Saturday, October 20, 2007

Reunion Day

Gotta be a quick one today. In the throughs of getting ready for the reunion. Here's hoping. Makes me a wreck. I didn't sleep well at all last night. I was so pumped from driving back and forth to the airport when I am normally lying horizontal on my bed just vegging. We got home around 11 or 11:30, then talked awhile. That throws me off entirely and I try my best not to let it but it does. I got to bed, tried to relax, could feel my body still going. Said in a whisper, "I'm going to the recliner." "Okay" he says. If I don't tell him, he comes looking for me. Weird about stuff like that when one has been married for forever.

So to the recliner and massager I go. Still could not relax. Down the stairs to the family room sofa where there isn't anyone for at least fifteen feet. I did sleep a couple hours but my mind never did relax. I dreamed the weirdest stuff and just couldn't snap myself out of it. So this morning I am sluggish and so very weary. I will be so glad when this is a done deal. My sister tells me I will yet get my reward but I'm not feeling it right now. I gave her the keys to Ken's car and told her to get out of her and visit people and leave me to my own misery. We had a good laugh, she took a shower and off she went.

At the airport last night I waited only about a half hour. During that time I witnessed so fashion no nos. At least to me they are. A pin stripe suit with a tie and tennis shoes. Can't handle that one. Santa Claus in a business suit and tie; I suspect he is getting ready to moonlight. Hefty gals wearing clothes that show every wrinkle. Ugh. A nicely dressed man in suit and tie and dress shoes with grey curly hair down past his shoulder blades. Nothing 'wrong" with it, just not my preference. At least I found entertainment in people watching. I do love the reunions one sees. They are often tender.

I took Isaiah to soccer this morning about 7:30. I my way home I am going west and the sun was shining brightly on the red, yellows and browns in the tree lines. It was gorgeous. I stopped and took pictures. I'll try to get them on here today but don't know if time will allow. If not today, tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day.

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