Thursday, January 3, 2008

SNAP! It's Cold

It's approximately 6:20 a.m. on Thursday morning, January 3, 2008. Because I misread the time on my phone thinking it was an hour later than what it read (forgot that phones automatically change time when they are in a new time zone...amazing), I took a shower an hour early and now here I sit in the lobby of our SleepInn hotel in Orlando. We had six days of 85 degrees and then it took a crucial dive. Yestereday we wore our winter coats, those of us that had them and that was just Ken and me, the younger are so optimistic. We moved around Disney World's Magic Kingdom and there wasn't much magic in it for me. Our plan was to do Sea World but with the thought of getting wet we decided a'gin it. Ken and I opted to leave the park about six but Lauri, Elton and family with the addition of Isaiah stuck it out til ten. Of course, as we left they had us strip and give them the sweat shirt and sweater under our coats. Elton even suggested us giving up our coats. We laughed. Good thing, too, because it took us an hour to get to our car by the time we took the ferry boat and then the tram to the parking lot. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr. When we reached the inside of our vehicle we turned the heater up as high as it would go. At one point I asked Ken if he had thawed yet and he said he hadn't so we continued to bake for awhile.

I actually went to the car this morning to get this computer so I could sit in the lobby and do my thing. Everyone else is still sleeping but I've had my shower, done my hair AND makeup :) and now just sit here lookin' purty. I noticed that the hotel has many of their bushes covered with sheets. It is darn cold here.

We will leave for the north today. The change in the temperature makes it easy to do so. When it was still warm here, Isaiah said he didn't want to go back home. Now he sings a different tune. He does think he needs a new haircut to match his new tan. What a scream these kids are.

We found a possible silver bullet in Memphis. It's not what we want eventually but it looks like a good starter. We haven't made voice to voice contact yet but we did send a message and got a return call but missed it. Now we haven't been able to reach anyone at that number so we will continue to try today. It would be really neat to be able to see the thing on our way home. One of my main motivatiors to walk out in the cold for this machine was that just perhaps there was a message waiting for us.......nope. We keep trying.

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