Yesterday, Bernice and I puttzed about the area of Shipshewana. It was a beautiful fall day, crisp and cool but with full sunshine. Our first stop was the Rise and Roll bakery. I love their cinnamon caramel donuts. Mind you, I would never eat a whole donut but I will take the sixth or eighth of one they offer as samples. Another favorite at the R&R is their wonderful nut brittles. They have a variety of different types; pecan crunch, nut crunch and cashew crunch. The stuff melts in one's mouth. Then we were on to the cheese factory and enjoyed sampling ten or more types of cheeses. Again we left with not purchasing any cheese because it would have melted before we could get it home.
We passed one of the Amish schools and stopped to watch several adults and children alike playing a game of baseball. The cheering was the same as any where else in the world. Only their clothing was different. Then we stopped and walked through a small Amish cemetery. The stones told many stories and also provoked a few questions for which we would not get answers.
It was nearing lunch time but we decided to make the stop at the bulk food store first. It was so busy when we got there. The hitching rail which extends the depth of the building was totally filled with the quaint horse and buggies. Cars filled the parking lot. When we got out of the car we saw they were celebrating an anniversary and were feeding the whole community a free lunch. What blessing! We joined the crowd, Amish and Englishers alike sat on Amish church benches balancing their laden plates and cups of soda or coffee as they fed their faces.
With appetites satisfied, we did our shopping there and also looked at the shops nearby. Soon we were on our way to find the home of some Amish friends of ours. After messing up big time, I finally stopped at an Amish home and asked for Liz and Harley Lehman's home. They knew right quick and gave me directions. As usual, Liz and Harley and their daughters made me feel as if they were honored that we visited. They have nine living children and are used to interruptions such as we were. It seems nothing fazes them.
Harley told us some time ago that he thought it was time they build a Dawdi house. That means a grandparents home next to the home place while a son takes over the home house and buildings. When we drove up, I noticed a new home in progress next door. It looked too big for a Dawdi house but I soon learned that it was their new home. It absolutely amazes me they would have cash in the bank to built a seven bedroom home. They still have five of their children at home so the kids will move right along with them while one of their older son's family takes over the home place. They seem very excited about their venture and I'm happy for them to have such a lovely Amish home. We had to chuckle at ourselves when we asked where the garage was. Harley said, 'the barn is going up right over there'. :) That's right....they need a barn, not a garage. They are always so gracious over my stupid remarks.
After we felt we had come to the end of our visit there, we headed back to Shipsey for the concert, "Grand Piano Extravaganza". The famous Christian pianist, Dino, was the host for the evening. It was an absolutely lovely evening from which I felt spiritually fed to overflowing. We laughed, we cried, we sang. It was a joyous night. I highly recommend attending next October when it will be offered again. ( I could write pages about that evening...but I will spare you)
We returned home around midnight and got to bed about twelve thirty. Not my normal fare. A friend woke me at eight this morning. Since I'm an early riser and she is not, she was quite surprised to find me on my ear.
Some of my friends and I attended a baby shower at noon today for a girl that grew up in our church. It was a delightful time of fellowship and celebration over the gift of life. Allie's baby is due within the next three weeks. This baby will be the first grandchild on both sides so little Sammuel will be one cherished child. We praise the giver of life.
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