Monday, October 13, 2008

Oh God, Heal and Protect Our Land

Yesterday, I got an e-mail forward about Islam activity in Europe. It showed pictures of demonstrations where Islamic activists carried placards that had severe messages on them. Messages of the threatening demise of the rest of us. I must admit that I can get disturbed about those things. All the more alarming is the connection of one of our presidential candidates to that portion of the world's philosophy. My mind can go to all kinds of horrible things. When I am tempted to run to when my husband was showing this to me......I immediately said to him and to me, "God is still in control, Ken." One can usually tell something about the validity of a forward from the source. This particular e-message came from one of the elders at our church. I also got it from a few other people. It is a message filled with fear. Is the fear valid? I don't know.

This I do know. I have been on earth now for sixty six years. I remember my mother telling me that before the second world war, the fear was that if one didn't have a gas mask in their home, they would never survive a war. My mom wisely told me, "I didn't see a gas mask during the war." I was born during that particular war. THEN.....during my teenage years and the years that followed, we were in fear of the Communists. We were told all sorts of things that built fear within us. Red was a color not in the best of reputation at the time. We were convinced they were going to undo us from within. Don't we hear that same fear mongering these days??? I recall the overwhelming joy I had all by myself when the Communist walls started to fall down and their power was shattered. It had little to do with war or us. It had everything to do with the fact that God tells us He has the nations under His control.

So am I saying we have nothing to fear? Wasn't it FDR that said, the only thing we had to fear was fear itself? I'm not sure he was coming at things from a spiritual perspective when he said those words that have become so famous. But, you know, FDR had something right there. The devil is busy....oh so busy.....trying to undo any good or any freedom in this doesn't fit his agenda. But dear friends, and I'm speaking to myself here, too, I'm believing God!!!!!! Nothing evil will ever last. Will we suffer because of the evil? Perhaps. BUT, God says his grace is sufficient for anything we face. Now I'm really talking to myself.

In the next month, we have opportunity to discern with God's help which presidential candidate will bolster the freedom of our nation for the sake of our kids and grandkids and hopefully theirs as well. For God's sake and ours, think carefully. Think long term. And please PRAY......PRAY........PRAY. Giving this nation that was built on HIS principles back to Him is what He is looking for. Remember He says,
II Chronicles 7:14
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray ... I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. ...

I was talking to someone the other day and she pointed out that God is talking to HIS people when He says those words. It is we, His people, that are sinning. We as Christians are not to e looking at the world and blaming them for our nation's situation. It is us. Confess your sins, our sins and ask Him to heal our land.

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