Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cards of Blessing

Last evening I spent my time sitting at the kitchen table making cards of blessing. In
Bible study we read of Abraham's blessing to his children and also Jacob's blessing to his children. There are many more examples in scripture that speak of parents blessing
their children. When I think of my parents and my relationship, I must admit, they
didn't give us sweet words of love and adoration.
We knew without a shadow of a doubt that they loved us,
but I'm not sure if we knew they put their stamp of blessing on the way we lived our
lives. We did learn quickly however if we weren't living the way they deemed
appropriate. So I suppose by default, we knew they approved by the lack of correction.
Now I am aware that society and people of God at that time, saw things a bit differently
than we do now. I'm glad I'm a parent now and have the freedom to express pride and
joy in them and in what they are doing.
In addition to that motivation, the Coordinator of our Bible study called and asked if I
would make a plan and get together material for each member to make a card of blessing
to someone they would like to bless. This will be done during our Christmas celebration next Wednesday. Now, I'm not terribly creative but I did get something together and
then decided I would have to make some samples for the gals from which to get ideas.
My plan came together.......I would write each of my eight children a letter of blessing
telling them what they mean to us and also give them a Scripture verse to hang onto as
our prayer for them.
Ken and I had spoken about the importance of blessing our children just two weeks ago. We had had an experience that served to make us aware of that need. This gave us
perfect opportunity to do what we intended to do. So, I wrote the blessing and made the card and then Ken affirmed them. That is kind of how it works here. He isn't too good
with words so I do that for him and then he shakes his head yes or no. When he finished them he smiled and said, "Very directional." I knew what he meant. I just know the
Spirit of God helped me write something that personally fit each one of those dear
children. His last words were, "You are going to mail those, aren't you?" Yes, dear.
That is the purpose.
So, if you are reading this and are one of our children, know that you will receive a card with our blessing. It is not for any occasion, just springs from our love and pride for each of you. While writing the cards, I wondered how the spouses would feel. Would they
feel left out? I hope not, but feeling a deep responsibility to God for affirming the
children He entrusted to us, we have chosen to make it personal
to the children we call our own..

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