Well, what started out as our small group Bible study with a surprise birthday cake following turned out totally different. Three couples from our small group called with very valid reasons why they couldn't attend. At that point, I made an executive decision to turn

this Bible study into a full fledged birthday party for my sixty five year old friend. I made calls to some key folks and we had a different group than had been planned but it was oh so sweet. People came at six thirty and when they had all left the front door, I was shocked to see that the clock was after eleven. I think we all had a good time.
My friend Joyce, and I grew up together. She lived about a city block and a half down the rural road on which we lived. There was one house between us and that was our good friend, John, one year older than me. I have written about him in a prior blog. I loved him then and love him now. The three of us all came from Christian families with similar values and similar goals. We had a super childhood as far as our play activities and the things we enjoyed together on our small farms. Joyce and I nursed our dolls in the front yard, fearful that someone would see us. Later as we got into high school, we both worked for a truck farmer (reason for my painful shoulders, I'm sure). We would pick and pack vegetables on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then go to the Gary market to sell the wares on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Those market days we left from "Fred's" at four oclock. I loved that job. I had other friends that worked there as well and so we all could talk from starting to quiting time. Teen girls love nothing more than to share with friends. The man we worked took a shine to us girls and I never could quite figure out if that was all innocent but I think it was. He enjoyed that we gave our best efforts to make his vegetables look good. I couldn't have had a better opportunity to work close to home and enjoy a greater exposure to the world than the Gary market. Many folks didn't speak English and there were as many people of color as not. That was a time in my life that I didn't see color in people. If one would have asked if the person I just sold corn to was white, black or brown, I wouldn't have been able to say. I loved the diversity and it made me feel my De Motte world had grown much bigger.
At any rate, I think it would be suffice it to say that we did surprise Joyce. She told me I was a "stinker". I thought that was a safe thing to be called. I could think of other things that would be less complimentary.
Is there anything better than good friends, good food and a time to fellowship? I think not. Life is all about relationship. Of course the first relationship to nurture is our one with The Creator. Matthew tells us that Jesus summed up his commandments with, "Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself". In this world where relationships are often bruised and/or broken, it is good to remember God's commands.

Joyce and husband, Jerry. When Joyce and Jerry were honeymooners, Jerry was in the Army and stationed in Tacoma, Washington. Ken and I made their home our desination when we left for our honeymoon. We pulled my dad's Avion trailer over those Rockies and ended up parking it on the hilly street while we bunked with Jerry and Joyce for a few nights. We spent several days with them and attended the World's Fair in Seattle as well. that was about 45 years and nine months ago. Time truly flies.
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