Monday, June 30, 2008

Funerals and Speeding Tickets

Today I'm least at posting an entry in this blog. Yesterday was busy with the Fourth of July service perparation and acutuality. It was a wonderful time when we gathered with people from different churches for the purpose of praising God for our freedom of citizenship in both country and His kingdom. We were priviledged to have great musicians aboard for that service which made the evening so moving and beautiful.

Today was a horse of a different color. I got up about five thirty and was outdoors soon after choosing the foliage and flowers I would use to fill twenty bud vases for the luncheon tables following the funeral of a fifty five year old friend from our church. She struggled with various illnesses and finally gave in to death; I think virtually longed for death at the end. Marlene was without doubt the best Bible teacher ever for new Christians. She was passionate about her faith and in her healthy years participated with vigor all the events of church life. Later, I think she became dissillioned and fell out of participation for the most part. I don't think her faith in Christ ever waivered, but I think she may have gotten discouraged with members of the body of Christ. Several years ago, our church went through a seperation of church and pastor. As I look back now, I feel so sorry about all that went on then. Not only was damage done to the ousted pastor and family but there was fall out on many fronts. A woman who was a member of our church in that turbulent time asked if she could sit with me at the funeral today because her husband couldn't attend. As we visited, I told her that I still think of the two of them as part of our fellowship. She said that was nice to hear. Then she told me through tears that when everything came down at that time, her husband who was clerk of our council had to tell his best friend, the preacher, that he know longer had a job. She said, it was never the same after that. They floundered from church to church for several years after that. God forgive us for the events of that time in church life and for the hurt inflicted onto so many. I have mentioned only two of the families affected. There were several others. Some were on one side of the issue, some were on the other. Some stayed and others left. Having experienced that painful time and having watched members of my extended family go through times of dissention in their churches, I have a disdain for that type of trouble. I have difficulty with a pastor falling out of favor in his church but I have more difficulty with pastors that divide the body of Christ. God has strong words of warning to pastors that split the body of Christ. What I find so troubling is that those pastors seem not to notice the division they find themselves heading. I have to work at not being resentful and holding a grudge. God forgive that which is in my heart that keeps me from loving them as I should. Help me to remember my own frailties, Father.

One of those frailtes is that I have always had a heavy foot behind the wheel. Age has tempered that some but I can be going over the limit just simply because my mind is on other things. On my way home from the funeral, I was on a back road that leads to our church. Part of the road is an open rural drive with corn fields and a few houses, the other end has a small bedroom community. As I drove home, I slowly went through the bedroom community well within the speed limit. As I got out in the rural area, my speed increased without my noticing the speedometer. About that time, I noticed a county sherrif headed my way. I looked at the speedometer and saw I was over fifty. I thought the limit was forty so there was a gasp of hope. Not so, the sherrif turned his rig around in a driveway, followed me for a mile and then stopped me. I kept my head about me and had my license and registration out before he got to my window. He told me he clocked me at fifty two and that the limit was thirty five. I told him I knew it was thirty five in the midst of all the homes at the other end but that I was under the impression that the country road end was had a higher limit. Nope, thirty five all the way. Okay, then, I'm sorry but I didn't realize that. He went back to his car to do his law enforcement thing. I decided that even if he wrote me a ticket, I WOULD NOT get upset over this. It was an innocent mistake and I was not in any way putting any one in danger. He came back to my car with a written warning (for which I was very grateful). BUT, I initiated a conversation about speed limits in the area. I found they are ridiculously low in Newton county. I told him I respected the law but felt some of those limits were not called for. His twenty five year old face broke into a grin and he said, "I don't make the law, I just enforce it". Likely story. Grrrrrrrr. I know, I know, the very attitude is another of my frailties.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday, Day of Rest and Gladness of rest and gladness. The century old hymn puts it this way:

"O Day of Rest and Gladness"
by Christopher Wordsworth, 1808-1885
1. O day of rest and gladness,
O day of joy and light,
O balm of care and sadness,
Most beautiful, most bright,
On thee the high and lowly
Before th' eternal throne
Sing, "Holy, holy, holy,"
To the great Three in One.

There was a day when we as God's people actually practiced the observance of this day each week. No work,only that which was necessary, was to be done. I recall the rules. Early in my childhood, there wwere no games of ball, no bike riding, and later, absolutely and most definetly....the television did not get turned on on Sunday. My mother always had her house spit polished by Saturday evening. The potatoes were ready for Sunday dinner in a pan on the stove; peeled and in cold water. Those were days of order in our house and in the houses of my friends. We attended church not only in the morning, but in the afternoon and/or later in the evening as well. The ultimate goal was not the rule keeping but the desire to honor this holy God we serve by doing what He did after He created all things. He rested.

Today, I will be doing anything but resting. It's church this morning, a wake this afternoon, and a combined service tonight with sister churches in the area. It's at our church this year and I was given the responsibility of putting that service together. Those participating will gather at four thirty to practice. Practice isn't the best term. We will go through the program to make sure that when it happens it happens smoothly and with dignity. So there will be little time to REST. I can chose, however, to have a restful spirit in my activity since all of my activity will be to praise and worship this holy God we serve.

Planning special services and ones not so special has been my joy over the years. They develop in my head without much effort. I know it is a gift and it has been used many times. It feels like the time has come for me to let the younger generation take the baton. I have been flirting with the idea to make tonight's service my swan song. It isn't that I would give up giving of myself....perhaps it is time to change what I give. We will see how things progress. Our church has called a man to serve as worship coordinator. If he accepts the call, I think it will be my time to step back and give him his go at it.

Tonight's service is called Celebrating Freedom. As I looked over the fourth verse of the afore mentioned song, the words of the first line jumped out at me. This song was written one hundred and fifty years ago. If the nations were weary then...what would their condition be now? Weary-er perhaps. As we celebrate our nations birthday, it is so tempting to focus on God's love for and favor toward the USA. That would indeed be anti scriptural, however. God is a God of the nations...all of them. The Word tells us that He has the kings of the nations in His control.....all of them. God has been so kind to America. So longsuffering. Remember the people of Israel and their tendency to walk away from the God that led them. Do we see a correlation here? I believe that the very faith of many of those who founded this nation would place the USA in a position that more was expected. Doesn't God say to whom much is given much is required? Makes me want to fall on my knees in repentance for our nation and beg for mercy. Oh God, send your heavenly manna to fall on us and refresh us on our way.

4. Today on weary nations
The heavenly manna falls;
To holy convocations
The silver trumpet calls,
Where Gospel-light is glowing
With pure and radiant beams
And living water flowing
With soul-refreshing streams.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Is There a Remedy to the Cost of Filling the Tank

I am in Algonquin, Illinois for the purpose of getting Isaiah and bringing him home after his week with his aunt, uncle and baby cousin. I looked against having to fill the tank one more time with liquid gold. Just gripes me. My pastor recently said he is troubled because he seems to be giving more money to Allah than to the one true God and that only because he has to travel so much which takes so much fuel and fills the pockets of the Muslims. I hear him. This is ridiculous. I remember in l978 or 79 when we had an exchange student from Denmark that she used to predict (which totally irritated me) that we would be paying $2.00 for a gallon of gasoline before too long. I think it was something like $1.30 at that time. She lamented the price of gas in Europe and resented that we had it so good. I think I have more sympathy for her feelings now than I did then. I also remember with thanksgiving that when we went to Denmark to attend her wedding, her family drove us all over the country burning their precious fuel for the sake of these spoiled Americans. As a matter of fact, they drove into Germany to get us because that was where the flight was the least expensive. That was a big sacrifice for Johannes because even though he lived twenty miles from the border, he had never been inside the German border. His resentment still burned because of the treatment the Danes had received at the hands of the German regime. Those revelations were incredible to me. I had only read about WWII in history books. My daddy spent the first three years of my life in that war but he was spared and spent his time in Hawaii working as a cabinet maker.

Back to the price of gasoline...there seems little one can do but stay home. On the other hand....all my grown up years I've drooled over scooters or small motor bikes. Now, if we weren't in this fuel crisis, a sixty five year old woman on a scooter would be scorned. However, this just may be my golden opportunity. Last week, I called my wheeler and dealer son. He finds the best deals and my assignment for him is to find me an exceptional deal on a scooter. I would like to be able to run to town or to my friends or relatives without feeling guilty. WHEN I get that little jewel, I'll be killing two birds with one stone,,,I'll be fulfilling a dream and saving gasoline. We will see what the future unfolds in this regard. :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just My Humble Take

The news is big on the debate (dispute) between O'Bama and Dr. Jim Dobson. I listened to a discussion about their differences and the slams they have made toward one another on 90.1 Christian radio. It was asked if Dobson should be so vocal about political candidates. One person thought Dr. Dobson speaks very well for the family but that his political views should not be so vehementably expressed. I guess it borders on coloring outside the church/state boxes. My experience is that often our opinions of people are more extreme than moderate. This is probably true about the opinions of both these people about the other. Words taken out of context by anyone about another can quickly destroy faith in the person speaking and the person being spoken of. Sometimes I feel that some well known church leaders of our nation have made of themselves and our faith a laughing stock. Does anyone remember Jerry Falwell? Or say, Pat Robertson, or Reverend Jesse Jackson? These men may be great men of faith but I wonder how many people have lost faith in faith because of their rigid stances. On the opposite side of things were/are, Dr. Billy Graham, Norman Vincent Peal, Dr. James D. Kennedy.....these men had opinions about politics but seemed to know where the line of demarcation was drawn.

To say the least, we as Christians have our work cut out for us when it comes to making a decision on which candidate to support this year. I don't think I need Dr. Dobson or any other man of the cloth to tell me for whom I should or should not vote. This I know, God has established governments for the purpose of maintaining order in society. For that purpose this nation stands because God is the God of all nations, not just the USA, beloved as she may be to us. He is interested in the candidates and whom will lead this great nation in it's next presidential term. I sure do wonder at His will for us considering the choices we have. Neither has the kind of character or beliefs that I would name as particularly Christian.

Do I have concern about who will be the next president of the USA? You bet I do. I wonder if our freedom is being subtly undermined. I wonder what God has in mind for the future of our nation. I tremble.....but.....I will tremble before Him and ask for His grace and favor for our nation and that He will place into office the person that will fulfill His will for us. I pray for forgiveness for a nation that has long forgotten where the source of its freedom has come. O, Lord have mercy upon us.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Marti's Place

Last evening. we went to the river to eat. In our parts, everyone knows that to mean we went to Marti's Place which is set on the bank of the Kankakee River. When I was a kid it was known as Ramsey's Landing, in fact, I went to high school with a daughter of the owner at that time. Then is was more a bar and masculine place to go after fishing or hunting. My parents never went to the river to eat during those years. It wasn't considered the acceptable place to go. We went to places like Tiebels. It was far more acceptable in my parent's thinking. I actually recall that we didn't go to any restaurant that had a bar in it lest we kids be inclined to think drinking was acceptable. If we were in a fix and needed nourishment and nothing else was around, well maybe then, but there better be a table far from the obvious din of iniquity. I say that with a smile on my face but I'm not too far from that myself today. While I'm not a prude about alcohol, I prefer the conservative side of things. I have seen people suffer far too much pain over the effects of the consumption of alcohol. There isn't a drink in the world that is worth the pain of an alcoholic husband or wife, or the tendency of a high schooler to be out each weekend getting plastered. I've made it a practice for forty six years not to have any alcohol in our home beyond a few bottles of wine. I'm not ashamed of that nor am I proud of it but I'm grateful we haven't felt the NEED.

Marti's Place has gained a good reputation in food these days. They give a fifteen dollar coupon for one's birthday which comes in the mail a few days before one's big day. Now that would raise any establishment's favor. Last evening as we walked to the car having finished our dinner, two ladies were walking before us, a bit slower than we would have walked. One of those ladies turned around and apologized for holding us up. We put her mind at ease and then she told us she was ninety one years old yesterday and had just enjoyed her birthday dinner. Ken quipped,"So how many more free dinners do you expect to get?" She thought it was a hilarious question and said as many as she could get. She looked wonderful and I would not have quessed her to be more than eighty.

There are no birthdays for us right now but we do know how to get on the computer and print off a coupon they offer which is buy one get one free. Last evening we each had small portions of white fish, my favorite, and our total bill was less than ten dollars. Cheaper than Mc Donalds.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Do Not Fear (God's comforting words to us over and over)

Moments in life that cause one to panic.........Lauri called yesterday...."Can you come over?" I'll be right there...out the door with my keys in over the two and a half miles to my daughter's house. All the way, prayers were flying from my mind, heart and lips to our heavenly Father. When I walked in the door, our Ethan was lying on the sofa with a very concerned mom by his side and a neighbor who happens to be a nurse standing over him. Seems he was helping his mom clean the bathroom. Mom was cleaning the sink and mirror and Ethan was intent on cleaning the tub. Somehow and we will never know how...he slipped and struck his chest on the side of the tub. Lauri said he let out a scream like she hasn't ever heard from him before and about that time, he passed out for a moment. Lauri was totally freaked out as most moms would be. By the time I arrived, the big concerns were over and Ethan just lay on the sofa not wanting to move very much. At one point he told us he thought he needed a chiropractor and repeatedly told us we should call one. Then he said that each time he breathed he "jiggled" whatever that meant. I think he had been frightened and his body was shaking. Eventually, he wanted to go to bed for a nap (which I didn't think was a good idea). Fortunately, he came out of his room quickly and under his own steam so we knew all was going to be well. By the afternoon he was out doors playing and claiming his chest still hurt a little bit and that he thought it was "bwooooosd". Phew>>>>>>

Then last night, Kendra and Craig observed that Emerson appeared to stop breathing and then to gasp. From what I have gathered....the kids wanted to downplay the event to good ole Mom so that I wouldn't worry. They called a neonatal nurse who had been a friend of Craig's mother. Peggy said to keep an eye on her and if she had other problems to take her to the ER. I talked with Kendra about seven and at that point Emerson was asleep and had had no other episodes. Kendra called at 9:30 and we talked a few minutes. She was apparently concerned. We prayed together and placed our precious little baby in our Father's hand for protection and health and strength. Kendra said she wanted the baby to sleep between them for the night and I told her I thought that was a good idea.

It's tough being a parent sometimes. Our ability to protect is limited. I've always said I felt better if I could fiquritively hold my children in my hands with the fingers far enough apart to remember I cannot be their ultimate care giver and close enough together to do the best I could as a human parent. God had to take care of that which I couldn't. Except for the grace of God.....

After dinner last evening, I got Alex and took her for her first real drive. I told her we were going to Grandpa Recker's house where she could drive on a lane. When we got about two miles from there I pulled over and invited Alex to drive. She said she was nervous....well, of course.....but she did a good job. There is a blind railroad on the road we were on and if there had been a train coming....well....we would have stopped just in time to kiss the train....but there was no train and she did get it stopped at the very edge of the rails. We had a good laugh and proceeded. Driving up and back Grandpa's lane proved very successful for me when I learned fifty years ago. It was apparent that it was good for Alex, too. Driving in reverse for a two block distance teaches quite a bit about steering and handling a car. If one can drive backwards, one can surely drive forward. We arrived home safely and Grandpa (my husband) got his car back in one piece.

Update on Ethan...I just called to see how he was and he answered the phone. He said he was fine, "and I didn't faint duwing the night, Gwandma." Next words were, "I just got up and I don't think anyone is here. I asked if he had checked his sisters rooms. Not yet. He said he would check but asked if I would come over if they weren't around. I assured him I would. Soon he whispered into the phone..."Sydney is still asleep and Awex is in the bathwoom. I said, "See, Honey, you weren't alone...your mommy would never leave you alone." I know Gwanma but all the cars were gone and I felt alone. Then I reminded him that today is Tuesday and his mommy is at work. Oh yea, and if there are any big pwoblems or big fighting we will call you.

Kids are a stitch......No update on Emerson yet this morning. I called but noone answered......wait.....wait......wait.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Attention Turns to Peggy Sue Once Again

I think most of the open house graduation parties are over. We had a dozen invitations this year. I feel poor at this point. Last evening I attended the graduation dinner of my Columbian student. It was held at Strongbow Inn in Valparaiso, very famous for their turkey dinners. Many years ago when I was young, the place was a very small restaurant with turkey pens next to it. They raised their specialty right on the grounds. They themselves have graduated. No more turkeys on the premises and a gorgeous facility. The meal was fantastic and the fellowship was absolutely delightful. I don't recall a time in recent memory when the conversation around a table of strangers was more delightful. We left friends with the promise that we will get together for coffee in the near future. How weird is that?

My husband is busy working on Peggy Sue again today. She needed a second coat of interior paint. She is looking so clean and fresh. The church bulletin announced a church campout the first three days of August. I just wonder if that prompted his painting hand to get going. I'm saying nothing....if it is ready, we will go, if it is not ready, we will stay home. As easy as that. At this point the joy is in the restoration.

Kendra left yesterday with Emerson and Isaiah in tow. Isaiah should be at his first basketball clinic with his Uncle Craig as I write this. I wonder how he is doing. Isaiah and Kendra are like brother and sister. They enjoy each other so much and have such fun mocking and teasing each other. I'm sure it will be a crazy week at the Chatham's.

I am left with a house badly in need of attention. I'm already at it but thought I'd take a moment out to say good morning to you'al. Have a wonderful day....relish the sun and dry air. Tis wonderful.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Standby, Houston

After sharing belated birthday cake for Alex, her daddy told seven year old Ethan that they would go out doors and launch a couple of rockets. When the time was near, all the ladies in attendance were summoned. We stood with baited breath for the sizzle and shwoosh.
Stand by, Houston, we have technical difficulties.
We have more technical difficulties.

The attending ladies got weary of the wait and began to go back into the house. Suddenly, the technician thought he finally got it and so we all moved back out for another try. This time........up, up and away. Where it went noone knows because it could not be retrieved. The local corn field may be a place to scan. That thing went so high we couldn't see it. Ethan thought perhaps it went into another atmosphere. Perhaps, Ethan, and I think your daddy will be looking for another rocket soon.

Family Fun in the Sun
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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oh,What a Beautiful Morning

Yes, it was indeed beautiful. At around noon, the sky darkened and it wasn't long be
fore the sky could no longer hold the began to addition the wind blew and the rain and hail came down with vengence. We were at church for a funeral and watched as the wind pushed the rain under the doors and onto the carpet. At our house we got not quite an inch. I dare say it was more like two inches of downpour at church. Now? Now the rain has gone and we can see clearly now. Oops, sorry about the words of that song taking over in my fingers.

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

It is now a Sun Shiny Day. I rather miss Johnny Cash. A messed up past but a bright and clean present and future....He is enjoying his future in the mercyful hands of Jesus.

This afternoon we enjoyed ice cream cake in celebration of a belated birthday recognition for Alexandra Morgan VanderTuin. Fifteen and made her own birthday cake. The kid is talented. While that is indeed true, I don't hesitate to give her credit for being a huge help to her mother. You rock, Alex.

After devouring the cake, the guys went out to shoot rockets. The boys came in and asked the ladies to come to be a bigger audience. Elton had a terrible time getting the thing to launch. He tried a number of times and it wasn't too long before the women became less than long suffering and turned to walk inside the house. Just about then, contact was made and the rocket was launched. It is a thrill to see just how high they can go.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Our baby girl and her baby girl

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Ethan and his baby cousin, Emerson

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Small Town USA

After my Curves session this morning, I ran a few errands. I found myself smiling a lot. Then I realized that at every stop, there were people I knew from my growing up years here in this little town. The lady that helped me at CVS attended the same high school as I, though she was two or three years younger. That means I have known her for fifty years. The grocery store was next on my agenda. My hair stylist was there so we chatted a bit. Then I stopped at Family Express to pick up some milk. There were two cops in there; one a county sheriff and the other a town Barney Fife. The sheriff is my daughter's neighbor whom we have come to know and love. Barney Fife is a kid about our son John's age whose family I've known all my life. The gal behind the counter in FE also went to school with me and was a grade ahead of me. There were many smiles exhanged, hellos verbalized and small jokes told. As I drove home, I thought of the joys of a small town environment. I've said it before in this blog but I'll say it again...this is a great place to live and raise a family (though our raising is pretty well complete).

Kendra and Emerson arrived yesterday around noon. I was in town with Lauri and Alex at the BMV getting Alex's driver's permit. I remember the feeling of pride and aprehension I had when I was at that stage in life. She was happy as well. I told her this morning that I'll take her to Grandpa Recker's house and she can drive the quarter mile lane to the woods and then back it all the way up.....that is how I learned and it was other cars and no audience.

Ken had a root canal yesterday....such fun. I noticed he was up a great deal during the night. I was gone before he was awake this morning and when I returned, he was gone so I don't have his explanation as yet. The guy has suffered with his teeth the last few months.

When Kendra is home, I get my Scrabble fix. I won both games last night so I should allow her a victory before she gives up and doesn't play anymore.

The last few days I've been mulling over the disfunction of human kind. I am more and more convinced of the depravity of man...the Word says the heart of a man is full of wickedness. The things I have learned lately affirm that truth to my mind and heart. I grieve over the pain with which some have to deal. I don't understand why God allows these things to happen but perhaps I should be focusing the blame on Satan. One can often see in people the struggle between a desire to do good and the temptation to do wrong. It is so incredibly sad when the wrong wins. People's lives are changed for a lifetime and healing is long and difficult in coming. Pray for those who have been abused, especially those whose kin have taken advantage of them. God have mercy!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Safely in His Fold

Yesterday, the verse for the day on this blog was from Psalm 103. I don't know if anyone takes advantage of the opportunity but there is a little megaphone under the verse which when clicked will bring a voice reading the entire chapter from which comes the verse. I sat in my chair last evening and listened to the words of that psalm. What a comfort it was to me. I put it in today's blog for you to sink your teeth into and then let the peace of God flow over you. I haven't felt all that spiritual lately. Know what I mean? Prayer life is kinda iffy....can't get too excited about much that has to do with my relationship with Jesus and I've been feeling guilty.

The Spirit always calls us back and this psalm attests to that fact. It started this morning when I was at Curves. Instead of oldies CDs they had a praise CD playing with which to keep the beat of the exercises.. The words of the songs truly touched the Spirit within me...I could actually feel the praise coming from deep within. The Spirit in me was affirming all those praises and honor that came through the words. It was such a good was a comfort to in "Oh, He still lives within me!" When I finished with my morning work out I felt as if I had worked out physically but also spiritually.

I thought I would bold some of the most touching comforts in this chapter but as I read it, I can't choose any one, two or is all so wonderful. Funny how God's words are so special. Please take the time....don't just read my words..they mean nothing....only His are worth eternity.

Psalm 103 (The Message)
The Message (MSG)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson

Psalm 103
A David Psalm
1-2 O my soul, bless God. From head to toe, I'll bless his holy name!
O my soul, bless God,
don't forget a single blessing!

3-5 He forgives your sins—every one.
He heals your diseases—every one.
He redeems you from hell—saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown.
He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal.
He renews your youth—you're always young in his presence.

6-18 God makes everything come out right;
he puts victims back on their feet.
He showed Moses how he went about his work,
opened up his plans to all Israel.
God is sheer mercy and grace;
not easily angered, he's rich in love.
He doesn't endlessly nag and scold,
nor hold grudges forever.
He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve,
nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.
As high as heaven is over the earth,
so strong is his love to those who fear him.
And as far as sunrise is from sunset,
he has separated us from our sins.
As parents feel for their children,
God feels for those who fear him.
He knows us inside and out,
keeps in mind that we're made of mud.
Men and women don't live very long;
like wildflowers they spring up and blossom,
But a storm snuffs them out just as quickly,
leaving nothing to show they were here.
God's love, though, is ever and always,
eternally present to all who fear him,
Making everything right for them and their children
as they follow his Covenant ways
and remember to do whatever he said.

19-22 God has set his throne in heaven;
he rules over us all. He's the King!
So bless God, you angels,
ready and able to fly at his bidding,
quick to hear and do what he says.
Bless God, all you armies of angels,
alert to respond to whatever he wills.
Bless God, all creatures, wherever you are—
everything and everyone made by God.
And you, O my soul, bless God!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Another Monday

Tis another Monday and a gorgeous day. The storms are gone and the dry air has finally made it to northwest Indiana. I started my day at Curves and then brought granddaughter Alex to driver's education. On my way home I stopped at my friend, Bernice's for a bit of conversation. I had to get home to take Isaiah to DVBS where he will serve as a guide this week. When one is a seventh grader, one is now too big for least to attend as a student. I'm so pleased he will participate. Keeps him busy doing something productive and learn leadership skills at the same time.

He is delivered, all the tell tale signs of a family dinner are cleaned up and put away. The floor is mopped up once again and all stickiness is gone. The last load of laundry is in the dryer so I'm in good shape for a Monday morning at ten o'clock. Remember the days when ladies would compete to see who could get their clothes on the line first on a Monday morning? I certainly remember. I could always sense that there was a competition between my grandmother and my mother about who did the most the fastest. Actually the biggest competitor was my mother was more concerned about taking her time and doing it right the first time. I remember my mother getting a bit irked when Grandma would recall all she had already done of a if you are irked listening to my completed's in my blood. :)

The stop at Bernice's this morning produced plans for a trip to Grand Rapids together. The first pastor and family of our church became good friends of some of us and we have kept up a relationship even though they have moved to Oregon, California and now Washington state. They happen to be in GR this week for the synod of our denomination. It would be nice to connect with them again so I think the plan is to leave early tomorrow morning and return on Wednesday sometime. A bonus will be attending a session of synod. The issues of discussion are always interesting to me but I have long ago given up worrying about them. I think God does a good job of taking care of His church and doesn't need my opinion. He is only interested in my acceptance of His opinion.

Bernice gave me a couple of books to read this morning. I read Angela's Ashes a couple weeks ago and it brought me down. I was so upset that Frank McCourt, the author, actually had to live the childhood he relates in that story. No child should have to live as he did. Bernice gave me a sequel....Tis......I don't think it will have the same effect on me because he will now be nineteen and out of his abusive parents care. Hopefully, I will enjoy it. The other book is about living in Holland during the second world war. That doesn't sound too pleasant either, uh?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day 2008

Early wee hours of Sunday morning...the break of Father's Day 2008....well, I guess it is the middle of the night....between Saturday and Sunday. Woke up at the urging of my body and couldn't get back to sleep. Little dumb and insignifcant things on my mind...okay...some of them weren't insignificant. The stuff on my mind was computer work and correspondence over this or that matter. On one end was the insignificance of sending my friends a list of female dog names. Yes, they got a new puppy. She asked if I thought they were crazy????????? Well..I won't answer on the grounds I may be made a fool of later. Bernice has always wanted another Boston Terrier in life so now she has her. Bernice's comment to me last week was that the first thing she would do if anything happened to her husband is get a dog. I asked if she knew something we didn't. Horrible thought. The dog is a cute little thing....they grow up, though, you know. My experiences with dogs are not nearly as pleasant as hers, so go for it, my Friend. So the dog names are sent.

The other end of the spectrum was sending my cousin a list of details still needed for the geneology section of my grandfather's book which I have spoken of from time to time in this blog thing I do. I saw my cousin at a family graduation party last night so that sparked getting at this book once again. If only, if only, I would take the bull by the horns and get the THING finished. It is sooooo close. I must. This message has also been sent. One more thing off my list before morning. :) Stupid me.

Father's Day will bring Jennifer and Kip, Lauri and Elton and clan, and my dad and Mary for dinner. I think the sum total will be fourteen people. The menu is inch thick pork chops (Ken's specialty on the grill) and chuck burgers. He will also grill fresh peaches, yummmmm. Ken made some killer potato salad, I made broccoli/cauliflower salad, an edamane bean salad, and jello salad. There is cheesecake for dessert and of course, the sugar free trifle for my dad's sweet tooth. I haven't put that together yet because I don't want it to get real soggy....maybe I can do that little task before I go off to bed again.

Having all these things off my mind will make for a restful morning....I hope. Good night all....or is it good morning?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

And The Beat Goes On

And the beat goes on.....yesterday, I mowed the lawn while Ken painted in Peggy Sue. When I got out of the shower having washed the topsoil off my body and out of my hair, my former work mate, Anna, called. She was at a local nursery looking at plants and thought of me. I told her to come on over and we would find some things I could share with her. Several trips to her car later, she had hostas, stella doros, red hot pokers, and stuff I don't even know the names of. I think the lady will have her work cut out for her today and I also know she is a whole lot richer for coming where the sharing is without cost.

Last night, Cassie, a nurse friend (ala seamstress) from church, was going to accompany me to Joann Fabrics to pick up some fabric for Peggy Sue. When Lauri and I shopped earlier this week, we picked out two coordinating fabrics. We asked them to hold them while we did our homework. Cassie got detained at work so didn't get here till seven thirty....too late to go to Merrillville and get fabric. Instead she sat with pencil and paper and figured out yardage for cushion covers and curtains. It's going to look very cool but it will take some hot dollars. I lay in bed around two this morning worrying about the cost of everything I have to buy just today....considering the economy....our retired status.....pretty soon I had my self in a ridiculous state until I remembered and comforted myself with that God is in control.

So......this morning, I will be at Joann Fabrics when they open their doors. Unfortunately, one store doesn't have enough yardage so I'll have to get to two of them. The whole thing makes me a bit edgy. I will be happy to have the stuff in my hand. It's not like one can return fabric. Ugh. God have mercy

UPDATE.................knew you couldn't wait to see how the Joann Fabric trip went. Scarlen agreed to accompany me on this wild trip. That took sacrifice on her part because ordinarily on a Saturday when she doesn't have to work she sleeps in far later than my take off time. She got up without a complaint and had no other agenda but mine this morning. We had an enjoyable time just riding in the car together and chatting informally...remembering good and bad times in life and just confirming our love for each other. This bond was a long time in coming. Scarlen joined us physcially at seven years old but, emotionally?......well.......just how long ago was it? Not terribly but it is so good now....To actually spend time together and not worry about saying the wrong thing or moving my eyes the wrong way...hey, this is a taste of heaven. She has always been my precious daughter but now she is my precious daughter, if you know what I mean. Somethings are just worth fighting for....waiting for.....and praying for.

Sorry about diverting the subject....back to the fabric at hand....we went to two Joann's stores. Got all but six yards of the one style. Kendra has a big Joann's across the street from where she lives so she is going to attempt to get the six yards there this afternoon. If that doesn't work....I will have to order the lacking yardage. The great thing is that the God care I thought about in the middle of the night became a reality as I was given all the 40% off coupons I needed and they didn't even bug me about the one coupon per customer rule. That saved me mega bucks and I feel blessed and relieved.

I won't totally relax until I know that I can get the needed yards but I'm sure now that it will all work out. On to two graduation parties this afternoon....won't have to cook dinner today. Yippy skippy.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Father's Day Preparation

This morning, Lauri and I are going to Merrillville to shop for Father's Day dinner. I looked the ads over and haven't made a decision....if I pick up a is five bucks or more...that is only one....if I compare that to a gallon of gasoline, which would I pick? I would pick the gallon of gas, hands down. But, don't know about the chief. Then there is also my husband....which would he pick? Oh, you ask who the chief is? That is my father. After all, it is his day in my book. My kids can honor their dad...Oh, yes, I'll honor my husband too.
I have a couple of salads in mind and also a sugar free trifle. My dad is a borderline diabetic and his dear wife watches him like a hawk. That is why he stays so trim. He is also a sweet tooth and each time he is here and there is a dessert served which he can't eat, he kind of pouts. He makes me feel so guilty so I'll make sure there is dessert to please everyone.

On Mother's Day our pastor preached a sermon mainly to the husbands and children. He gave scriptural instruction on God's design for a good husband and good children. Our daughter, Jennifer, and her fiance, who live in Chicago, were in church and Jennifer ate that sermon up. She hasn't let Kip hear the end of it. She called yesterday and said they were coming for Father's Day to hear the sequel. Her fiance says he is looking forward to hearing about how the wife should treat the husband. It is all in good fun but makes my tummy chuckle.

Note the slideshow of my garden foliage I put on last night.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pics of My Garden

Incredibly bored tonight so instead of lying on my bed and falling asleep early, I went outdoors with my camera. Then it took an hour to figure out how to do the slide show. I used to know but forgot.

This time of year we are in between blooming perenials. Not much exciting in the garden BUT...note the blooming daffodil. Freekie, uh? After the spring beauties had bloomed I found a bunch of bulbs I had forgotten to plant. I dug holes and stuck them in the ground figuring it was worth a try. This is my reward...a blooming daffodil in June. The other photos are a bit of the variety of hostas that flourish in my gardens. The different color, texture, shape, and size always amaze and entertain me. I hope they bring a smile to your lips, too.

Check out my Slide Show!

Peggy Sue Progress

For all my complaining about the weather for the last weeks, I must send praise to God for two beautiful summer days where one can walk outdoors and truly enjoy the warmth of the sun without the dense humidity.

Yesterday, Ken and I worked on Peggy Sue much of the day. We made great strides. Ken got the subflooring in and now will work on getting in a layer of thin plywood to use as a base for our lineoleum squares. I stopped at a carpet store this morning and asked if they had any black white block lineoleum. They showed me what they had but it was 12 inch squares and would be totally unworkable for our little space. The salesman showed me a couple of other options but they weren't retro enough to suit me so I got brave and told him what I bought. Lineoleum squares. Well, he said, we don't carry that here but I used to remodel houses a lot and have used them often. He proceeded to tell me exactly how to install them for success. I was very grateful and have new faith in my darling black/white squares. Our new challenge is the door to the back of the refrigerator has a lock on it and obviously, we don't have the key. Ken tried everything we have and nothing turns it. It's our next mountain to climb. That needs to be resolved before we proceed with the layer of plywood. We must try that fridge out to make sure it works before boxing it in with another layer of wood. On and on this "little" project goes. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now and am getting excited about our nineteen foot home. It's becoming less someone else's and more mine.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Beating the Odds

My friend, Joyce, from the other side of the state called this morning. We visited for some time getting caught up on each other's lives. Six months ago, Joyce had called me to inform that she was on her way to her mother's side because she had fallen in her retirement home apartment and broken both hips, shattering one of those. She had surgery on one at a time and most wouldn't have given much hope for her to have conquered this new challenge in her life. Maxine fooled them all and after some time was brought back to the retirement home but placed in the rest home part of the facility. They put her through the therapy paces and gradually her strength returned and she gained mobility. Recently, she was moved back into her apartment. Joyce recounted the joy it was to move her things back into a place where she can enjoy a measure of independence and privacy. I've been to visit Maxine at this place and know how far it is from the rest area part to the apartment. Maxine, at ninety years old, chose to walk with her walker the entire journey to freedom. Joyce and her brother were at Maxine's side as they slowly made their way through the long halls. When they approached the area near her apartment, all the ladies of her area were in the dining area through which Maxine had to walk. When they saw Maxine, they got out of their chairs and stood, began to clap and all broke out in song with;

Roll out the barrel, We'll have a barrel of fun
Roll out the barrel, we've got the blues on the run
Zing Boom Terrara
Join in a glass of good cheer
Now it's time to roll the barrel
For the gang's all here

Maxine's face was beaming with delight. Joyce looked at her brother and both had tears in their eyes. Joyce said the scene was worth a million bucks.

Sometimes the victory is oh so sweet when one beats the odds. Maxine is a tough cookie. But then, she has hung around tough cookies. One of her friends who was ninety years ago when I visited lived in her own house, drove her own car, did all her own gardening and kept the cutest house. When she took me on a tour of her home, she pointed out the candle sticks in the bath tub with this comment, "If I had known you were coming they would have been lit!"

Monday, June 9, 2008

Yesterday afternoon, I attended graduation where I worked for many years. I saw some of the kids I dearly love get their diplomas. While that was a joy to me, there was a certain sadness lurking beneath the surface of my emotions....I don't know how to explain it but when I hugged my Columbian friend, I noticed how much he has matured and something in me could hardly hold it together enough to get to my car before I boohooed. When one invests years into a kid's education, they become dear and now that I'm retired, there are no more kids to invest in. My Columbian boy proudly told me he earned an Honor's Diploma. I couldn't have been more pleased...he is on to Butler University to study engineering.

I did boohoo all the way home....I tried to analyze my weird behavior. I'm wondering if this was a delayed reaction to my retirement last spring. I rather sneaked out of there and didn't turn in my intent to retire until July when I knew there would be no hoopla over my leaving. I sent the letter and never looked back. Is there some sorrow about the progression of life that grabbed me yesterday? I still feel a bit on the meloncholy side but I'll get over it.

Granddaughter, Alex, began driver's education today. I can't believe how time has flown. She is taking the course at the high school where I taught so I accompanied her and her mother and helped them find their way around. I know the man teaching the class and told him to take good care of our Alex. Alex knows noone there today so I hope it goes well and she finds a friend soon.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Busy Time of Year

It's a brand new day...the sun is shining, the birds chirping, the fountain running and so far the wind is calm. The last few days the wind has been so furious that one could forget keeping one's hair in decent condition. I got used to using my fingers as a comb and doing one of those swoops, one with each hand, on walking indoors whereever it was. I'm not a fan of wind. There are places people live where wind is a constant companion....that is not where one would find me living.

Today will be the first Sunday in three that we will be in our own church. How soon it feels as if one doesn't know what's going on when a few Sundays go by without being part of the worship. It's rather like not seeing family members for too long. I know that scripturally the people that belong to our church are members of Christ's family but they are also my brothers and sisiters in the Lord and I feel very close to them. As we are growing so rapidly it is more difficult to continue to get to know more and more people and feel that same closeness. I try to remember people's name but I so often run into a brain drain when standing shoulder to shoulder with one I don't know so well. Those are times when the limitations of my mind frustrate me.

The shower yesterday morning was so pleasant. The future bride was very confident and sweet. Her fiance has just been accepted into med school so she and he have a long road ahead of them. She is a nurse so there will surely be a mutual interest and understanding.

After the shower I came home and took a nap. I was exhausted from all the hoopla the night before. When I woke, it was time to get ready for the graduation open house. And so it event to the next. Today, I will attend the graduation ceremony where I worked for sixteen years. There are a couple of kids I worked closely with that are graduating. One of those is a Columbian boy that I became very close with. His dad is a vet for the dairy farms in this area. They are wonderful people and I find great joy in them. I have always been interested in people of various countries and cultures. My favorite students were immigrants or exchange students. What a richness they bring to one's world.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Dark Night

Yesterday I enjoyed a day shopping with my friend, Linda, to secure all the food and items she needs for her daughter's in law shower to be held this morning at ten. We had a good morning in Merrillville and then went to church to put things together. The place looks beautiful and the brunch will be wonderful as well.

My troubles began a bit later in the day. We went to Flying J's fifteen minutes from our house for dinner with some friends. When I got out of the car, the thought ran through my head to leave my purse in the car. A second thought ran through my head to take it in in the event my phone would ring. We enjoyed dinner and then went to leave. Only my first thought was recollected......I thought I had left my purse in the car so didn't even look for it. We drove home and then I took the Durango to a local dollar store for a gift bag for the shower. When I drove into the strip mall, I looked on the floor on the passenger side, (the place my purse always sets) and saw nothing. I nearly panicked. I had gone to the bank yesterday and got some cash so there was nearly 200 dollars in that purse not to mention my phone,credit cards, license, etc. I had Ken's phone in my hand since I had been talking on it when I dropped Ken off at home so I rang him and told him my deal. He wasn't happy. (This has happenned before). I asked him to call Flying J's and ask about it. In between my call to him and his to me, Kendra called. While talking with her, a kid let the door of his car fly open into the side of their SUV. I heard her ask him if he had done that and he wasn't sure. A bizarre interaction occured and the boy and his father were found in many lies and the whole experience sent Kendra over the edge. I explained I was trying to handle my own crisis and I was on my way back to Flying J's. Gas is cheap, you know. Eventually, Ken called to say they had my purse and I could get it at the diesel desk. I was relieved to know they had the purse but wasn't confident everything would be in there.

I raced into the truck stop and found the diesel desk. I asked if they had the purse.....yes they did and they had tried to catch us when we left and also paged us. The attendant got the purse out from under lock and key and then gave it to me with this directive, "Check to make sure all is there". I checked and was very relieved to find my purse hadn't been ransacked. I thanked the lady and she commented that "we have very honest people working for us." I said a silent thanksgiving to God.

At that point, I felt a deep need to use the restroom before I got back on the road. The first stall door I tried was locked. The next one pushed in but I felt a bit of resistance. I pushed again...then a voice..... That one was full too. I relate this because these small insignificant things had an overall effect on my insane state of mind. When I walked into my third try, the door opened and I got in. As I did I kind of closed the thing on my right elbow which knocked Ken's phone out of my hand into the toliet. I hate public restrooms but didn't hesitate a second to stick my bare hand into the toliet to retrieve not my but my husband's phone. UGHHHHHHH. I dried it best I could and then did my thing. When I got into the car I wiped and shook that phone.
Back in home territory I called my daughter's house and son in law, Elton, answered. I asked if they were home to help me with a problem. Yep, we will be here, he says. When I got there I related my sad story. Elton took the phone apart and dried to dry the dampness. The thing lit but the functions didn't work at that point. I was treated to a cappucino to calm my frittered nerves. About nine thirty, I went home with a phone that still didn't work, but promises from Lauri that when she dropped her phone in the lake, it took a few days to come back to life.

At home, I called Lynette (23 year old that lives with us)into my room and told her the story. She said she thought the phone would be dead. No, no, Lauri says it will come back. She took the thing apart and blew on it, got the hair dryer and adnminstered more extreme drying to it. Soon, the SIM card came back on and the phone would call out but the person at the other end couldn't hear our voices. I asked her to be in charge of the ill phone and hope by morning it worked. When I got up this morning, the phone was lying on the kitchen table all in one piece. I think that message is that all is well. I set it on Ken's dresser next to his wallet. Unless I get really brave, he will never be the wiser. How could he possibly deal with a wife who made TWO giant mistakes all in one night?

Are there any times in your life that you are so absolutely furious with yourself? Last night was one of mine. I felt totally irresponsible on both counts. I felt it during the night and still feel it some this morning. Hopefully, the happiness of a wedding shower this morning and a graduation open house this afternoon will drive away the yuk from my mind and emotions. I know, I'm nuts.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Waiting for the Ground to Accept the Water

We did our share of playing in the water yesterday. Why not make some fun out of a bad situation? Isaiah spent most of the day with the neighbor boys in the water and then on the trampoline. Not a very safe combination. No harm came, thank God. Sydney, Mackenna and Ethan came for awhile while their mom went to an appointment she had. It took everything I had to convince Ethan he could take off his jeans and wear one of Isaiah's boxers to go out into the water. Once he was out there, he didn't think about the boxers again.

Our family room carpets are just about dry....a little damp in places but almost there. There is rain forcast for tonight and I hope and pray it misses us. My poor purple petunias are still drowning this morning. The water has receded a bunch but we still have part of our yard under water. And I? I just think of petunias and perenials......many in our area are concerned for their crops that are underwater. Farmers took great risks just putting seed in the ground this year considering the high cost of fuel for their equipment and the increase in price of all the other things they use. It cost my brother four hundred dollars to fill his tractor tank once. That lasts about a day when planting corn. It would be devastating to have to plant again if the plants drown. Everywhere one drove yesterday, one would see farmers with shovels or bigger equipment attempting to find a way to free a path for the water to run off their crops. A desperation was in the air.
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Thursday, June 5, 2008

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A Flood

During the night, the lightning was coming in the window in record speed and strength. The rumbles of the thunder left no room for silence but we slept anyway. I woke a couple of times and thought, "We are still here and so all must be well". There were tornado watches and warnings for this area on the weather channel. The stillness of the damp air was evidence enough that the danger was lurking. As a child I was pertrified of storms. Today, they are rather soothing.

When I woke this morning a bit later than usual, it was light and I sat in my recliner checking my messages on the laptop. I noticed the sky was not carrying the burden it bore the last two days. It was bright and lighter. All looked well in the front of our house. I had taken a rug in late last evening that just hadn't dried well and hung it over a stuffed chair in the sunroom. I decided to check to see if the rug had dried thoroughly. When I walked into the sunroom, I didn't know what I saw. It was water everywhere in our back yard. I looked to the side and yes, there were more huge areas of water. My first thought was our family room in the lower level. I raced down stairs and just as I feared.......wet carpets in a couple of places. I sent a silent thank you to the Master Protector for what could be a whole lot worse. Then I went to rouse Ken. He acted as if I told him the coffee was on. Soon I asked, "did you hear what I said?" No, he hadn't. The carpets are wet downstairs. He was up in a flash and of this writing, the carpets have been sucked comparatively dry and the fans are running.

One of the first duties of the man of this house after a rain is to check the rain guage. SIX INCHES! We have lived here since l985 and this is only the second time we have had water standing in our yard. The ground here is sand and water seeps quickly. When water is standing that means the water table is very high. Ugh. I wonder how long it will take to go down this time. I noticed the girls will have to swim to their cars this morning.

Many blessings of care have been experienced. The house is still standing and all five people here are well. We praise God.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

An Open Canvas

Another gloomy morning....the sky didn't clear yesterday until two o'clock...perhaps the same today. I won't have to worry about getting water to the flowers, they have had enough already today.

I have no plans for today at this point. An open canvas. What will God paint on it today? I'll run to Curves at a bit after seven o'clock. I love being there at that time because noone else is there and I have the place by myself. One of the workers asked if I didn't want to come at a different time so I'd have some company. I told her, "Honey, I don't need Curves to add to my social life...I need Curves for the obvious and I'll be happy to grind at it by myself." Usually by the time I'm half finished, a couple gals come in. One of them was a few years ahead of me in high school so I know her some. She wants me to bring plants this morning. I have tons of day lilies I dug up from around that tree we fell so am happy to find a taker.

Which reminds me that I should get my shower and get those plants wrapped in newspaper. Seven o'clock will come very soon.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

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Green Acres is the Place For Me

After two gorgeous days, I'm waking to a sky that appears foreboding. Things will have to change a great deal in order to see the sun anytime soon. My guess is that we will have a shower or two early today. (note the spring flower pics taken in my yard this morning).

Yesterday was the planned day to take down a huge tree in our front yard. The top of it broke off during a winter storm this last season and the rest needed to come down, lest it come down during another storm and damage property. Our neighbor, Greg, heats with wood so he offered to take it down for the wood. Isaiah and I left for about fifteen minutes to deliver a drum set to granddaughter, Mackenna. When we returned, the monster was down and while I felt robbed to have missed the sight of its falling, I was relieved to see that it landed perfectly with injury to nothing and noone. Greg and his wife and five children worked on that tree yesterday. It is down to only the trunk this morning. I can see that the diameter is about two and a half feet. It was a big un. They did such a good job of cleaning it all up with rakes and had tons of fun filling a little trailer with logs and one of the kids driving the lawn tractor trailer in tow to their back yard where they set up a pile that will serve to warm them next winter. Our front yard looks foreign to me now. Perhaps a better description would be that it looks naked.

Granddaughter, Alex, left for her eighth grade trip to Washington DC late yesterday. I rode with her mother to bring her to school for take off. Goodbyes were difficult. I was reminded of what it was like when our eldest child began to spread her wings. It pains a mother's heart and the child's as well. As we walked away, the principal invited us to join them in the time of devotions before they left. Lauri looked at him and said, "Our goodbyes are said and we need to just leave". The group was to travel by coach bus through the night and enjoy a tour of the White House this morning. Having made the same trip a little over a year ago, I can relate to all the things on their itinerary and just know they will have a wonderful time.

This morning, I will be joining a friend and together we will go "up north" ( a local term which means going to where the houses are closer together and there are many more businesses and all of which is north of here.) It is a wonderful place to visit and I love it......but......I wouldn't trade this country life for anything in the whole world. They can have their busy lives and their traffic jams...I relate to sentiment of the song;

Green Acres is the place for me
Farm living is the life for me
Land spreadin out so far and wide
Keep Merrillville, Chicago New York.....
Just give me that countryside.

Today is our baby's birthday. Kendra is twenty eight today. I long to be able to spend it with her but two and half hours and several gallons of gas keep us apart today. I wish her a very happy birthday and trust her husband will make her feel special on her special day. Kendra, you may read this to Craig if you have to. :)

Yesterday was our son's in law birthday also. We dropped by to give him birthday wishes last evening. It is also my brother, Jim's, birthday happy birthday to each of you birthday people.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The brides three sons give her away to her soon to be husband, John. John is on far right.....his son John, the preacher is in the middle right facing camera.
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Visitning our new Avion friends.
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Swivel those hips, Baby. Even Grandma got into the act but thankfully there was noone to take a picture.
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Katie and her friend, Chloe
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Mackenna, Alex, and Lauri
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Pomp and Circumstance...does it ever cease to move the soul? Alex on her way into the gym for graduation.
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Sunday in Full

A delightful day. Visiting the church of our past was a joy and feeling the welcome of many of the people that were young with us at the time was warming. Our council had asked Ken and me to bring greetings of congratulations from our church. We were assured that a letter had been sent and that we didn't have to do anything but show up and take space in a pew. The service had barely started when the pastor announced that people were in attendance from other churches to bring greetings. Ken looked at me and I at him with a common question...."Now what do we do?" After greetings had been given from a sister church, my husband got up and I followed him. We explained our feelings of unpreparedness with humor and won them to our side. Ken asked the pastor for the letter our council had written and then he read it it. It was a humorous moment. We met the challenge quite well and sat down feeling as if we hadn't made fools of ourselves. The message was given by Bethel's first pastor who expressed in certain terms that Bethel's first purpose was to share the love of Jesus and bring people to salvation. He urged them to carry on toward that end. His passion was as fiery as ever. We enjoyed being guests of a lovely dinner with the Bethel family in the church basement.

We were responsible for the worship service at the local retirement home at two o'clock. I twisted some arms and got grandson, Isaiah, and granddaughter, Alexandra to play their trumpets for the residents there. Our associate pastor spoke to those dear elderlies about Psalm 19 where David praises God for His creative abilities and accomplishments. The kids played "For the Beauty of the Earth". They made their grandma proud. Then my friend, Bernice and I sang a duet. We hadn't done that for twenty years and found it fun to once again lift praises to God together. The residence enjoyed our rendition of "Great is Thy Faithfulness". Another friend, Joyce, accompanied the group singing and the duet on the piano. It was kind of a family/friend affair. It doesn't take much to thrill hearts of those that aren't able to attend regular church services. God bless those dear ones.

I feel as if this weekend has been a marathon of activity. Each activity has brought with it inspiration and enjoyment. Why is it that I'm glad it is over? I think it is because as one looks ahead one wonders if it will all go as planned. All did go as planned and I'm grateful for safety in our travels and joy in our relationships.

Saturday the Thirty First

Visiting the campground where a few diehard Avion trailer owners convened was very interesting. We met about six couples. Some of them in their eighties, one couple approximately our age and another couple perhaps ten years younger. It was apparent they had developed a bond through the common ownership of an Avion trailer. When the eldest couple left, there were hugs and kisses all around and one could readily see, these people loved each other. That couple pulled away with a big vehicle and a forty foot Airstream. My oh my, would that we could be so confident in our eighties. Ken learned many things about the nuts and bolts of the trailers from the men in attendance. It was common to find then looking under the trailer, in tool boxes, etc. as they talked about what makes an old Avion tick.

We spent the better part of the morning there yesterday. Then we had several hours before the time of a wedding we were invited to attend. We had to figure out a way to use the time and I wish I could say we were successful but we frittered here and there and never seemed to be really at rest. I think I was most content when we were in Carson, Pirie, Scott and Co. I was home then even though it was not one I normally visit. I found a great pair of dress shoes on sale which my husband encouraged me to bring home with me. I obliged.

The wedding was precious. At sixty eight a piece, John and Jan made new vows in life. John's son was the pastor and made a few light comments which put everyone at ease including the bride and groom. As son John said, it isn't very common for a son to marry his father off.

When we arrived home near dark, I was spent. I climbed into my familiar bed shortly after and thought I felt too tired to fall asleep, but obviously, unknown to my conscious mind, I did fall asleep and woke about five this morning, refreshed and ready to go again. It occurs to me what a tremendous blessing sleep is and how miraculous it works to refresh body, mind and emotion. God is one great creator, eh?

This morning we will worship at a church where we attended forty years ago with our older and very small children. The first pastor of that church will be in attendance. It will be so good to see him and his wife again. We love them to this day yet our paths don't cross any longer anymore.