Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Eyes were Opened

I'm finally back at this. Yesterday was a day long in waiting.....waiting to go back to see Ken after he had been made ready for surgery.........waiting for the doctor to actually get to the hospital......waiting until the patient ahead of Ken in the schedule to be taken care of.......waiting to hear he was in the recovery room and then waiting for what seemed like forever for me to be called into the recovery room. He was the last patient there. The surgical fury for the day was complete and the nurses were chatting about their latest barbecue. The reason for the wait was that Ken was enjoying a very long and painless sleep. He didn't want to wake up so he made me sit and wait. How is that for chivalry? He was in the hospital a bit early and they took him right back for prep, that was at 9:30 am. I finally got my man in the car to head back to home sweet home at three pm. My back was a complete mess by that time caused from sitting on those less than comfortable chairs and I must admit, the stress from the whole experience added to my misery. Ken is such a trooper during those times. I could tell he was a bit stressed the day prior. He snapped at unusual things and I just ignored it because I could relate very well. I have been there. This morning I heard him tell a daughter, "You know, you go in feeling well and come out feeling poopy" (no pun intended). But, the surgery is over and now healing has begun. I told him that now he is all cleaned up in that area it will make hygiene much easy for our kids when they take care of their old man. We both chuckled but I think the statement is true.

Over the weekend, Lauri and I accompanied Kendra and Craig to Babies R Us to register for the things they need for baby number one. Once there, I began to take in the atmosphere around me. Around each aisle, I met other people, always with a pregnant one in the company. The pregnant one is carrying a registry gun with which to choose the item she hopes to receive from "the baby shower". Soon Lauri whispered to me, "This is a racket!" I hearily agreed. Keep in mind that I've been out of this baby scene for nearly thiry years, but Lauri's youngest is six. Even she was amazed at the options parents have to bounce, swing, vibrate, glide, and stroll their child. Not to mention what is needed for keeping them safe in the car. Finally after thinking about all the money invested and the room this would take to store, I had to say it. "Kendra, it amazes me that you kids even lived". Now there. I said it. I went on to tell her that when she surprised us with her coming when I was in my late thirties, her father and I splurged by buying an umbrella stroller that had two settings. One could lay the baby back and the other to lay the child BACK. We had been through a few babies by then and had six children and six children's junk to store so we thought to do things on a small scale. We opted for a little seat that attached to the table instead of a high chair. We found the child enjoyed the meal more being part of the family seated around the table. I think high chairs are unnecessary.
At one point, Lauri suggested something and I don't recall what that she thought they needed. I rolled my eyes at her and she, in her daddy like style, quickly quipped, "Sorry Mom, just gettin caught up in the moment." I could have died laughing. The whole reason for our accompaning these two was to make sure they registered for things that would get used more than twice in the life of a baby. We have attended a few babies showers recently where we would look at each other and share "the look". The look meant, "What the heck are they going to do with that?"

I must say that my son-in-law had done his homework. He had hand written pages along which carried information regarding the Consumer Report's advice on baby equipment. I had my tongue in check but on the other hand, how neat to have a father so involved and so interested in the child before the little gal has made her appearance. No doubt about it, he will make a great daddy.

Three hours later, we had determined that none of the bedding sets there were as nice as the one Kendra's cousin had chosen. The big decision, buy the same one or look for something more individual. The jury is still out on that one but they have been looking online and hope to come up with something as cute but different.

The registry is complete. The shower is planned. Babies R Us is doing a bang up business encouraging new moms and dads that they need the world with which to raise a healthy child. I say again, "My poor kids." If you sense a bit of synicism, I suppose I'm guilty. At the same time, I am extremely excited and find the whole experience a lot of fun and joy. It will be wonderful to paint and fix her little room in preparation for the princess's arrival. We are delighted over our expected eighteenth grandchild. Each one is precious and held dear.

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