Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hurrah for Palin

In my world, Sarah Palin hit a home run last night with her speech at the NRC. She proved herself worthy of her new position as candidate for VP of the USA. She also challenged her(their) opponents in this race in clever, intelligent, humorous and wise ways. There were a few formidable zingers.

The most tender part of the broadcast on CNN was when the photographer panned over to Piper, youngest daughter of Palin who was holding baby Trig. Piper stroked Trig's hair several times and when it didn't go the way she wanted it to, she licked her hand and then smoothed it down with some homemade moisture. It was priceless and soooo human. I doubt there was any one of the millions watching that weren't brought to a smile or made to respond "awe....." That nearly brought tears to my eyes as this little girl who hasn't a clue she is being watched by the world, cradles and caresses her new little Downs Syndrome brother.

When I think of the dynamics of that family's recent experiences, I must say that if it were I who four months ago had a disabled child and my precious seventeen year old daughter revealed her untimely pregnancy.......I would still be reeling in defeat and licking my wounds. This woman called Sarah Palin, has not shrunk back from either of those painful hits and has taken on the world. On top of that, she has exposed her pain for all to see that she is no different than any other woman in the nation....she has her ups and her downs and she handles them with grace and courage. She is made of thicker skin than I. God bless her and her efforts on behalf of this nation. This nation that teeters between cultural philosophies that seem to be miles apart can learn much from this woman who knows how the average person lives and thinks.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I know one thing, I can't watch the news anymore until the election is over, I'll need anger management classes if I do. The minute her speech ended, the first obviously democratic consultant on the news claimed we didn't know anymore about WHO Sarah Palin was after her speech....HELLO, were they listening at all?!

It seems she will be able to relate on so many levels to many different walks of life, now if they can just get those "regular folks" out to vote.