Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bugs, Pinoccle, and Thieves

The bugs are back....yuk! Yes, the lady bugs, and yes, the farmers are harvesting soy beans. When they take the beans off the stalk, the bugs that are harbored there are dispersed to places unknown to them and unfamiliar to them. One of those places yesterday was the north side of our house which faces the road and has our front door as one of its parts. Each time we came in, a couple of those little devils would come in with us. As we walked in from church a few minutes ago, I was reminded by a couple little critters lying dead on the entry floor that I need to get out the dust buster or more appropriately in this instance, bug buster. Have you noticed how those things stink? I can't stand the little things but I'm grateful they aren't as abundant as they were, say about five years ago. From what I've heard, these lady bugs are not native to our land but were brought in for some productive reason. I don't see the point. They are simply a nuisance.

Last evening we played pinoccle with my dad and Mary. It was a victory for the men. Two out of three games. The women usually win and that doesn't make the macho guys very happy so last night we did them a favor. As I've told you before, my dad is a risk taker and not nearly so much a one in his elder years as when he was younger. But, pinoccle is fairly benign so in pinoccle, he still takes risks and often finds himself setting his team. It's a very good thing that Ken is such a good sport. I have heard that when he plays with his brother in law, words fly sometimes. He pokes fun of me for playing safe but that is my style, and his? Well, he likes to play the edge. We find playing cards with them to be a wonderful way to enteract and enjoy them.

It's always so good to go to church and be with the family of God there. Today, we heard a sermon on the eighth commandment. We are all guilty of stealing in some way. Some ways I think I have stolen are not giving as much as I could give of myself in many instances. Some of my most vivid remembrances of "getting caught" was when I was around five and took a package of gum from the grocery store. As I chewed that gum and savored the flavor, my mom asked me where I got the gum Today, I don't think parents would notice such a thing as kids seem to have so much more. When it came out that I had taken the gum, I was marched to the car and taken back to the store and humbled as I had to give back the opened package and pay for the gum ( a nickel) in addition to confession. It was painful. It did make an impression, however. I don't think I have taken anything from a store again. We steal in many ways though. ALL of us. I have spoken with people who don't see this sin in themselves. I find that hard to believe. Maybe its just me that is a sinner, but I rather doubt it.


Cathy said...

Oh Gayle, I have that exact memory of stealing a gum ball. For some reason I think there may have been a little grocery store where Holly's restaurant is now? And they had these penny candies, and I just wanted a gumball, it was wrapped in it's own wrapper, so I took it in my hand and when we got into the back seat of the car my mom heard me unwrapping that gumball, and the same thing happened, and she wouldn't even go back in with me...I had to march my little 4 year old self in there on my own,and say sorry and pay for it. But aren't we glad our momma's did notice and made us be responsible for our actions...good parenting!

Gayle De Vries said...

Same store, Cath. I think Tiny Postma owned it in your era but it was Bill Swart who was my grandfather Recker's good friend that owned it in my day. Talk about embarrassing my father. Yes, I am grateful for the teachings of my parents...

Cathy said...

I forgot one part, my mom then made me throw the stolen gumball away, I didn't even get to chew it...there was NO reward in stealing for me, and isn't that how it should be?!