Sunday, March 2, 2008

Spring; New Beginnings

Patches of grass are becoming visible. The warmer weather has begun a thaw and we hope it continues until all this white stuff is gone completely. I haven't talked with anyone who isn't very eager for spring. Of course, that is nothing new. People desire spring every year at this time. It reminds me of when my mother was very ill with cancer. She talked about the inevitability of her death and then commented, "But I would like to see another spring", Spring represents what we all life.....a new beginning....a change for the better....a bit of freedom. Obviously, we long for spring in our struggles as well. We look forward to the time when the particular challenge we face sees its spring. We even see a spring like renewal in our spriritual life each Easter when we celebrate the victory Christ has over the dark winter of our souls. That is coming up very soon. I must say I think the churches that put more emphasis on a lenten preparation or observation have something over on my tradition. We barely recognize that this is lent. We gather to mourn on Good Friday and we celebrate on Easter but there is little encouragement to focus on the sacrifice the six weeks prior. I should speak only for myself but I think for me it would help my understanding and zero my focus in to the Savior if I would be encouraged to that end. Some years ago I worked closely with a young Catholic gal who became very close to me in a spiritual sense. We discussed our inner beings with one another. Working in the same class room, I knew about her daily walk. When lent came she considered what she would "give up". While our forefathers saw that as something that becomes tradition or trying to do something that gains our salvation, she saw it as an expression of worship just as taking time to pray would be an expression of worship. I joined her that year in a day to day remembrance of sorrow for my own sin and thanksgiving for the wonderful gift of salvation, full and free. We read through the daily lenten devotional together. It was a good thing.

I didn't start out to write about this subject today. I'm glad I did though, because I have reminded myself to do a little preparation for the celebration of Easter. Perhaps it will remind you, also.

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