Sunday, October 25, 2009


Following is the note to our children that I will now share with you.

Today has been a roller coaster emotional experience. I waited all day yesterday for a doctor's call which happenned while I was gone to eat. I had given my cell phone but he called my home I had to wait until 12:30 to get the call. It was not goodnews. He told me they had no other options with medications and he really suggested a heart transplant. That blew me away. He told me to get on it right away. I called Elton and Lauri and Dad and Mary. They all came over and we had a pow wow. Lauri said she felt all the kids felt I should try this option. Dad looked at me and said, we don't won't to lose you now and would like you to do a positive thing. It meant a lot to me that he would encourage such a thing. Dr. Brigham got a referral for a doctor at Christ hospital. We called and Dad spoke with his nurse extensively. She said this doctor is the most wwell known doctor of CHF in the world and has been exclusively treating CHF for thirty years. She told dad that there are many other options before heart transplant. I have an appointment to see him on Tuesday. Yes, John, I know you will have a million questions and I have the answer to none of them. We invite you and anyone of our other children to accompany us. Call us if you care to meet there. If you have questions, please send them through this medium. Love, Mom

Please join us in prayer and storm the gates of heaven for a treament that will bring relief.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Oh Gayle!! I had to read this three times to digest it. Heart transplant? Praying for treatment that brings relief right now. Love you very much!