Tuesday, April 8, 2008

In Need of Sunshine

On Saturday and Sunday, Nancy and I spent many hours formatting the contents of the book in process. She taught me so many things about Microscoft Word. I'm sure I only know the tip of the iceberg but I know so much more today than I did on Friday. Sometimes I can look at a screen and not see something that is so blatantly obvious. I'm learning to READ all those little icons and areas where I've not looked before. When I look at tabs, I'm looking at all the tabs not just the ones that are familiar to me. I'm getting there. Last night I worked on formatting the poems that my grandfather wrote and proudly worked out the problems I ran into. I thought a couple of times that I would have to call Nancy and scream "Help". But I perservered and made it through a couple of challenges. I did it myself because I know how busy Nancy is and decided I couldn't bother her again. I can't explain what a relief it will be to get that book sent to the publisher. I'm thinking now it will be by the end of summer. We decided we need to read the book at least three times for editing and let others read it as well. So if you have nothing better to do and like to edit things, volunteer your time, my friend.

I walked in the rain this morning. I think I deserve applause for that. I perservered in that effort even though the weather said to me that it would be much easier for me to stay in bed or cozy up in my recliner. I took with me two plastic bags today and filled both of them to the brim. The corner lot owned by the phone company which houses a very small equipment building was a garbage heap. I suppose a lot that is virtually empty begs people to use it that way for the things they wish to hide. I found several large bottles that had housed whiskey as well as some wine bottles. Yuk was my first response. When I came home, my husband wanted to know what I was doing with these bags of garbage. Putting them in our receptacle was my reply. He cautioned me that our receptacle isn't big enough for our garbage AND the neighborhood garbage as well. That didn't deter me. I'm getting that stuff cleaned up.

I have no big plans for this day. Lauri and I decided we will have a garage sale a week from Thursday. I'm not sure why we are doing this. We have experienced such things before and swore off having garage sales ourselves but here we go again. Kendra thinks it will be fun so she is going to come early to help us and then stay a couple of days. Lauri says I have to bring a bunch of stuff. Not sure what that will be and I know I should get at that but the sun has to shine first. It is getting lighter outside so maybe later today.

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