Friday, April 18, 2008

Though The Earth Gives Way, I Will Not Be Afraid

Yes, the three of us, Kendra, Ken and I were wide awake at 4:39 a.m. this morning. I felt the bed begin to move and I thought my husband was shaking our bed for some strange reason. About the time I came into consciousness Kendra was calling "Mom" from the guest room and Ken was dragging himself out of the bed to check on the condition of things. Kendra was the first to say, "That was an earthquake!" We talked a few seconds and then went back to bed. Kendra and I suggested from our beds that we turn on the television. Ken scoffed but thought better of it in a jiffy and turned on channel 2 on the TV in our bedroom. Just as the sound came on we hear, "We have been receiving phone calls that people have experienced an earthquake like tremor". We all laughed loudly. We have been up since. Kendra is talking to her brother, Joshua, to see if he felt it in Indianapolis and yes he did. Lauri and Elton slept through it. So did my dad and his wife. None of them wanted to belief us but we have been proven right now as they hear it all over the news.

The garage sale was a success. The greatest feeling of success was when we brought the whole rest of the stuff to the local Christian high school where they are hosting a rummage sale on Saturday morning. Over and done.

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