One small leap for mankind....well....for the two of us here that qualify for that title. Ken got the top layer of plywood on the floor in Peggy Sue completed......we also took out the fridge and plugged it in. Nothing...no noise...nothing. So we laid her on her back for a few days in response to some advice we received from other old trailer enthusiasts. When we put her right side up again there still seemed to be no activity. Ken called the refridgeration guy in town. "Hey Marty, do you work on trailer fridges?" "Nope, just mine". So a few minutes of conversation insued. When that ended, Ken said, Marty said to plug her in and let it stand overnight. The thing will not make noise so only time will tell if it is cooling. Next morning, yuala, we had a cool fridge. We even used it this past weekend to cool some cans of soda. We were two happy clams. The next step is to take out the stove and the sink so that a new counter top can be installed. Not sure when that will get done. We don't have anyone lined up to do that yet though we have a contact we will try. The laminate pattern is chosen so this should be an easy process should the person in mind say he can do it. The seamstress busy on the cushion covers and curtains came last week with a sample cushion. It looked great and excited me. I was more convinced than ever that this thing will come together in the end.
Yesterday we received an e message from one of Ken's cousins with some family info. At the tail end of her message she commented that she was sure we already knew about Marlys. No, we knew nothing about Marlys. I quickly wrote back that we were clueless and she wrote back just as quickly that Marlys, another cousin of Ken's had had a stroke a week ago Sunday and was still in Munster hospital. Her right side has been affected and she is in therapy. Ken and I see his family members rarely. Usually, this time in our lives, it is only at funerals, which saddens us. We spoke about the situation and decided to travel to Munster to pay her a visit. We found her in good condition, albeit not able to move most of her right side, though her foot is beginning to move. There is a good chance she will recover movement and we will pray for that. We had an enjoyable visit with her and her husband reminiscing about people we don't hear about much. The experience was a sobber one as we are beginning to feel the pressure of age on many of our own peers. Thank God for health and strength. The ability to get out of bed in the morning is no small thing to take for granted. The ability to see, to hear, to speak, to swallow, to walk......thank you God for the most amazing miracle.....our body.
I'm including some great pics our son Jay sent of his family. The dutiful wife and mother butchering the fish that the fishermen,Austin and Jay, caught and the little sister Jessica that will enjoy the free dinner..
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