Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Love One Another

I'm heading to Merrillville this morning for a variety of reasons. One is to pick up some things to make a brunch for our Women in the Word group tomorrow morning. There are other goals; get a watch band fixed, find some dress shirts for a boy that has grown out of the ones I got for him last fall, etc. This afternoon, my partner in brunch is coming to my home to made quiches and parfaits. It should be fun. Each Wednesday, our BS has a lucious brunch to begin our time together. It seems everyone ups the ante so now that we are at the end of the year, the standard is mighty high. I love to do this sort of thing and usually get myself in too deep, so hopefully, I can curb my crazy brain and keep things somewhat simple. I know my partner is reading this right now and saying, "She's crazy...this is not simple". I would remind her that she picked me for her partner so now she is stuck with me. We will have fun in preparation and enjoy serving our fellow sisters at church tomorrow.

There is nothing like a small group that gathers on a continual basis to get to know people. I have gotten to know some gals more intimately than I knew them from our casual meeting in town, at a basketball or soccer game, etc. I have learned in life that when one truly gets to know another, there is something in that person that one can relate to or something that is attractive. Many times I've judged a person from a casual meeting only to learn later that I was all wrong about him/her. In the Christian arena that should be no surprise. The Word tells us that the Spirit of God resides in those that call Him Lord. Should we be surprised then that something in another Christian grabs us and makes us want to bond with them? Nope. We are a family and just like the joy a family reunion can bring...so does a time to gather with members of God's family bring us joy and fulfillment. Most of you that read this know all about this phenomena. If you don't, make this your invitation to join a Bible study or some small group at a church where you can get a glimpse of a people inside their skin. It will provide tons of support to you and show God honor as well.

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