that we didn't get time for them to do. We also relearned something we have learned before which is that it is very difficult to keep track of family children at a thing where there are so many people. This was our first visit to the Bear's camp and I thought we may be out there with twenty or at the most fifty people. Was I in for a shock. There were probably a few thousand people there to watch some guys in blue and orange uniforms run across a field. I commented to my son that I wasn't impressed with the work they did in their practice. He had to agree that it was a movement practice rather than a contact practice. All in all, the weather was perfect ( a bit humid but then it's August). We enjoyed the sunset and felt the cool breeze on our damp skin. The kids all had a great time playing with each other and enjoying some of the things the camp provides to "condidion" kids for football. Our adult kids were glued to the fence taking pics of this and that player and of course, Lovey Smith. To be honest, he was the only one I could pick out. I'm not a football fan but I must be in the wrong family because the rest are wild about football.

I am always amazed at how much work it is to get this large group somewhere and also a challenge to feed them all. I think everyone's appetite is greater when they are together. Lauri and I thought we had made enough sandwiches for our army for our picnic at the Bear's camp but when the sandwiches were gone, some where still looking for more. Both of us looked at each other in shocked unbelief. How could we run out of sandwiches? Today, I ready. I have three cassoroles ready for the oven, a crock pot of meat balls, two jello salads, a green salad, and a big bowl of chocolate pudding. We're going to eat that for a late lunch since everyone ate breakfast late. I'm hoping it fills everyone's stomach. Lauri and I talked this morning and decided to order pizza for tonight, have pork chops to eat after our town's festival parade tomorrow. Sunday's menu is broiled tilapia and shrimp kabobs. Anyone hungry? You are welcome to join us, the more the merrier.

In between the activity I slipped away for a funeral this morning. The woman was only 48 years old and was a single gal. I have known her family for my entire life and felt I needed to make my concern known. As I sat there and looked around at the crowd, it occured to me that the guy across the aisle, approximately six or seven years older than me, had aged. He had hearing aids in his ears. Sometimes those things shock me. Everyone gets old but me, right? I looked at a lady who had been my Sunday School teacher when I was a young girl. I remember thinking then that she must not have known much about families cause she only had one son. I have to laugh at myself. Where did I get such an idea? She knew plenty about the hearts of young girls though. I remember her being a stern teacher but when she gave each of us padded perfumed patterned clothes hangers for Christmas she won my heart forever. I won't forget the thrill of getting such a grown up gift. Even today I can feel the excitement of opening that box.

I'm sitting in this house all alone. Ken has gone to a business appointment and everyone else went to visit at Lauri's house. The silence is deafening. I must get over there too so I don't miss out on any of the fun. I will take along all my food. Good thing we got a van, uh?

There isn't much spiritual truth to hang your hat on in this blog today. That would indicate my business at the moment. What do they say? You can't give what you don't receive? I'm reminded that young moms have so little time for quiet times with the Lord. I feel that one more time this week. God knows and He is as close as ever. Tomorrow is another day in Him.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

My Quiver is Full of Them

Wow.......what a night. When we arrived at Midway and walked in the door, Ken's phone rang. It was Whitney (our almost nineteen year old granddaughter). She was calling from the airport in Phoenix to say their flight had been delayed for a half hour. A half hour is no big deal in daylight but at 11 at night, a half hour is significant. It was around 7:30 and Jay and Austin were to land at 7:40. They were right on time. We scarfed up their luggage and beat it out of the freezing cold airport. We found a Friday's and took squatter's rights for a couple of hours. We had a great time looking over Jay's new iphone and checking out all his pictures. Technology is awesome. People who say one shouldn't be on the internet because there is so much pornography on it are people who should also have the philosophy that one shouldn't read books because some of them may have pornography in them. That is a ridiculous philosophy. I find the internet the most amazing source of GOOD information. I love it.

Sherri, Don, Whitney and Aidan arrived a bit after 11:30 p.m. For an early riser like me, that is the middle of the night. We arrived home at 1:30 a.m. Ughhhh. This morning, my body felt it had been run over by a truck. I got up around 7:45. It wasn't long before the rest of my world was waking. We had a great breakfast........each one getting their own desire. I had to laugh at myself. I'm such a wuss. I just pretend I run a restaurant and offer a number of options. It's okay, I enjoy making the rest of my family happy.

Now those staying in my house have joined those staying at Lauri's and it is a big happy boisterous family. Several are playing with their phones or computers and some are watching an old fashioned television. What a hoot. The cousins are counting the precious days they will be together. Schyuler, (John and Kim's son) told Austin he was staying until Saturday and Austin commented, "Cool, we have two whole days together yet". Isn't it a blast for parents and grandparents to watch their kids and grandkids enjoy one another. This is what Ken and I worked toward for forty years now. I haven't lived up to the standard in Proverbs 31 but the Lord has been gracious anyway just as he did with the Israelites. Thank you Lord. What does Proverbs 31 one say? A woman is spiritually successful when her children rise up and bless her. I feel truly blessed. I absolutely love my kids and theirs. I guess most parents do, but I feel it so keenly today. I plan to relish in the moments.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Marathon Weekend Begins

Wednesday of departure. Going home and knowing we will have a lot on our plate for the next four or five days. It will be delicious but we will certainly be full by Monday. We will have several kids and grandkids home and will be busy doing this and that. It is always so good to see one's kids especially when seeing them doesn't occur very often. I don't know what we would do without the ones that live near us. Life would be so empty. But the times the others come home is special to all of us.

We will leave our dear friends here in Flint in a few minutes. It has been a good visit. I felt there was an urgency to seeing these friends once again. We trust them to the care of our heavenly Father. The Lord has been gracious to them in many ways, but one particular way is that their neighbors watch over them like hawks. Neighbor Ron mows their grass and fixes anything that breaks. Ron and Irene check on the the Jolly's each day a couple of times and care for their dog as if he were their own. What a comfort it is to those of us that love them that there is help for them only a few feet from their front door.

In a few hours when we get to Stevensville, we will get three of our grandkids whom live there. They will come home with us and with that our marathon weekend will begin. I'm looking forward to seeing our kids interact and seeing the grandchildren have fun with each other. Family is such a gift. Actually, family is the Lord's idea and so it has to be good. When it isn't good there is something broken. Our family isn 't exempt from breakage. We have had our share of hurts and disappointments and there are a few things we would change if we could. On the other hand, the blessings we enjoy through our family are countless. We thank God for each member.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

At The Jolly's

The sound in our ears is that of the pitter patter of rain on the alumminum car canopy outside the front door of our friend's home. As we sat out under that canopy, Ken said, "My dad would love this". Ken's dad loved to sit outdoors watching it rain. He died at the age of 65, just six months after my mother died. Our kids thought their lives were in chaos as they lost two grandparents in six months. They were still in grade school, so were quite young to experience the losses. I muse sometimes about how much Ken's father would have enjoyed our family. Ken was an only child so his parents weren't used to such a sizeable clan as ours. Grandpa got to see four of our eight kids and his buttons popped when he spoke of them. Ken and I discussed under the canopy that we wish his father could have lived to enjoy the pleasure of our kids and grandkids for a longer time. I'm not sure he could have survived the stress of many years of struggle but he certainly would have been pleased at this point. We are so blessed to have kids that we can be proud to have parented.

We slept well last night in the bed of our friends. The day is now ahead of us and we wonder how we will spend it. I suggested we seek out a Red Robin restaurant today. Wilma loves hamburgers and I think she would enjoy the experience. She seemed up to that. My heart just grieves when I see the suffering she is experiencing. She doesn't move without pain. I hear her sighing often and it is one of those sighs that says without words that she isn't less than comfortable. Poor soul. Her husband is indeed her helper and is so patient and kind with her. His care for her is a blessing to witness and a good example for us and anyone.

Wilma mentioned she was going to try to get in to see her chiropractor today. She suggested Ken and I doing our own thing for awhile or else I could take her and let the guys just hang out. I told her I thought it would be good if we would give Leroy a break. I am more than happy to take her and that would give the girls as well as the guys time alone.

One of the things we have come to expect each morning we are with the Jolly's is the sound of Leroy's voice in prayer. He sits at his computer and writes out his prayers even as he speaks them. I told Ken this morning that Leroy was praying for everything one could think of. Ken said, "And even things other people wouldn't think of". He is a dear man of God who takes prayer as a serious discipline. Any one on Leroy's prayer list has to be blessed.

Monday, August 6, 2007

It's All About "We"

I woke early today. Had to make hay while the sun was shining. We were to leave for Michigan around 9 o'clock. I had two beds to clean the sheets and remake and plenty of other stuff I hadn't done while Kendra was home. We spent most of the week playing. It is good to play once in awhile. I think I've done more than my share of playing this summer but then it seems every summer is spent doing many very enjoyable things.

Last night we had tornado warnings in our area. I think our kids were more concerned than we were. We got a couple of calls from kids far away who heard that neighboring counties were under a warning. One of our little Michigan grandaughters called. As soon as she answered I knew who it was because her little sister was yelling, "I want to talk". Anna wanted me to know there were warnings of bad storms in our area and she wanted us to be safe. Her dad spoke with me then and told me that on the way home from church last evening, Anna said, "We don't get to see Grandpa and Grandma much anymore." She is so right. Their family is super busy and so are we and so the two rarely meet. Fairly sad. But surprises are always nice and we had a surprise today. We hadn't thought about our trip to Flint would bring us within two miles of Anna and her family. We called about a half hour out and said we would be stopping for hugs and kisses on our way through. The little girls were standing with expectation in the picture window when we arrived. We spent about a half an hour with our son and four of his five children. Mommy was gone to a doctor's appointment. We had such a sweet few moments with them. We decided that we will pick up at least three of the kids on the way back on
Wednesday so they can spend more than the one day Dad and Mom can be in town. They plan to come on Saturday but this way the kids will get more time to play with the cousins they don't see often. Anna looked at our new to us van and asked, "Grandma, why did you get a van?" I answered that I thought it was probably to haul around our grandkids. She liked that idea.

We arrived at our friends around four o'clock. We were delighted to see precious people we had lived next door to around forty years ago. They are in their eighties now and Wilma suffers from a great deal of pain due to arthritis and back problems. It hurts to see her hurt. God send his grace to help her in her time of need. We enjoyed a meal in a nearby restaurant and then went home for cake and ice cream. Now we just enjoy the visit.

Life is all about relationship, isn't it? Today the relationship began with my relationship with my husband when we got up together and began to share the day. Then it was time to nurture relationship with my heavenly Father. Then we shared life with John and the kids and also our friends here. These are the relationships that will carry on through eternity. It is of prime importance to me.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Just Life (and Enjoying It)

It's been a VERY busy week. I feel like I'm going to have a moment to come up for air later today and then plunge into an even busier week. Kendra has been home this week and we have done many things. In addition to garage saleing and going out for lunch and dinner a few times, we bowled three games one morning. I felt the results of bowling exercise for several days. Actually, today is the first time I got out of my car without making sound effects. You know the kind, "ugh" "Ohhhhhhh" "OOoooooo". I was even talking to myself yesterday while we went to about 25 or 30 garage sales. After I heard my own noises, I'd say, "You have to stop that, it sounds so old". Today, I am a new woman, at least where the muscles affected by bowling are concerned.

(My biggest treasure attained yesterday is a William Roger's silver plate silverware, a 12 place setting. I picked it up for twenty dollars and spent an hour polishing it yesterday afternoon. It is a beautiful set and I enjoy just lifting the lid of the case and viewing the sparkles. Can't wait to use it when guests arrive)

The worship team I lead was on the schedule for today. It was children's ministry day so we sang songs children have sung over the years. It was great fun and by the sounds of the congregation singing, the people enjoyed it and lifted their voices in joyful praise. We sang "The Tree Song" which was written by the blind musician, Ken Medema. How a blind man can write the words to that song is beyond my understanding. The song draws a comparison of a healthy tall tree to a person with deep roots in God's Word and Way. I love the song. "I have roots growing down to the water, I have leaves growing up to the sunshine, and the fruit that I bear is a sign of the life in me. I am shade for the hot summer sundown; I am nest for the birds of the heaven, I'm becoming what the Lord of trees has meant me to be, a strong young tree." These chorus words have such deep meaning for the children's ministry of the church. We strive to teach kids how to grow roots and leaves and bear fruit in and for the kingdom of God. I believe we accomplished something significant toward that end today in our worship service. The focus was on kid's relationship with God and I think they felt His love today. Would that they could feel the love of Jesus in every service. Sometimes we adults think real church is for us. Jesus sets us straight on that in Matthew 19 where he rebukes the disciples for making kids feel that Jesus was too busy for them. Funny how quickly we forget the truths of those Bible stories. They were meant for deeper meanings than just a nice story.

We had eleven around our dinner table this noon. The menu included a beef roast, mashed potatoes, corn, watermelon, jello with mandarin oranges (family favorite), and sour creamed cucumbers (delicious). Lauri brought a big bowl of homemade tomato salsa and chips. Most everything was eaten up and we all enjoyed bantering around the table. Great moments in the life of a family.

Tomorrow we will go to Flint Michigan to visit a couple who are very dear to us. They were our neighbors in town when our second child and first son, John, was born. I remember walking over with my beautiful baby boy in a white sweater outfit bursting with pride. Over the few years we shared the same boundary line, we became deep friends. Leroy Jolly was an English teacher at the high school I went to but didn't arrive there until I graduated. His wife, Wilma, taught grade school in a town some miles away. Leroy was Baptist minister first and an English teacher second. We shared faith often and through our sharing developed a mutual love. It grieves us that Wilma continues to experience intense pain from her back. She has gone through a great deal of physical turmoil the last few years. I promised her last January that when February was over, we would come to visit. Wellllll, it is past February and we still haven't found a good weekend to go BUT, we will go tomorrow and come back on Wednesday just in time to go to Midway and gather up our dear children.

Jay and his son Austin are coming in about 7:40 p.m. and Sherri and Don and their two children, Whitney and Aidan are coming in around eleven. They will spend the rest of the week with us. John and Kim and their family are coming on Saturday so we will be big in number and there will be much jovial fun and family frolic. We look forward to our fellowship during both visits, first with our elderly friends and then with our kids and their's.

I'm going to take a nap. I think I need it. Smile.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Sometimes Life is Hot and Dry

I've had a very slow start this morning. We, for no good reason, got up late. The last couple of mornings I had been giving God my leftovers so I committed to giving him the early morning today. I watched Joyce Meyer and learned about the danger of taking offense. John Bevere the author of "The Bait of Satan" was her guest. He talked about how we set up ourselves to take offense when we have expectations of others of which they are not aware. I had to "amen" that insight. If I expect nothing, there won't be much at which I can take offense. I tucked that information in my heart and thought how I could start anew with some.

When Kendra got up we had some breakfast together and visited awhile. I shared with her how someone I love is going through a very difficult time with depression. Last evening, I talked with the my loved one, he/she shared with me disappointments he/she has had with some of the close people in his/her life. I began to make a correlation between his/her hurts and the expectations he/she has for those that love him/her. With the busy lives we live and the miles that seperate family members, it is really difficult to meet some of expectations placed upon us. Kendra and I talked a bit about how we could help. Obviously, prayer is the biggest help we can give. To enlist God's help for someone is far greater than attempting something on our own. Then we talked about some practical ways we may be able to help. Calling more often. Sending cards. Perhaps sending a gift. All of these may help this one know that he/she is loved not only by God but by us. God help us help him/her.

I walked outdoors and saw that I had been neglecting my flower pots. It has been so hot and dry, there hasn't been any joy in tending them. It shows. They became less green and beautiful and more and more limp and ugly. I took a shears and cut off the straggly stuff. Hopefully they will rejuvinate.....Then I was reminded of the comparison. My precious one has been going through a very hot and dry time in his/her life. There hasn't been any joy in making a connection with him/her because there was no vibrance in him/her. He/she was drying out and shriveling up from grief. It became less and less desirable to contact him/her. One didn't know how to help. He/she seemed to wish to cut off the outside world. Now they wonder where everyone has been. A vicious cycle. Now that the confession is made, perhaps he/she will rejuvinate. It is my prayer that my precious one will again become connected with those he/sheloves. The connection will be more in spirit than physically. We have never left him/her. We have always been here for him/her. Pain had put a fog between his/her awareness of our love and the actual reality of it. Lord, help our precious one to feel your love first, ours after that through your grace.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Sixty five Years Ago............

It's been difficult to get to this blog this morning. The phone is ringing off the hook with well wishes from many of those I love. Thank you to all for the birthday smiles being flashed my way. I thought this morning how grateful I am to be alive. I've had a close call and a few scares. I've never felt "ready" as some talk of. Oh yes, I'm saved and have complete assurance that I will spend "forever" with Jesus, but I'm still enjoying my life. Some make me feel guilty to talk so but then I remind myself that God created us to LIVE. I love the people in my life, my husband, my children and spouses, their children and of course, I still have my father and his wife to love as well. Then there are the friends whom I love, dozens of them. I am so grateful for friends. Sometimes we need friends with whom we can share those struggles that we can't share with family. It's just the way it is. Of course there are many things families share that one wouldn't share with a friend. Family members and friends fill different needs in our lives.

A couple of things I would like to remember this morning.......

My mother died at fifty seven years old. I have already lived eight years longer. I praise God for that extra time and ask him for more years that I can enjoy with those I love. So today, I celebrate the gift of LIFE.

I'm still with the man that I fell in love and married nearly 45 years ago. I'm thankful for that. I'm sure our children are thankful for that, also. An intact family is the best kind of family. Thank you for those graces, Lord. It hasn't always been easy but God has always made a way.

The Lord has been so good to us and particularly to me. I admitted to someone the other day, I think it was one of my daughters that I know I'm spoiled. I don't mean that I've rotted but I mean that my husband and my kids are oh so good to me and I sense they want me to be happy.

I enjoy good health today. There are limitations but I feel great and praise the Lord for strength when I get up in the morning. My muscles reminded me when I arose this morning that they allowed me to bowl three games yesterday but I could still get up and carry on. Thank you, Lord.

I used to fight old age. I mean I wouldn't admit my age for anything. I always told my students that I was eighty seven and that would be all they would find out. Today, I am sixty five years old. I don't care how many people know it. God has given me the grace to embrace my age and thank Him for the blessing it represents. No more pretending.

I just tried on a new swimsuit to get Kendra's approval. Gotta have those daughter's approval, you know. As I looked into the mirror I was reminded that the body doesn't look like it once did. Then I smugly thought, "For sixty five, I don't think it is too bad". When one looks around, one can always find worse, so that's what I've been doing. No, just kidding. But again, I'll embrace it, cellulite and all.

I live in a land of freedom and plenty. Where else in the world do common people go out for lunch and dinner all in the same day? We are so blessed. I am so blessed. Last night we went to the river restaurant for my birthday dinner. Today, we will go out for lunch somewhere, don't know where that will be yet. Then tonight, who knows??? God is good.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Long Awaited August First

It is August first today. The summer has flown and by God's grace I don't feel a sadness as I usually do. At this time of the summer I would begin my usual summer end grief. I would be going back to school and the days of my freedom would be in count down. Now each morning when I rise, my thoughts fly to the fleeting of time and then I remember. I am not going back this year. My mind mellows and I enjoy the day. It wasn't that I didn't like my job. I really did. I received as much from the job as I gave but it is time to turn my heart toward home.

There is another huge reason why I'm grateful this is August first. Six weeks ago Ken got a letter in the mail from the insurance company which carried me (he has been on Medicare since last December). It claimed that we had missed a payment and that it was cancelling my insurance. Ken had been struggling with them over some payments they hadn't made on my last claims and I think he got so involved in the daily conversations that he forgot to make a payment. He doesn't forget payments so it was a shock that was bigger than we could believe. The company didn't in any way remind him or let him know that a payment was late. Why would they, this was their opportunity to cut the strings. Now to understand the magnitude of this experience, one has to understand that my husband IS an insurance agent. He represents many good companies and he knows what he is doing. This was incredible. How could this happen? What does this mean? Ken made many phone calls to attempt to remedy the situation. They were not going to budge.

After not being able to achieve cooperation with that company, Ken tried several other options. None worked for me. So what this meant was that I was uninsured for six weeks. I thought about the fact that I was now so vulnerable. My health isn't pristine and I was now a sitting duck. Then the Spirit rose in me and I decided, God could care for me and protect me far better than any insurance company. God also impressed upon me that I wasn't to run to other people and share this trial. He said, "Instead of running to the phone, just meet at the throne". Yes, I know I stole that from Joyce Meyer. We did share the situation with a few of our children. One said, "And you plan to go on that big trip without insurance?" That put me at ease, right? I reminded my preacher son that God was bigger than this situation and I would trust the Lord for safety and continued health.

At first it was on my mind often. I didn't take some risks as I usually do because I didn't want to slip on this or fall off that. As the weeks ticked off, I became less concerned. We even went on our big trip and God was faithful in keeping me from accident or harm.

So today is the long awaited August first. Because I have my sixty fifth birthday tomorrow, I am covered by our government as of today. Medicare has me under its umbrella and a second company already has a supplement in place for me. I must confess there is comfort in that. On the other hand, I wish to publicly thank and praise my heavenly Father for caring for me in a way that no other human could. I praise Him for the peace that He gave me in trusting Him.
The one glitch in my summer has turned out to be a great faith builder for me.