Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Phew! I Think I'm Tired

My dad's doctor quadrupled his diuretic yesterday. He had good success in ridding himself of many cups of fluid overnight. He slept in his bed which was a big blessing. He said he didn't sleep soundly yet but at least he could lie down. Hopefully, he will see big improvement tonight. Just having him feeling a smidgen better makes me feel a whole lot better. It has been a big scare and though it isn't over yet, I have hope that there is better health for him in the future. He will have to deal with his condition but if they can keep it under control, that is something for which we can be seriously thankful. He is just pathetic when he doesn't feel well. To see this strapping man cut down at the ankles is just more than enough to put me over the edge. Ken is just calling my dad for an update and he says he is "fine". Feeling much better. PTL Thank you to all the prayer warriors that lifted his name to the compassionate Father.

Today was one deadline after another. It started with an eighty thirty appointment with my Kids Hope USA kid. I go to a local public school and spend an hour with a cute little first grader once a week. This was my second week. She is just darling. Today I came at library time so she and I grabbed a corner in the library and sat on the floor between the library racks and read to one another. The hour flew by and it was over before either of us was ready. I asked if she was prepared to go back to her first grade class and without missing a beat, she answered, "NO". We laughed together and I took her back anyway. My time was up.

I raced home and changed into funeral clothes for the funeral of a sweet lady from our church. She was a true "lady" in every sense of the word. First her daughter in law spoke. Her love for her mother in law was laid out for all to hear. They had a wonderful relationship. She gave her mother in law credit for raising the wonderful son to whom she is married. It was moving. One of her daughters was not going to speak but thinking of missing the opportunity she stopped the preacher and asked for permission to speak. I'm so grateful she did. The honor she gave to her mother was priceless. I'm so grateful I got a glimpse into their love for one another. Like I said some days ago, if we only knew the lives of the people that sit next to us in our church pews, we would be more patient and loving and caring. In this case, I would have been more appreciative of this lady. She was a faithful woman of God.

Next, we raced home to change clothes once again. I am mentoring a young married gal who recently had her first baby and she was due to come to the door. She is becoming a member of our church and one of the requirements is to be mentored in the scriptures and just sharing life with another that seeks God. This gal is just delightful to me. I am falling in love.

By the time she left, the family here, two young gals, one of whom is our daughter, and her son, our grandson were all walking through the door. Both girls had off work today. They busied themselves in MY kitchen and I got out of there. By that time I had to go into the sun room and shut the door for some quiet and calm. I was kind of losing it. That doesn't happen too much anymore in my life but I think it has something to do with the stress over Dad. Excuses, right? A little time all by myself and I'm beginning to feel better. I don't like that stressed out feeling.

Tomorrow???? Tomorrow is the first day of Isaiah's fall break. Several weeks ago, I offered him a trip to the Creation Museum in Kentucky just south of Cincinnati. Nope he wanted to stay home. This morning he made comment that tomorrow was fall break. I asked what he hoped to do. "Stay home, I guess, we didn't plan anything." I reminded him of my prior offer. Seems it sounded much better this morning than it did a month ago. "Well, let's go!" So, Grandpa and I will take Isaiah to the Creation Museum. I will pray that the experience will solidify Isaiah's foundation in the TRUTH. Perhaps a side effect will be that it will bolster Ken and my faith in the truth as well. To God be the glory!

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