Recreating the Resitation from her Thanksgiving Program
Couldn't resist the butt crack
Isaiah's Hat
Kendra in it
The Teacher
"We use our voices to speak, shout, whisper and sing"
Guitars All Lined in a Row
Drums Anyone?
Music Class Seated on the Floor
Pretzel Style
Watching Last Year's Play
Getting them ready for Dec. 6th
Mackenna Lee and Grandma
Fourth Grade and Onward
Personal Quote
I called Emerson a little Thumbelina. Kendra asked me what that meant. I chuckled and knew that I was referring to a doll that was before Kendra's time. This morning I made the same reference when I was talking with one of my older daughters and she got my gist immediately. Sometimes I forget that my children are seventeen years from eldest to youngest. Hmm, that is close to a wonder there are gaps in the understandings.
Isaiah James Answers a Question
Boy in Yellow shirt and brown LONG hair :)
Gotta Love That Boy
Sweet As Sugar
Ethan Luke
All Boy and Then Some
Look Grandma, It's My Power Point
Alex with her Grandma (Me)
Love Forever
Our Grownup Eigth Grader
Alexandra Morgan
Sydney with Friend, Rachel
Million Dollar Smiles
6th Grade Friends
Two grandkids and their crazy and lovable friends
Sydney 6th grade
What'd you say, Grandma?
The Mommy To Be (in white)
Opening One of So Many Wonderful Gifts
The Setup
Pink and Pretty for Our New Little Girl
A Bassinet As Gift Holder
Ten Dollar Garage Sale Find Used as Prop
Golden Sunset
Our House Encapsuled by the Gold of the Setting Sun
Eerie Yet Beautiful Sunset
Did You See it Last Week?
Daughter Scarlen
Happy 28th
Reunion Day
A great day for a great day. The weather was a perfect 75, no humidity and a gentle breeze. The fellowship was just as perfect and a good time was had by all, (including me).
Sister-in-law Luann and Grandma Mary
Soaking up Those Rays
Enjoying the Moment
Cousin Ruth and Sister Jann
Baby Brother
Doing What He Likes Best
Grandpa w/ Lit Candle
To Humor the Family Who Couldn't Attend
Enjoying Each Other and the Sun
Cousin Alice
Looking at the Pictures
Gil and Grace
The First Grandchild of a Generation Ago
Ken, Clarence Judy and Gil
Enjoying Life Together
Brother Jerry, Sister Jann, My Father and Cousin Ruth
Catchin' up
Our House is Right Over the Hill
Simply Country
Color in My Backyard
God's Paintbrush
A Little Hillside on the Side of Our Road
Eat Your Heart Out New England
Painting Day
De Vries Painting Truck
Painting Day
Putting On the Sour Cream Trim
Painting Day
SPrayer Changes Everything
Painting Day
Josh Pushes In, Ken Pulls Out
Painting Day
Saran Wrap Rolled Windows
Bible Study
Wednesday Morning Bliss
Love Conquers All
Judgment does not belong in the life of a Christian. God says he is judge and avenger.
The brides three sons give her away to her soon to be husband, John. John is on far right.....his son John, the preacher is in the middle right facing camera.
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