Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Comfort Foods

As I shared on Facebook, I actually cooked my first home made food last night. It was a double batch of tapioca pudding. Ken and I both love it and it is one of our most effective comfort foods. It took awhile standing stirring the stuff but it was while I was on the phone so it made it rather a nonissue. Ken came in the kitchen and asked when we could eat it. I said the directions say it has to cool first. He went away dejected but said, 'as soon as it is cool, bring me a BIG bowl'. Well, he wasn't the only one who couldn't wait. I finally filled two big bowls, one a papa size and one a mama size and we ate it warm. It was so wonderful. I think tapioca pudding is something one has to have had in their family history in order to appreciate. My grandma made it for me and anything my grandma made for me was wonderful from potaton (Hoosier mama could probably spell that right for me). Potaton for our family was anything mixed with potatoes, be it cabbage or carrots. It must have been her touch. She also made mouse.....I need you again, Margi. That was pork of some sort cooked down and then barley, potatoes, and kale cooked together. YUM You don't know what you are missing. My dad hated it so my grandma would make big batches and bring our share over for my mother and we children. We liked it better the second day when all the flavors had melded and then sprinkled with vinegar. I still make it once in awhile for a treat for Ken and me and for our older children. They were the ones that experience my grandma and I'm sure they see the towel covered bowl in her hands as she entered the house from the next house down the street. I don't know if there was ever a person in my entire life that loved me more and proved it. There was never a doubt. I seriously don't remember a time she was angry or disappointed with me. She was awesome. I praise God for such a godly woman in my life and in the life of our kids. Kendra was two years old when she died and I can still see her stand on her tippy toes trying to see Great Gamma in the casket. My own mother died prior. I was thirty nine and had lost the two most influencial women in my life. God had other plans, he placed a friend in their place that is still my soulmate. I praise Him. God may take away but He also gives back.

Sometimes I am amazed at where I go with this thing. I sat down with no particular thing on my mind but I gave you pieces of mine, didn't I?

The snow is falling and falling....Scarlen just called to say school will be released at 12:55. I think that is a good decision. At this point, the day they have in will count and will not cost them one more make up day. Ken will go to get Isaiah and Lauri's kids will take the bus home.

Tomorrow we are supposed to go to Kendra and Craig to see Emerson on her birthday. We will see what the roads look like tomorrow. I want to see that little stinker so bad. Grandma's get goofier with age. I walked by her picture yesterday and kissed it! What is with me????? She is so super cute and sweet and lives way too far away. I know Kendra doesn't like it when I say that but I truly do feel that way. Perhaps God has a way in the future.

For those following my progress, you can respectfully dance the praise dance to the Lord for the loss of two more pounds. I am beginning to feel better. My whole body from waist down is so tender and sore. I will be glad when I can move without reminder. Please keep praying for God to restore me to fulfill the work I know He has for me to do. Two days ago, I wasn't so sure....but hope has returned and I PRAISE HIM.

BTW, some of you dear friends have sent cards, messages and called. I haven't gotten back to everyone but know that I appreciate your concern and most of all your prayers for my recovery. Yvonne, I love you and when the phone stops ringing long enough, I'll get back to you. My life is so rich with friends! Makes me weep. I love you all.

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