Saturday, September 13, 2008

Blessed with High Humdity

Our air went out last night just in time for this humidity. I have a very hard time with humidity. When we went to bed last night, Ken wanted the window open. It soon felt like a sauna in that room. Yuk. Then the man I have shared a bed with for forty six years decided he was so hot he needed the overhead fan on. Well, I waited for the man to fall asleep and then I sneaked out of the room with afghan and pillow in hand and spread myself over the guest bed. I shut the door to keep out as much humidity as possible. I slept like a baby and didn't wake until seven this morning which is a very late sleep for me. Ken said he slept like a log so I guess he didn't miss me after all. The air conditioning man was called last evening and is supposed to arrive on the scene this morning. It will be so good to have dry air again. We are so spoiled.

I should complain, right? There are thousands of people in Texas without electricity and with water everywhere. That is not to mention the destruction to property by the strong winds. Ike has been brutal. Forgive me, Lord for even thinking at all about a little humidity in my bedroom.

I heard on TV an interview of a young man who did not evacuate and was concerned that the roof of the building he and his wife and two small children (three years and two months)were in was beginning to cave in. He said they were totally inundated by water. When the journalist asked why he didn't move his family to a safer place he responded that he had no place to go. One wonders if there couldn't be a plan in place that people like you and me could house a family during crucial times like this. I would be honored to help a family. I suppose screening families would be a huge undertaking but I felt horrible to hear this young father say he had put his family in harm's way because he had no other place to go. I realize young families like his may not have the money to even drive his family out of harm's way. I don't know....I'm just thinking that God's people could certainly be of some help in immediate relief to those that have no other place to turn.

I hear gas is up to 4.39 a gallon in our town. Crazy. Let's hope and pray those refineries are not damaged.

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