Friday, September 14, 2007

This and That

It's one of those cloudy dark mornings. Doesn't give me much vim and vigor. My tea maker is doing its thing. My tea maker is the most recent electrical appliance to grace my too small kitchen counter. The joy it brings me out weighs the precious space it takes by a ton. Coffee drinkers will understand when I say that to hear something brewing and to smell it before tasting it all adds to the fix. I believe the added pleasure is made by adding more senses to the indulgence. I used to have a Mrs. Tea. It was very old and the pot was cracked in places which didn't make me trust the it's safety anymore. I found a new version called Tea Drop Tea Maker. I highly recommend it. Today my favorite flavor of choice is spiced Chai. Yesterday it was Raspberry Zinger. I really like the fruity flavors the best because nothing compares to Starbucks chai tea so the satisfaction from my chai compared to theirs leaves mine lacking. But, I'm twenty miles from a Starbucks and can't afford the cost too often so I make do. I will confess that I enjoyed one of the SB chais yesterday and it was oh so yummy.

I remember yesterday's blog which said I would clean up this place today and get my laundry done. The laundry is well on it's way to completion. The cleaning will take place next. It doesn't seem like I get everything cleaned the same day. It's more than a one day job if I do it well. I'll see how I do today. At least I'm home to do it.

Yesterday, I was told that there is a housing development having a garage sale day tomorrow. Now that should be fun. I'll have to see who I can find to go with me. My style is to fly through them. I can tell in two minutes flat if there is anything at a sale that is of interest to me. One always meets people one knows and that can slow my pace as sharing conversation is all part of the experience. I know that my way isn't the best way for some of my friends who prefer to take it slower and gaze longer. To each her own. My motto is the early bird gets the worm and if one takes it slow, one isn't early to any sale.

Lauri just called to say that Kathy Lee Gifford is on the Regis show to celebrate the show's 20th anniversary. I enjoyed watching Regis and Kathy Lee years ago when I was home during the day which was not often. Their conversation was spontaneous. I guess I admired their gift of gab and the humor with which it was delivered. While I watched the reviews of those shows I had a couple good belly laughs. They were certainly funny together. It has never been the same to me since Kathy Lee left the show seven years ago. It was good to see her again. They highlighted each family, Regis', Kathy Lee's, Kelly's and Gilmans and it occured to me that all four families represented are intact families. That is a good testimony to their character.
Our culture needs more of those kinds of television personalities.

The sun is now out and I'm gaining enthusiasm for a clean house. The last load of laundry is in the dryer. (This blog writing has been interrupted a half dozen times this morning). I just hung up the phone with a call from Kendra. She said the baby in her tummy is doing acrobats. I think that is a good sign. She has an ultra sound next Wednesday. We hope we will learn the sex of the baby that day. Sure will make buying for him/her easier.

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