Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One Huge Day

Yesterday, I left the house at eight thirty and returned at midnight. First, I went to the public school near our church and filled out a facility use form to do some off site dish washing for our women's retreat next February. We will see how that thought develops. Next, I met one of my friends at a garage sale at the local library. The two of us visited a friend to view her new carpet and newly decorated living room. Oh, did I mention we had a cup of coffee there? Time got away from me while we were visiting and I was fifteen minutes late for a meeting with the graphic artist at Christian Haven. They printed our retreat brochures last year and so I began the process again. I got some good ideas to pass on to the team.
After my meeting with Bill, I stopped at Quizno's and had a Sammie. Just enough food and a great bargain price. Across the street from Quizno's is the high school I worked at for sixteen years. I stopped there and went to my old classroom where I was warmly greeted. One of my former students had asked the current teacher to arrange a day I could play him a game of Scrabble because he thought he had progressed enough to beat me. former work mate and Alex and I played Scrabble. The first game, my workmate won. I had all vowels for some time which didn't help my cause in the least. Then I redeemed myself and won the second game....or at least was ahead when I had to leave.
My daughter Scarlen called and asked how to get to Bailey's Discount Store in Toto. I asked, "You are going to Bailey's without me?" She replied that if I was out in the parking lot in five minutes she would pick me up so I said my quick goodbyes and off I went with Isaiah, Scarlen and Lynette. We found some great bargains and had a really good relaxed time together.
On our way home, granddaughter Mackenna informed us that Alex would really like us to see her all dressed up for her eighth grade banquet. I looked at my watch and told her that we would meet them at school and get a look at our eighth grade beauty. We had a few moments of taking pictures and then off again as Alex and her parents had to get in to the school to get seats for the big occasion.
As we were now in seperate vehicles, I got some gas (ugh) and came home for fifteen minutes during which I chowed down a snack for my supper. Then off to Worship Committee meeting from seven until nine thirty. After the meeting two friends who had attended a different meeting met me at the door. We stood outside until it rained and then moved our informal meeting into my Durango. We talked until 12:00 a.m. I wish I could say we solved the world's problems but we did put it all in God's hands as we departed.
Why, oh, why was I up at five this morning? I'm sure my day will call for a nap some where along the line.

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