Tuesday, October 30, 2007

He's Always Ahead of Me PTL

It's a beautiful fall morning with leaves golden brown hanging on the austere oak tree in my back yard. I've told you about that tree before. It is one of a kind. Now through the window still blurry from the Saran wrap paint application (they haven't been back, too busy with the big jobs that make the dear man money. He is a jewel, that son of ours) I see a mass of gold shining brilliantly.

I had a God moment yesterday that I wish to remember. I had to go to the cardiologist who put in my defibrillator a year ago. When I was sitting with my friend in the waiting room, a gal from my Wednesday morning Bible study bobbed through the room with her big welcoming smile. She was working at that office yesterday to cover for someone's vacation day. Normally she is on the floor at the hospital but this day, God had her at Doctor Brigham's office. Somehow she pulled some strings and was able to be the one to take me into the back and take my vitals, etc. She chatted a mile a minute so that my mind was stayed on her warmth and love. When I suggested I needed a new regular cardiologist because I don't feel comfortable with the one I have, she asked, "So what's wrong with Dr. Brigham?" I said, "Nothing, I like him but I thought he just did pace makers and defibs." No, I could easily transfer my records to this very office and not have to meet another doctor or get to know another office. Doc Brigham is young and tall. He has a very warm mannerism which is almost a requirement for this chicken. I like the fact that he is young for a couple reasons. One, he will outlive me. Two, his education is up with the times. Three, he is aware that not all things done in the name of medicine have good long term effects. I am so pleased. I feel like God had all that orchestrated for me yesterday. Actually, I know he did. I'm so thankful He is way ahead of me in life. I need not fear or worry just as He tells me in His Word. It has taken a long time to learn that lesson. Oh the joy of just resting in Him.

Lauri just called. What'cha doin Mom? Actually, I'm working on The Book but I'm planning to come over soon. Okay, let's go to Kohl's. So onward we go. We need a day that is calm and carefree. Our days together in the last couple weeks have been frot with details. Have we remembered this and that? Today, we can relax and truly enjoy the day and our outing and each other. I have to be back for a meeting at a church in town at 2:30. Must go so that we can have all the time we need to poke around and look for bargains.

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