Saturday, October 4, 2008

One Day

Saturday morning.....

All are still snuggly tucked in their beds. Kendra, Craig and Emerson arrived around noon yesterday. So there are eight people in the house and only one is stirring. That's fine with me....I enjoy a few moments to get my grip and get ready to face the day.

I feel like I've been on a marathon since last Friday. Today, most of my nieces and families and my brothers and wives along with my children and grands and my parents are all getting together at my brother, Jerry's house. It's another reunion. I hope the weather warms a bit today. I, for one, found facing fifty degree days rather uncomfortable. Too big a switch too fast for me. I was in Florida one day and here the next, shivering. I find myself gargling and using my trusty Zicam. Hopefully, that will kick it before it kicks me.

Ken got all the ingredients for potato salad ready and then Kendra and I mixed it. It is the mother bowl of potato salad. Basically, everyone is being kind to me and that is all I have been asked to contribute. Well, not quite. Lauri and I bought 80 each of hotdog and hamburger buns plus 80 hotdogs. But buying is different than having to "make" something. I bought a bunch of candy for the kids and want to make little bags so each can have an equal amount.

Our son, Joshua, recently acquired a big moon walk so he is taking that with him today. The thing is so large it needs its own trailer for hauling but he has that, too. My brother has wagons readied with bales of hay for the hay ride planned for after dark tonight. By the time we get home we will all smell of camp fire. Anyone that knows me well, knows that is not my favorite smell. I have to shower and wash my hair in order to sleep after I've been near a campfire. Otherwise the smell keeps me awake all night. I know.....I'm crazy.

This will be a day of renewing family ties and deepening the bonds. It is difficult to keep that in place as families get larger and the generations begin to accumulate. When we got together last year, we found that the cousin's children found great pleasure in getting to know their second cousins. One of the greatest pleasures for me and certainly for my father is that his children and grandchildren and great grandchildren serve the Lord. We have become people that worship with different brand names but the Lord is the unifier of us all.

My sister and I were together on Sunday which would have been our mother's 90th birthday. She died at fifty seven so has been in heaven a long time already. I think today of the thrill she would have as she saw this large family gather to celebrate their togetherness and blessings. I know her thrills are much better than ours but remembering her today is a good thing. Even after thirty some years, I long to visit with her. One day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alright, Alright, Did you have a great Day? What fun! I would have given my eye teeth to be with all my precious family. Take it easy and take a good breath. Do you need my breather?:) Love you. Jann