It was a beautiful know the kind that comes upon awakening when you realize you actually slept in on a Saturday morning? The biological clock didn't awaken me earlier than I wanted. There were no phone calls at the crack of dawn. No roosters crowed. When I opened my eyes, it was light and my spirit was calm and the clock said 7:30. It truly was a beautiful thing.
Earlier in the night it was a bit different. My shoulder ached enough to keep me awake and I was miserable. I went to the recliner and slept several hours there. It seemed to feel better to be more propped up. I'll be happy to have this latest malady subside. I don't think it has helped that I have kept attempting to get things accomplished that require physical labor. I think this weekend I'll not pull anything or lift anything and see if some healing will occur. The Word tells me that Jesus already suffered for this so I'm trusting He will attend to the healing of it as well.
The Harvest Sale was once again, the night where the Christian school community of supporters come together to enjoy each other and the sale. My husband and I have never been in a position to be able to spend mega bucks as we see others doing. I am grateful for those that have the where with all to do that. Because of their generosity, my kids and grandkids have gotten and are getting a Christ centered education. We always felt blessed that we could make the end result of the tuition bill be proclaimed paid in full. With eight kids that was a daunting challenge. I'm happy to say that for Ken and me that is a thing of the past. The kids are grown and there is no doubt in my mind that their Bible based education has stood them in good sted. I don't think there is one of them that would dispute that.
Yesterday, my ever faithful friend, Bernice, came to help me wash windows. Once we started, I realized it was a bigger bite than I could chew with my hurting right arm. She went on without me while I did other things that didn't present such a challenge. It was fun to work with her. No doubt about it, she still spurs me on. She has been my right arm in all of my adult life. She and I met when Lauri was an infant. That is forty years ago. (Sorry, Lauri) I don't know what I would have done with out such a friend that continues to encourage me in faith and walk beside me through all the trials of life. At one point many years ago, Ken and I and seventeen month old Kendra went to Denmark to visit a former exchange student and attend her wedding. Bernice and her husband moved into our home with her children and took care of the other six of ours while we were gone three full weeks. How can one thank somebody enough for that kind of sacrifice? There is no doubt that if the good deeds from one to the other were measured, my side would be the heaviest with receipt. I thank you, Bernice, for all you have meant to me and for all the fun we have had together. Your role model in my life of faith is immeasurable. I love you.
Kendra just called from Lauri's house where she and her husband stayed the night. The question, "Are you coming for coffee?" The answer, "Sure, I'll be right there." So, off I go, to spend some joy time with my daughters and their husbands. Oh yea, the grandkids, too. They are a hoot every day. God was so wise to give us children. They continue to make us relive our own childhood. They also bring many a smile to one's life.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
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