Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Crooks and a Hero

Well, well. Another Chicago crook. How could it be? Of course, the governor is innocent until proven guilty but it looks like he has a whole lot of stuff to explain. One wonders how many politicians his fall from grace will effect. I'm afraid we will see them fall like dominos. And if they are crooked, they need to fall. I wouldn't want to be Obama at this point either. Even if he has had no dealings with any of the corruption, it was his seat in senate that was up for bid and it was his local political party in which all this is going on. Doesn't it make one sick when one thinks of how we try so hard to vote for the right people and then once elected, find they use their position of power to their own advantage? I'm sure the people that voted for the governor of Illinois feel betrayed.

It feels to me like God is mixing and stirring among us. Everywhere we look, something is in shambles. The economy, the car companies, the real estate, the mortgage brokers.......the politicians. Today our government will attempt to pull the automakers buisness out of the pit. We've already put in place big money for homeowners. What is next? And where are we getting all this money. How many trillion are we in debt? I don't get it. For years I could not understand people of other countries disliking us. I'm beginning to see their point. We are self indulgent and greedy. We have given our very souls for more and more matierial goods.

God save us. God forgive us. God revive us!

And then there is the pitiful young Korean man in California whose home was crashed into by a plane and as a result his wife, mother in law and two babies were killed. There this man stood in front of the whole world and said he was trying to forgive the pilot. What a witness. We need to lift him to the Lord for comfort. I can't imagine his grief. As he walked away from the cameras, other men had to help him walk or he would surely have ended up in a heap on the ground. Oh dear God.....bless that dear man with your unexplainable comfort.

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