Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lead on O King Eternal

Emerson has been released from the hospital and is home with her mommy and daddy. Her first night, Saturday night, she let them know that she is a newborn and kept them up most of the night. When I called Kendra about nine on Sunday morning she whispered, "I finally have a sleeping baby". She had a good day yesterday and just slept and ate like a newborn should do. It will be interesting to see how she fared this past night.

The retreat is a wonderful memory and one that has hopefully changed my understanding for the long run. So often I have thought of myself as a total failure in the area of my relationship with Jesus. Not enough time in prayer.....not enough sharing of the good news, etc. How could I possibly be pleasing Him? The speaker for the retreat hammered home the truth that our salvation is not contingent upon our doing anything. Salvation is a gift. Christ woos us and sends His Holy Spirit to enlighten our mind and awareness that " I am a sinner and need a savior." When we respond to his wooing, we are set free to rest in Him. I am more determined to rest in Him knowing that what He says is true....He is in control.....He works all things together for my good.

Having said that...........................our plans were to leave early this morning and get many, many hours of travel in today. So far those plans are null and void. Some parts for Peggy Sue were getting powder coated and were supposed to be finished on Friday. That didn't happen. So we are waiting to see if they are finished this morning.....if not...I don't know what we will decide to do. In addition to that small issue, it has rained here for the last full day. Peggy Sue is in the back forty and though the ground there is generally desert gravel, it is now soup. Don and Ken are at this moment discussing how to proceed with getting it out. To add to the complexity, we have to drive through a neighbor's yard to get the trailer out. We are concerned about putting deep ruts in their landscape. Don is talking about getting some of the guys that work for him to come here, turn Peggy Sue around and push her out by hand. What a guy. In addition, the weather forcast is for more rain. Sooooooo, Lord,,,,,,,I trust in you to work all things out for our good. Who knows what bad roads He is protecting us from? Kendra is expecting me on Thursday morning. There are still enough hours to get us home by then. If it isn't in His plan that we make it to get me to Algonquin on Thursday, I will trust that there is a better plan. Lead on King Eternal.

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