Saturday, May 3, 2008

Three Ring Saturday

I'm pooped. It was a three event Saturday....This morning I took Isaiah and Ethan to a World War 11 reenactment. Ethan will be seven years old tomorrow so we had to have a good talk before the battle started. "Now Ethan, none of the people that are killed are really dead. This is all pretend but it wasn't pretend when it happened and that is why we are remember that many men and women gave their lives so that we could live the way we do and speak the language we speak". I know he doesn't "get" it but it is planting the seed of appreciation for freedom that is my goal. It seems few people have a patriotic bent these days. We have had it too good........few remember it took sacrifice to have it so good.

Some years ago, I took Ethan's big sister. No amount of assurance comforted her. As she watched the soldiers shoot each other and heard the loud artillery, she got sick to her stomach. It was not a good experience for her...I find the boys are a bit tougher....they are made of different stuff than girls. Isaiah watches the history channel as a steady diet so it was no big deal for him then or today.

It was heart warming to see the few WW2 vets that attended. Most were feeble at best. Most of them are 85+. Last night we took my dad and his wife to a forty's jazz concert performed by the US Navy Band from Great Lakes Naval Base. As the hostess of the evening said, "Our days to speak to you in person are numbered. Our children and grandchildren will have to read books and view newsreels to hear your stories....we are honored to be able to hear the stories from you".

After the US won the battle today, we drove to KV High School where our friend's daughter played in wheel chair soccer. Joni was in an auto accident about seven years ago and was paralysed as a result. We, along with many other friends of the family, have walked the bumpy road with them since that time. Before the accident, Joni was very athletic, so this opportunity is something she loves. I still have trouble accepting her tribute to her, I can say, that she has accepted her lot without complaint and always makes others smile. God's grace is so evident in her life.

Then it was time for Isaiah's soccer was outside.....brrrrrrrr. I was fortunate enough to be able to park the car so that I could watch from my warm environment. Spring soccer holds little interest for me. It is either raining, cold, windy, or blistering hot. I go when the weather is appropriate. When he was little, I went regardless, now I'm picky. :)

It's been a busy feels good to be home where the wind and cold don't affect me. Hopefully, balmy breezes will return tomorrow.

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