Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Truth is Fine

When I got eleven year old grandson, Isaiah, from basket ball practice last evening, he was pumped. Not about basketball; according to him, basketball was so-so. Sports isn't really any big deal to Isaiah. Normally, he is very quiet when gotten from school but this day he was full of talk. The first words out of his mouth were, "We had an awesome assembly today!" That's great, tell me about it. Isaiah went on and on about the interesting things he learned from this man who was a representative for the people who so tirelessly fight for God's truth in the area of creationism over evolution. Isaiah was struck with truth about the way the world began and about the findings of scientists and how scientists don't always get things right. The presenter told of many facts that Isaiah just soaked up. One of the quotes of Adolph Hitler was something that made Isaiah sit up and take notice. Hitler said, "If you tell a lie loud enough and long enough, people will believe it." How true it is.

Isn't it true today in our news media as well? Whom do you trust? To be honest, I don't trust anyone that speaks to me about the news in Irag or any other place in the world. The reason I don't believe them is that I have had reports that are total opposites. Some times and especially on Sunday mornings when political analysts are spewing out their views, I just want to turn them off. I am so sure that those are opinions not facts that are coming my way and I don't want those to sink into me.

One of the things Isaiah said on our ride home from school was, "That guy could have talked all day". I asked if he meant he could have listened to him all day. Yes, that was what he meant. He said he loved the facts that were coming from him and he knew inside him that they were the truth. Funny thing about truth. We can listen to truth and not tire of it. We want more. We are sponges.

This morning I will attend my Bible study group. Truth is taught there. I don't tire of it. And, more than that, I believe it is true. God's word is where truth stems. God's word is where the creationist gets his truth. It is also where I get mine. How about you?

P.S. I just read this verse; "By faith we understand that the universe wa formed at God's command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." Sure is proof fodder for the creationist that visited my grandchildren's school yesterday.

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