Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Wonderful Time

"A wonderful time was had by all" would be a summation of our evening yesterday. My two brothers and wives, and parents came for a birthday dinner for my dad's eighty eighth. They came around four o'clock.....the plan was to play some games but we never got to that. Talk and more talk is what we got to. It was a joy to share the present and enjoy the memories of the past. We leave the future with our Maker.

After a big dinner, Lauri and Elton joined us. They came in bearing two bottles of wine. We chuckled and told them we had already had our wine with dinner but it didn't deter them. When the conversation in the living turned to three conversations, the ladies departed for the sunroom where the quiet was wonderful and the fellowship sweet.

Today, Mother Mary (as we call my father's wife) is having us for lunch. She has such a gift of hospitality yet age is creeping in and it gets more difficult. Even at that she can work circles around most people twenty years younger. A few days ago she shared with me her desire to have my brother and wife and Ken and me for lunchon Sunday so that we could have more time with my Wisconsin brother and sister in law who are staying there. I told her that we were having a big meal on Saturday night so we didn't need much for lunch on Sunday....a sandwich would be adequate. For once, she listened. As she helped with dishes last evening she told me we would have simpler fare today but it was all she could handle. I wanted to hug her for I felt a bit of concession in her statement. She is such a proud lady and has been the hostess with the mostess for years. At nearly eighty, she is beginning to make those times simpler. The most important thing is that she is not going to give up.

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