Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One Step at a Time





This is an example of love.....did I ever think I would be underneath an Avion trailer? NO But here I am, next to my man, with our heads under the tail where Ken was doing some sheet metal work. The trailer was lifted up by backing it up onto blocks. Backing the Durango was my job while he gave instructions. What a hoot! I spent many minutes and hours today watching and listening for the metal block to begin to cave in. I was given strict instructions to run into the Durango and pull the thing off at the slightest hint of breakage. While I was underneath, my job was to hold the sheet metal in place while the man put in the rivets. I must say it was a bit exciting. Restoring this old trailer is a bit of a lesson in self preservation. Would I like to live in these 19 feet for 24/7. I doubt it, but it certainly would provide shelter and privacy if I needed it. I love my little bit of yesterday. So does my man or he wouldn't be putting so much work into it.
BTW, the pic that looks like cement is really the underside of the trailer. It was what I saw as I lay there holding my arms up as Aaron did for Moses. I feel good about the stability of that old piece of steel now that I saw it from the underside.

BTW.....we ordered the counter tops and table top yesterday. The top I chose six months ago is no longer made so I had to choose a new one. It is similar so I am happy. Should be complete within two weeks. I'm pumped. The seamstress says she will set Oct first as a goal to reach as well so we should be able to be on the road soon. So cool.

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