Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Family Reunion?

Taking a deep breath. And a great time was had by all.......Sherri and Don and their children were delivered to Midway late afternoon on yesterday for their trip home to Phoenix. My husband had a doctor's appointment so I was the designated chaufeur. I enjoyed the face to face conversations that were to end at delivery. My son-in-law asked if now that we are retired if they would see us more often. I told him that plan had been set in my mind for years. We have been cheated of spending life's moments with that family because of distance so with God's blessing and will we hope to travel there more often and stay a bit longer. They say company and fish begin to stink after three days. We will have to devise a way that we won't be in their space on a continuing basis. We will figure it out in time.

I'm on to a new project. At least I hope I can pull this together. My father's family is very close and has gotten together often over the years. My mother's family has not been so cohesive. My mother and her two brothers died quite young and the family hasn't gotten together for many years. Even when they were alive there seemed to be some cloud in the area of relationship. I don't know if I was the only one to feel that and it was my problem or if that was reality. I have been thinking of having an informal cousins reunion for that side of my family. Now people who know me would think that would be a piece of cake for me. However, it will take a great deal of courage. Since the family has not been very close, thoughts run through my mind like, "I wonder if anyone would come". Then another thought rises up, "Who cares, at least you will have tried." I don't have anything to lose and everything to gain so I'm going to encourage myself to carry on. I'm considering where to start. My invitation is typed excluding the date. How does one pick a date??? I think I will call one cousin from each of the two greater families and make sure the date I pick isn't already filled with a family wedding or some other affair.

During the night this new thought of mind has been running through my head. At first it seemed like it would be an easy effort. Then I thought of all the cleaning I would want to do first. After those thoughts, I wondered if we would be able to get the house painted first. I know. Ridiculous. Yes, the house needs painting and our painter son says he will get to it this year yet. Yes, there are dirty corners in my house, but not so bad as that it would be a big effort. I can do this......can't I?

Yes, I want to see my cousins this side of heaven. It looks as if it will have to take someone to make the effort. Why not me? Each spring I like to honor my grandparents by visiting their graves. I think honoring them by bringing their grandchildren together would be greater respect. I can just see their faces glow with joy. Yes, Lord, I can do this....with your help.

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