Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Another Day in the My Journey

Yesterday morning as I was writing the first blog, a phone call was received from my friend, Cindy. Her news? A thrift shop in northern Merrillville was the recipient of a donation from a catering company. They had scads of tablecloths and were selling them for $2.00 each. We debated whether or not it was economically worth the price of the gas to get there. Cindy is one of the ladies on our women's retreat team. Each team member is always looking out for deals that will make our lives and our retreat costs easier. We decided to drop everything and run. When I went to get her, she met me at the door without her makeup. Funny thing was, I was still minus mine, too. She said to give her five and I went to the car to put on my face. When we both felt presentable, we left. Once there, we found our job was nearly endless with many tablecloths to open, spread out on the floor to look for spots, and then fold them back up when they were unacceptable. I'm not sure how many we got, probably around fifteen. Some were round and others oblong. We also got several black table skirts that looked quite good. I think we will benefit from those when retreat time arrives and we are trying to make things look elegant and beautiful. We normally rent table cloths. To rent them costs $4 a piece. It appears owning them is less costly than renting when they can be had at the thrift store. The bonus in the thrift store cloths is that they look as if they will not require ironing. The ones we already own force volunteers to stand for hours ironing.

This morning I will attend Women in the Faith Bible study. We are in a study by Beth Moore which encourages the truth about believing God. Beth uses the Bible to teach that God is looking from us faith in Him. Our good works are nothing in His sight. They will not get us into the doors of heaven. They are purely a response to our gratitude to a God whom is our redeemer and sustainer. The study requires some daily work and I have enjoyed the depth of her study. Her questions prompt more than a pat answer. What a different life we would live as Christians, if we lived as if the truths of the Bible were applicable to us.

Following Bible study, I will sandwich in attending a memorial service for our church secretary's father who passed away Monday night. May God be praised that his suffering was only that of a week. Patty sent an e-mail that stated that her father was conversing with his family up until an hour of his departure. There were hugs and hand shakes and love exchanged. She painted a beautiful picture of a God fearing family saying goodbye to one they love.

At 11:45, Lauri and I will take my father's wife whom we call, "Grandma Mary", to Merrillville shopping (I know, I should live there). Mary doesn't get there often. Sometmes she and Dad go together, but Dad can't stand long on concrete floors as his hip begins to give him trouble. As a result she doesn't get to putts long and gaze about at all there is available. Today, she will get that opportunity. Mary doesn't like people to do for her; she is always doing for others, but this time she didn't argue. I think she is looking forward to the trip with the "girls" and I'm more sure that Dad is happy to sit home in peace. Those two are very close and generally what one does the other does, also. It is almost as if Mary feels she is abandoning Dad if she leaves him for a short time. I think it will be good for both of them to have a breather. We are so blessed to still have and enjoy them.

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