Yesterday was a busy day with five back to back meetings or responsibilities. I left at seven a.m. and returned home at four thirty. By that time, all I wanted was a chair and some quiet. I didn't get either. The rest of my family returned to the nest about the same time so life carried on. There is something wonderful about being able to "return home". What a glorious place home can be. I know that not all homes are a refuge but mine is and I'm grateful for that blessing.
We had a Women in the Word meeting yesterday. I may be guilty of opening up a few cans of worms but we certainly had a lively discussion. It all boiled down to hating sin and loving the sinner. That really wasn't my point but that is where it went. My point was that we act as if there is nothing wrong with turning on the television or watching movies or reading books and allowing muck to infiltrate our minds and hearts. Yes, I do love the sinner but, oh, I hate the sin. AND, I do not want those sinful and wicked and perverse mindsets to inhabit my mind and my heart or my home and family members for that matter. God tells us to "guard our hearts against sin". Younger gals were concerned that I was writing off those that live perverse lifestyles. No way. God calls us to love that person and bring them hope. Enough about that. I recall that Isaiah was thought to be an old fuddy duddy too.........
Many in our group including myself mentioned our concern over the election. Some expressed there is a need for a prayer meeting. One of the ladies said she would arrange one. She left the meeting for a time and when she returned she made an announcement. She went to the leadership of the church and the leadership felt it would be difficult to hold a church sponsored prayer meeting when Christians within our own congregation are on opposite ends of the candidates.
We discussed the possibility of holding a nonpartisan prayer meeting with the purpose of praying for our country and our people. I invited those interested to my house for that kind of meeting for prayer on Monday night. I think it will be good for all of us to remember that God is not a god of party but a God of wisdom. He is also a merciful God. We will seek His face on Monday night. Anyone is welcome to join. We will pray whether two people or twenty people attend.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Completed my Duty Today
It is done.......what? you ask. I have voted. The outcome of this year's election holds much weight in my mind and heart. Waiting until next Tuesday when I had another option was not the best thing for me. I mentioned such to my friend, Bernice. This morning she called and said she and her husband were headed to our county seat about twenty miles away and were going to pre-vote.......did I wish to go along? You bet. So less than five minutes later, they were at my door and I was on my way to cast my vote. We thought this process would be faster than the polls. We were wrong. The ladies behind the desk said they had never seen anything like the prevoting that has occurred this election. I'm not sure if that is good or bad for my side of things but it is good that people are feeling the urgency. We waited quite a while but in the end, both my friend and I felt great relief that our duty has been exercised and no matter what the weather or circumstances next Tuesday, our vote is cast.
We met a friend from our church there who had taken his college age daughter in to vote while on home for a midterm break. She was voting for a president for the first time in her life. She is a darling kid and has a smile that would win any contest. After she and her dad voted, we discussed that last few things on the ballot. We all decided we were unprepared to vote for whether or not to retain a number of judges. I uncovered some brochures there on how to get that information. So, even though the five of us did not feel informed enough to vote on those end options, we are now prepared to share the knowledge with those that are waiting until November 4th.
The brochure says, "On Election Day, you'll vote whether or not to keep on the bench several of Indiana's 21 appelate court judges. Get informed at........COURTS.IN.GOV/RETENTION
If you don't want to feel as if you failed to study the issues like I felt today, please go to this website and learn what you can about those judges that are up for reappointment. You will feel so good if you are informed.
If you live in a state other than some homework and make sure you know what items you have the opportunity to have a voice in. I'm sure the info you need is somewhere on the net. Go for it!
We met a friend from our church there who had taken his college age daughter in to vote while on home for a midterm break. She was voting for a president for the first time in her life. She is a darling kid and has a smile that would win any contest. After she and her dad voted, we discussed that last few things on the ballot. We all decided we were unprepared to vote for whether or not to retain a number of judges. I uncovered some brochures there on how to get that information. So, even though the five of us did not feel informed enough to vote on those end options, we are now prepared to share the knowledge with those that are waiting until November 4th.
The brochure says, "On Election Day, you'll vote whether or not to keep on the bench several of Indiana's 21 appelate court judges. Get informed at........COURTS.IN.GOV/RETENTION
If you don't want to feel as if you failed to study the issues like I felt today, please go to this website and learn what you can about those judges that are up for reappointment. You will feel so good if you are informed.
If you live in a state other than some homework and make sure you know what items you have the opportunity to have a voice in. I'm sure the info you need is somewhere on the net. Go for it!
Monday, October 27, 2008
A New Birth
Yesterday we spent the day with our son, John's family. It was his wife, Kim's, birthday so we had a nice dinner together to celebrate the occasion. We also got to attend their church. It is always enjoyable to listen to one's son preach the Word.
We sat near the back of the church. A family with three sons walked into the row ahead of us. The mom's mother was with them because a very exciting thing had happened in their family life. One of the sons was a week old. He looked darling in his pastel blue baby boy clothes and little knit hat. As I watched the family, I was struck with the way they unashamedly expressed to all those around them their happiness over this new little guy.
1. Mommy held him first and snuggled him close.
2. Grandma was the next one to jiggle and wiggle him.
3. The three year old stood up on the pew and tried to get a bird's eye view of his little brother slugging down two ounces of formula. He stroked the little head with gentleness and love.
4. The two older kids went to children's church so Daddy got into the act. First of all, he leaned over to the little fellow in his mother's arms and rubbed his hand over the baby's head, forth and back, forth and back. Then he leaned in and kissed him.
5. The next order of business was that Daddy reached over with his bigness (big guy with beautiful black hair combed to perfection) and scooped up the baby and soon the tiny baby was invisible in Daddy's strong arms.
The whole experience was enjoyed by several people sitting in the row we were in. I would see people lean forward a bit to watch with delight. I couldn't help but smile often.
I thought of the similarity to all this excitement when a person becomes a new child of God. How God delights over that newly found child. The people of God show that person all kinds of attention and love at his rebirth. Can't you just see God the Father leaning over and scooping his new child into his arms for safety, protection and love?
We sat near the back of the church. A family with three sons walked into the row ahead of us. The mom's mother was with them because a very exciting thing had happened in their family life. One of the sons was a week old. He looked darling in his pastel blue baby boy clothes and little knit hat. As I watched the family, I was struck with the way they unashamedly expressed to all those around them their happiness over this new little guy.
1. Mommy held him first and snuggled him close.
2. Grandma was the next one to jiggle and wiggle him.
3. The three year old stood up on the pew and tried to get a bird's eye view of his little brother slugging down two ounces of formula. He stroked the little head with gentleness and love.
4. The two older kids went to children's church so Daddy got into the act. First of all, he leaned over to the little fellow in his mother's arms and rubbed his hand over the baby's head, forth and back, forth and back. Then he leaned in and kissed him.
5. The next order of business was that Daddy reached over with his bigness (big guy with beautiful black hair combed to perfection) and scooped up the baby and soon the tiny baby was invisible in Daddy's strong arms.
The whole experience was enjoyed by several people sitting in the row we were in. I would see people lean forward a bit to watch with delight. I couldn't help but smile often.
I thought of the similarity to all this excitement when a person becomes a new child of God. How God delights over that newly found child. The people of God show that person all kinds of attention and love at his rebirth. Can't you just see God the Father leaning over and scooping his new child into his arms for safety, protection and love?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Bargain Shopping
JC Penneys has no idea what they do when they send three $10.00 coupons to this address. The girls don't use theirs so pass them off to me. I can make a ten dollar coupon go a very long way. I did very well yesterday. There were many items that were originally fifty dollars marked down to twenty and then a ten dollar coupon and I have a fifty dollar gift for ten bucks. Works for me. When I came home and shared my finds with the girls they just smiled and shook their heads. They know that God gave good clearance sense to this woman. Scarlen's comment was, "If I had known that is the kind of shopping you planned to do, I would have gone with you." I had invited her but she didn't bite the bait. Now she wishes she had gone. She tells people she can get a whole lot more for her money when she shops with Mom. Mom had a really good time today.
I love driving the countryside this time of year when the combines have done their work in the fields and one can see for miles. During the growing season when the corn lines the ditches next to the road, the visibility is so limited. My favorite harvested fields are the soybean fields. The combine grinds up the stalk and distributes it in a fine layer on top of the ground. The fields looks clean as a whip. It is a beautiful thing. Corn fields are left with some residue from stalks that are bent over and left visible.
When I was a teenager, the combines were not nearly as proficient as they are today. Some grain was skipped and was left lying in the corn rows. For fund raisers, farmers would offer to classes of students to come and glean. We would walk the rows and kick at husks that seemed to have grain left in it. We would then pick it up and put it in small piles. A pick up truck would ride the rows and someone would pick up the ears of corn and place them in baskets. As we walked up and down the rows, I envisioned Ruth and Naomi gleaning in Boaz's fields. The corn would then be brought to the elevator and we would exchange the grain for cash. The cash was used for class trips, etc. The best part of the process was the hot chocolate and donuts we received as a reward for our hard work.
The crowning event of my day, yesterday, was my visit to the hospital to see a friend from church who had surgery last Monday. She is excitedly anticipating home going tomorrow. She is doing well and though she has a way to go she is on her way to better health. Her son and his girlfriend came to visit while I was there. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know those young people better.
I love driving the countryside this time of year when the combines have done their work in the fields and one can see for miles. During the growing season when the corn lines the ditches next to the road, the visibility is so limited. My favorite harvested fields are the soybean fields. The combine grinds up the stalk and distributes it in a fine layer on top of the ground. The fields looks clean as a whip. It is a beautiful thing. Corn fields are left with some residue from stalks that are bent over and left visible.
When I was a teenager, the combines were not nearly as proficient as they are today. Some grain was skipped and was left lying in the corn rows. For fund raisers, farmers would offer to classes of students to come and glean. We would walk the rows and kick at husks that seemed to have grain left in it. We would then pick it up and put it in small piles. A pick up truck would ride the rows and someone would pick up the ears of corn and place them in baskets. As we walked up and down the rows, I envisioned Ruth and Naomi gleaning in Boaz's fields. The corn would then be brought to the elevator and we would exchange the grain for cash. The cash was used for class trips, etc. The best part of the process was the hot chocolate and donuts we received as a reward for our hard work.
The crowning event of my day, yesterday, was my visit to the hospital to see a friend from church who had surgery last Monday. She is excitedly anticipating home going tomorrow. She is doing well and though she has a way to go she is on her way to better health. Her son and his girlfriend came to visit while I was there. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know those young people better.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Morals or Ideals
I recently talked with one of my daughters in law. We were discussing the current political climate. She said something I've been chewing on since. Her words were these; "The McCain people are concerned about morals and the Obama people are concerned about ideals. " That has
become a clear distinction to me and one I think is quite valid. I've been thinking about it and my thoughts and understanding of that phrase have begun to take shape.
People concerned about morals have grass roots understanding of why they are here and whose they whom they move and have their being. It is a philosophy that makes God the foundation of all that one lives and the reason for all the decisions that are made regardless if those decisions make us comfortable or require a cost. It is a belief that this is God's world...we are God's people and our government is under His control and leading.
People concerned about ideals are those that place their faith in human perspectives. The words of educated people and those of people of high esteem in the world are listened to as if they have the answers to cultural difficulties. I must confess that I may have been there to a degree at one point in my life. It's not easy to look into the face of one who is more learned than I and say, "I simply don't agree with you....I am believing God and I want for us to live under God's rules." People that hang onto the "ideals" of this world are listening to humanism. Man's words rule over God's. After all, if we follow God's rules for society, we have to submit to some things we don't want to submit to. We may actually have to sacrifice to follow the morality of God's law.
People that live by ideals want to protect the earth from the earth....explain its change of climate by blaming the people of the earth..... Has that person ever thought about the fact that when God created humankind....He did, you know!.....he placed human kind at the pinnacle of the pyramid. He gave us dominion over all the creatures of the earth and the earth itself. Humankind is God's highest creative work. In addition to that, He made the earth for us, not us for the earth. He has built into the earth the ability to correct the mistakes of men. Does that mean that I promote waste and misuse of this world's goods? Absolutely not. We are the earth's caretakers but we must maintain a balance in remembering what was made for whom and the purpose for natural resources. We may not sit on them and act as if God can't take care of us later and let people starve by our well meaning.
People that live by ideals want the wealth to be spread over the general population. That is an ideal but it is not a valid reality. Ideal proponents look at the greed and say, "tsk, tsk". I'll take the stuff away from you and give it to the poor. Do ideal people ever look at the charity and compassion that the people of the US have handed to the world's people and continue to do so? I think it was God who said, "the poor you will always have with you". I think God looks at those that have wealth to offer it willingly to those that have nothing. Nowhere in the Word of God do you see God taking wealth away to support the poor. He is a gentlemanly God and asks that we give out of our hearts. The other way only breeds discontent and resentment.
There is enough truth in the philosophy of "ideals" to convince many of its validity.
But it is not God's way. It would take a chronicle to explain this fully. I don't have the space, time or smarts. But I do discern in my heart that God's way is the best way.....even if we can't explain some things and can't predict some things. Many of the most learned men in history have been proven so wrong it is humorous. I plead with my readers to pray about these things. Hold up my advice to the Word of God and see if it parallels. If it doesn't, you are free to be an idealist, if it does, perhaps you should be one that makes its political decisions by respect for morality.
become a clear distinction to me and one I think is quite valid. I've been thinking about it and my thoughts and understanding of that phrase have begun to take shape.
People concerned about morals have grass roots understanding of why they are here and whose they whom they move and have their being. It is a philosophy that makes God the foundation of all that one lives and the reason for all the decisions that are made regardless if those decisions make us comfortable or require a cost. It is a belief that this is God's world...we are God's people and our government is under His control and leading.
People concerned about ideals are those that place their faith in human perspectives. The words of educated people and those of people of high esteem in the world are listened to as if they have the answers to cultural difficulties. I must confess that I may have been there to a degree at one point in my life. It's not easy to look into the face of one who is more learned than I and say, "I simply don't agree with you....I am believing God and I want for us to live under God's rules." People that hang onto the "ideals" of this world are listening to humanism. Man's words rule over God's. After all, if we follow God's rules for society, we have to submit to some things we don't want to submit to. We may actually have to sacrifice to follow the morality of God's law.
People that live by ideals want to protect the earth from the earth....explain its change of climate by blaming the people of the earth..... Has that person ever thought about the fact that when God created humankind....He did, you know!.....he placed human kind at the pinnacle of the pyramid. He gave us dominion over all the creatures of the earth and the earth itself. Humankind is God's highest creative work. In addition to that, He made the earth for us, not us for the earth. He has built into the earth the ability to correct the mistakes of men. Does that mean that I promote waste and misuse of this world's goods? Absolutely not. We are the earth's caretakers but we must maintain a balance in remembering what was made for whom and the purpose for natural resources. We may not sit on them and act as if God can't take care of us later and let people starve by our well meaning.
People that live by ideals want the wealth to be spread over the general population. That is an ideal but it is not a valid reality. Ideal proponents look at the greed and say, "tsk, tsk". I'll take the stuff away from you and give it to the poor. Do ideal people ever look at the charity and compassion that the people of the US have handed to the world's people and continue to do so? I think it was God who said, "the poor you will always have with you". I think God looks at those that have wealth to offer it willingly to those that have nothing. Nowhere in the Word of God do you see God taking wealth away to support the poor. He is a gentlemanly God and asks that we give out of our hearts. The other way only breeds discontent and resentment.
There is enough truth in the philosophy of "ideals" to convince many of its validity.
But it is not God's way. It would take a chronicle to explain this fully. I don't have the space, time or smarts. But I do discern in my heart that God's way is the best way.....even if we can't explain some things and can't predict some things. Many of the most learned men in history have been proven so wrong it is humorous. I plead with my readers to pray about these things. Hold up my advice to the Word of God and see if it parallels. If it doesn't, you are free to be an idealist, if it does, perhaps you should be one that makes its political decisions by respect for morality.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Dripping Sponge
Yesterday, we left home in the dark and returned home in the dark. BUT, witnessing a day break is such a breath taking experience. As the darkness gives way to the light ever so can feel anticipation swell up within the soul. What expectations a child of God can have for a new day!
As the song expreses it, "Morning by morning new mercies I see.....all I have needed thy hand hath provided.......great is they faithfulness!" These words taken from Lamentations 3:23. The sun broke out of the east just as we pulled into a Mc Donalds in Lafayette. It was thrilling to me. Something that happens every day of the year and yet it still speaks of God's constant care and brilliant design. Awesome!
The Creation Museum over met our expectations. It was wonderful. When we got in the car to leave, I told both of the men in my life that I felt like a sponge that was over saturated. I felt like if I were to be picked up I'd drip my knowledge all over the place. It was very entertaining but, oh, so educational. We were blessed to hear Dr. Ken Ham, who is the foremost spokesperson for creation science. I had heard him one other time in life and that was when I took our two youngest girls whom I was homeschooling to some special ocassion. It was much better this time for me. He is so filled with knowledge and apologetics. I confessed to God this morning that I always poo pooed apologetics thinking who are we to defend God. But after listening to him, I realize we wouldn't be defending God for God's sake but for the sake of our fellow men who don't believe that God's word is infallible. I was also shocked to realize that I had allowed some of man's ideas to creep into my understanding of Genesis 1 to 11. Remember when I said that maybe my faith would be bolstered by attending. Wow...I had no idea how much I would be convinced. I now believe more than ever before God's word and history from cover to cover. Go God.
I'm not sure how young children are affected but it was perfect for Isaiah. I could hear him affirming things audibly when we sat in lectures. He raised his hand often when his experience applied to what ever the question was. I KNOW he was affected.....deeply. I praise God.
On our way home we were early enough to stop at our son and daughter in law and granddaughter in Noblesville. Josh whipped up a nice dinner for us with only an hour's notice. We had a nice visit with them and were happy for the opportunity.
As the song expreses it, "Morning by morning new mercies I see.....all I have needed thy hand hath provided.......great is they faithfulness!" These words taken from Lamentations 3:23. The sun broke out of the east just as we pulled into a Mc Donalds in Lafayette. It was thrilling to me. Something that happens every day of the year and yet it still speaks of God's constant care and brilliant design. Awesome!
The Creation Museum over met our expectations. It was wonderful. When we got in the car to leave, I told both of the men in my life that I felt like a sponge that was over saturated. I felt like if I were to be picked up I'd drip my knowledge all over the place. It was very entertaining but, oh, so educational. We were blessed to hear Dr. Ken Ham, who is the foremost spokesperson for creation science. I had heard him one other time in life and that was when I took our two youngest girls whom I was homeschooling to some special ocassion. It was much better this time for me. He is so filled with knowledge and apologetics. I confessed to God this morning that I always poo pooed apologetics thinking who are we to defend God. But after listening to him, I realize we wouldn't be defending God for God's sake but for the sake of our fellow men who don't believe that God's word is infallible. I was also shocked to realize that I had allowed some of man's ideas to creep into my understanding of Genesis 1 to 11. Remember when I said that maybe my faith would be bolstered by attending. Wow...I had no idea how much I would be convinced. I now believe more than ever before God's word and history from cover to cover. Go God.
I'm not sure how young children are affected but it was perfect for Isaiah. I could hear him affirming things audibly when we sat in lectures. He raised his hand often when his experience applied to what ever the question was. I KNOW he was affected.....deeply. I praise God.
On our way home we were early enough to stop at our son and daughter in law and granddaughter in Noblesville. Josh whipped up a nice dinner for us with only an hour's notice. We had a nice visit with them and were happy for the opportunity.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Phew! I Think I'm Tired
My dad's doctor quadrupled his diuretic yesterday. He had good success in ridding himself of many cups of fluid overnight. He slept in his bed which was a big blessing. He said he didn't sleep soundly yet but at least he could lie down. Hopefully, he will see big improvement tonight. Just having him feeling a smidgen better makes me feel a whole lot better. It has been a big scare and though it isn't over yet, I have hope that there is better health for him in the future. He will have to deal with his condition but if they can keep it under control, that is something for which we can be seriously thankful. He is just pathetic when he doesn't feel well. To see this strapping man cut down at the ankles is just more than enough to put me over the edge. Ken is just calling my dad for an update and he says he is "fine". Feeling much better. PTL Thank you to all the prayer warriors that lifted his name to the compassionate Father.
Today was one deadline after another. It started with an eighty thirty appointment with my Kids Hope USA kid. I go to a local public school and spend an hour with a cute little first grader once a week. This was my second week. She is just darling. Today I came at library time so she and I grabbed a corner in the library and sat on the floor between the library racks and read to one another. The hour flew by and it was over before either of us was ready. I asked if she was prepared to go back to her first grade class and without missing a beat, she answered, "NO". We laughed together and I took her back anyway. My time was up.
I raced home and changed into funeral clothes for the funeral of a sweet lady from our church. She was a true "lady" in every sense of the word. First her daughter in law spoke. Her love for her mother in law was laid out for all to hear. They had a wonderful relationship. She gave her mother in law credit for raising the wonderful son to whom she is married. It was moving. One of her daughters was not going to speak but thinking of missing the opportunity she stopped the preacher and asked for permission to speak. I'm so grateful she did. The honor she gave to her mother was priceless. I'm so grateful I got a glimpse into their love for one another. Like I said some days ago, if we only knew the lives of the people that sit next to us in our church pews, we would be more patient and loving and caring. In this case, I would have been more appreciative of this lady. She was a faithful woman of God.
Next, we raced home to change clothes once again. I am mentoring a young married gal who recently had her first baby and she was due to come to the door. She is becoming a member of our church and one of the requirements is to be mentored in the scriptures and just sharing life with another that seeks God. This gal is just delightful to me. I am falling in love.
By the time she left, the family here, two young gals, one of whom is our daughter, and her son, our grandson were all walking through the door. Both girls had off work today. They busied themselves in MY kitchen and I got out of there. By that time I had to go into the sun room and shut the door for some quiet and calm. I was kind of losing it. That doesn't happen too much anymore in my life but I think it has something to do with the stress over Dad. Excuses, right? A little time all by myself and I'm beginning to feel better. I don't like that stressed out feeling.
Tomorrow???? Tomorrow is the first day of Isaiah's fall break. Several weeks ago, I offered him a trip to the Creation Museum in Kentucky just south of Cincinnati. Nope he wanted to stay home. This morning he made comment that tomorrow was fall break. I asked what he hoped to do. "Stay home, I guess, we didn't plan anything." I reminded him of my prior offer. Seems it sounded much better this morning than it did a month ago. "Well, let's go!" So, Grandpa and I will take Isaiah to the Creation Museum. I will pray that the experience will solidify Isaiah's foundation in the TRUTH. Perhaps a side effect will be that it will bolster Ken and my faith in the truth as well. To God be the glory!
Today was one deadline after another. It started with an eighty thirty appointment with my Kids Hope USA kid. I go to a local public school and spend an hour with a cute little first grader once a week. This was my second week. She is just darling. Today I came at library time so she and I grabbed a corner in the library and sat on the floor between the library racks and read to one another. The hour flew by and it was over before either of us was ready. I asked if she was prepared to go back to her first grade class and without missing a beat, she answered, "NO". We laughed together and I took her back anyway. My time was up.
I raced home and changed into funeral clothes for the funeral of a sweet lady from our church. She was a true "lady" in every sense of the word. First her daughter in law spoke. Her love for her mother in law was laid out for all to hear. They had a wonderful relationship. She gave her mother in law credit for raising the wonderful son to whom she is married. It was moving. One of her daughters was not going to speak but thinking of missing the opportunity she stopped the preacher and asked for permission to speak. I'm so grateful she did. The honor she gave to her mother was priceless. I'm so grateful I got a glimpse into their love for one another. Like I said some days ago, if we only knew the lives of the people that sit next to us in our church pews, we would be more patient and loving and caring. In this case, I would have been more appreciative of this lady. She was a faithful woman of God.
Next, we raced home to change clothes once again. I am mentoring a young married gal who recently had her first baby and she was due to come to the door. She is becoming a member of our church and one of the requirements is to be mentored in the scriptures and just sharing life with another that seeks God. This gal is just delightful to me. I am falling in love.
By the time she left, the family here, two young gals, one of whom is our daughter, and her son, our grandson were all walking through the door. Both girls had off work today. They busied themselves in MY kitchen and I got out of there. By that time I had to go into the sun room and shut the door for some quiet and calm. I was kind of losing it. That doesn't happen too much anymore in my life but I think it has something to do with the stress over Dad. Excuses, right? A little time all by myself and I'm beginning to feel better. I don't like that stressed out feeling.
Tomorrow???? Tomorrow is the first day of Isaiah's fall break. Several weeks ago, I offered him a trip to the Creation Museum in Kentucky just south of Cincinnati. Nope he wanted to stay home. This morning he made comment that tomorrow was fall break. I asked what he hoped to do. "Stay home, I guess, we didn't plan anything." I reminded him of my prior offer. Seems it sounded much better this morning than it did a month ago. "Well, let's go!" So, Grandpa and I will take Isaiah to the Creation Museum. I will pray that the experience will solidify Isaiah's foundation in the TRUTH. Perhaps a side effect will be that it will bolster Ken and my faith in the truth as well. To God be the glory!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Please Pray for My Dad
My parents came over to watch, One Night with A King, last evening. I don't think they were too impressed. The only comment following the movie was, "they sure took their liberties on that one". I had ordered it especially for my dad. He isn't feeling well and I think that took part of the enjoyment out of it for all of us. He is having trouble with fluid collecting around his heart. It has sapped his energy and taken his joy away. It breaks my heart. I have been there myself and know the symptoms like the back of my hand. It is anything but comfortable. I think I convinced him to make a plea with the cardiologist for more direutic to get rid of the stuff so that he can at least lie down. He hasn't slept well in weeks. That is an accident waiting to happen. I tossed and turned many times over his situation last night. Each time turning him and the situation over to the Lord and each time I'd awaken, I would grab it back again. Just knowing that I was sleeping and he isn't able to was more than I could bear.
He is going to call the cardiologist this morning. Please pray with me that whomever answers the phone will sense the urgency and get him in today so that he can find some relief. My dad has been a rock of strength for all his 88 years and now this. It is so hard for him....for Mary...and for me and my sibs. Watching him struggle is pure agony. Oh God, have mercy.
He is going to call the cardiologist this morning. Please pray with me that whomever answers the phone will sense the urgency and get him in today so that he can find some relief. My dad has been a rock of strength for all his 88 years and now this. It is so hard for him....for Mary...and for me and my sibs. Watching him struggle is pure agony. Oh God, have mercy.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Subbing or is it Subing?
The phone rang at five thirty today with a sub job for me. I had decided to accept if the assignment was from the high school for which I worked seventeen years. The chemistry/physics teacher was absent. Ha ha. There is nothing in my bones that speaks science at all. I am so into English, History etc. You can keep any science class or math class. BUT, a sub does not have to know anything except how to keep students working. That I know how to do. It has been a good day. I've enjoyed working with high school kids once again. They are truly the best. Nearly adults...and one can kid with them and talk with them on a more mature level and I like that.
Right now I am on prep which means the hour a teacher has to prepare for the next day. While I have nothing to do, I walked back to my old classroom. On entering I had kids run to hug me. That didn't hurt a bit. At one table sat three kids, all of whom I worked with two school years ago, and the person that took my place. They were working on Algebra 2. UGH. I'm so glad I'm not struggling with that any more. It was truly the thorn in my flesh.
I have a half an hour left with kids. The day is about spent and hasn't been the least bit taxing. I've enjoyed the day. I really like the day spent at home best. Over and out for now.
Right now I am on prep which means the hour a teacher has to prepare for the next day. While I have nothing to do, I walked back to my old classroom. On entering I had kids run to hug me. That didn't hurt a bit. At one table sat three kids, all of whom I worked with two school years ago, and the person that took my place. They were working on Algebra 2. UGH. I'm so glad I'm not struggling with that any more. It was truly the thorn in my flesh.
I have a half an hour left with kids. The day is about spent and hasn't been the least bit taxing. I've enjoyed the day. I really like the day spent at home best. Over and out for now.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Routine Day
My day has been rather routine for a this lunch with friends.....home to tonight. Routine is not bad.......just doesn't launch anything easy for blogging. I've enjoyed sticking close to the home fires this weekend. We had some issues within our family here at home that needed some attention so we had a mini family moment this afternoon. It was a time to sort things out and hopefully readjust some attitude in a twelve year old boy. When Mom and Grandma get unitedly on his case, he knows he has met the end of the road. He is such a great kid.....yet sinful from birth like the rest of once in awhile the rubber meets the road and today was the once in awhile. I pray the Spirit of God rests on him as he digests the wisdom Grandma attempted to feed him. I love him with all my heart and pray regularly for God's will for his young life. I guess that is what grandparents are for....I remember all eighteen of our grandchildren in my prayers trusting that God can do for them what I can't.
I have added a picture web of some pics of our trip to Amish land. The second pic of the baseball game in the school yard is a video. Double click on the picture and it will play for you moving sight and the sounds of the moment. I still have people ask me where my pictures are. Look to the left...there are lists of things there and one of them says, "My favorite pics" or something similar to that. Each of those listed is a web page of pictures from various activities and trips.
Have a wonderful night of rest, remembering that God gives sleep to those that seek Him and do His will. If you haven't decided to seek Him yet, right now would be a great time to give yourself up to His care and keeping. It is a whole lot easier life. Blessings.
I have added a picture web of some pics of our trip to Amish land. The second pic of the baseball game in the school yard is a video. Double click on the picture and it will play for you moving sight and the sounds of the moment. I still have people ask me where my pictures are. Look to the left...there are lists of things there and one of them says, "My favorite pics" or something similar to that. Each of those listed is a web page of pictures from various activities and trips.
Have a wonderful night of rest, remembering that God gives sleep to those that seek Him and do His will. If you haven't decided to seek Him yet, right now would be a great time to give yourself up to His care and keeping. It is a whole lot easier life. Blessings.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A Full Day and Then Some
Today was to have been the date that we would receive the visit of two of Ken's female cousins. As it turns out, one of them isn't well enough to make the trip. We are disappointed but understand. Carrol would have a five or six hour trip to her sister and then another hour and a half to our house. It would be too much for her. Hopefully, we can make an effort to get to see her. 
Yesterday, Bernice and I puttzed about the area of Shipshewana. It was a beautiful fall day, crisp and cool but with full sunshine. Our first stop was the Rise and Roll bakery. I love their cinnamon caramel donuts. Mind you, I would never eat a whole donut but I will take the sixth or eighth of one they offer as samples. Another favorite at the R&R is their wonderful nut brittles. They have a variety of different types; pecan crunch, nut crunch and cashew crunch. The stuff melts in one's mouth. Then we were on to the cheese factory and enjoyed sampling ten or more types of cheeses. Again we left with not purchasing any cheese because it would have melted before we could get it home.
We passed one of the Amish schools and stopped to watch several adults and children alike playing a game of baseball. The cheering was the same as any where else in the world. Only their clothing was different. Then we stopped and walked through a small Amish cemetery. The stones told many stories and also provoked a few questions for which we would not get answers.
It was nearing lunch time but we decided to make the stop at the bulk food store first. It was so busy when we got there. The hitching rail which extends the depth of the building was totally filled with the quaint horse and buggies. Cars filled the parking lot. When we got out of the car we saw they were celebrating an anniversary and were feeding the whole community a free lunch. What blessing! We joined the crowd, Amish and Englishers alike sat on Amish church benches balancing their laden plates and cups of soda or coffee as they fed their faces.
With appetites satisfied, we did our shopping there and also looked at the shops nearby. Soon we were on our way to find the home of some Amish friends of ours. After messing up big time, I finally stopped at an Amish home and asked for Liz and Harley Lehman's home. They knew right quick and gave me directions. As usual, Liz and Harley and their daughters made me feel as if they were honored that we visited. They have nine living children and are used to interruptions such as we were. It seems nothing fazes them.
Harley told us some time ago that he thought it was time they build a Dawdi house. That means a grandparents home next to the home place while a son takes over the home house and buildings. When we drove up, I noticed a new home in progress next door. It looked too big for a Dawdi house but I soon learned that it was their new home. It absolutely amazes me they would have cash in the bank to built a seven bedroom home. They still have five of their children at home so the kids will move right along with them while one of their older son's family takes over the home place. They seem very excited about their venture and I'm happy for them to have such a lovely Amish home. We had to chuckle at ourselves when we asked where the garage was. Harley said, 'the barn is going up right over there'. :) That's right....they need a barn, not a garage. They are always so gracious over my stupid remarks.
After we felt we had come to the end of our visit there, we headed back to Shipsey for the concert, "Grand Piano Extravaganza". The famous Christian pianist, Dino, was the host for the evening. It was an absolutely lovely evening from which I felt spiritually fed to overflowing. We laughed, we cried, we sang. It was a joyous night. I highly recommend attending next October when it will be offered again. ( I could write pages about that evening...but I will spare you)
We returned home around midnight and got to bed about twelve thirty. Not my normal fare. A friend woke me at eight this morning. Since I'm an early riser and she is not, she was quite surprised to find me on my ear.
Some of my friends and I attended a baby shower at noon today for a girl that grew up in our church. It was a delightful time of fellowship and celebration over the gift of life. Allie's baby is due within the next three weeks. This baby will be the first grandchild on both sides so little Sammuel will be one cherished child. We praise the giver of life.

Yesterday, Bernice and I puttzed about the area of Shipshewana. It was a beautiful fall day, crisp and cool but with full sunshine. Our first stop was the Rise and Roll bakery. I love their cinnamon caramel donuts. Mind you, I would never eat a whole donut but I will take the sixth or eighth of one they offer as samples. Another favorite at the R&R is their wonderful nut brittles. They have a variety of different types; pecan crunch, nut crunch and cashew crunch. The stuff melts in one's mouth. Then we were on to the cheese factory and enjoyed sampling ten or more types of cheeses. Again we left with not purchasing any cheese because it would have melted before we could get it home.
We passed one of the Amish schools and stopped to watch several adults and children alike playing a game of baseball. The cheering was the same as any where else in the world. Only their clothing was different. Then we stopped and walked through a small Amish cemetery. The stones told many stories and also provoked a few questions for which we would not get answers.
It was nearing lunch time but we decided to make the stop at the bulk food store first. It was so busy when we got there. The hitching rail which extends the depth of the building was totally filled with the quaint horse and buggies. Cars filled the parking lot. When we got out of the car we saw they were celebrating an anniversary and were feeding the whole community a free lunch. What blessing! We joined the crowd, Amish and Englishers alike sat on Amish church benches balancing their laden plates and cups of soda or coffee as they fed their faces.
With appetites satisfied, we did our shopping there and also looked at the shops nearby. Soon we were on our way to find the home of some Amish friends of ours. After messing up big time, I finally stopped at an Amish home and asked for Liz and Harley Lehman's home. They knew right quick and gave me directions. As usual, Liz and Harley and their daughters made me feel as if they were honored that we visited. They have nine living children and are used to interruptions such as we were. It seems nothing fazes them.
Harley told us some time ago that he thought it was time they build a Dawdi house. That means a grandparents home next to the home place while a son takes over the home house and buildings. When we drove up, I noticed a new home in progress next door. It looked too big for a Dawdi house but I soon learned that it was their new home. It absolutely amazes me they would have cash in the bank to built a seven bedroom home. They still have five of their children at home so the kids will move right along with them while one of their older son's family takes over the home place. They seem very excited about their venture and I'm happy for them to have such a lovely Amish home. We had to chuckle at ourselves when we asked where the garage was. Harley said, 'the barn is going up right over there'. :) That's right....they need a barn, not a garage. They are always so gracious over my stupid remarks.
After we felt we had come to the end of our visit there, we headed back to Shipsey for the concert, "Grand Piano Extravaganza". The famous Christian pianist, Dino, was the host for the evening. It was an absolutely lovely evening from which I felt spiritually fed to overflowing. We laughed, we cried, we sang. It was a joyous night. I highly recommend attending next October when it will be offered again. ( I could write pages about that evening...but I will spare you)
We returned home around midnight and got to bed about twelve thirty. Not my normal fare. A friend woke me at eight this morning. Since I'm an early riser and she is not, she was quite surprised to find me on my ear.
Some of my friends and I attended a baby shower at noon today for a girl that grew up in our church. It was a delightful time of fellowship and celebration over the gift of life. Allie's baby is due within the next three weeks. This baby will be the first grandchild on both sides so little Sammuel will be one cherished child. We praise the giver of life.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Let Me Introduce You
Today I have the distinct privilege to accompany my friend of over forty years to Shipshewana. The ultimate purpose in going is that she has two tickets to 'A Parade of Pianos" tonight at the Blue Gate Theater. Her husband is out of town on a relief mission so I'm her next choice. I'm delighted. We decided to make a day of it and will leave around eight this morning.
Bernice and her husband and four young boys moved into our town when her youngest son was less than two. They began attending the church we attended and somehow I was introduced to Bernice through a neighbor who is also a friend of mine. I have no idea what drew us to one another. What I do remember is that I visited Bernice with three kids in tow when she lived in a rented house behind De Kock Supply Company. Lauri was a newborn and I recall laying her on Bernice's bed for a nap and worrying that the baby would be too cold as it was winter and the window was open.
Bernice is a few years older than I and I suppose I was looking for a mentor. She had experienced things that were still ahead of me and was willing to be a great encourager. I always claimed that Bernice taught me how to openly be affectionate with my children. I was a worrier and she was the hopeless optimist. God knew I needed Bernice in my life. She got me through many a sorry time in my life. It wasn't long until we spent every single day together. All our activities were combined. Many evenings we ate together, played games and cards as couples and when the kids were school age, we would put them down to sleep in some corner while we finished our games. When we gave out, which took much longer than these days, we would plop ourselves on a sofa or somewhere on the floor and sleep the night through. In the morning we would take our tribe home and get them ready for school.
We have laughed more laughs than we can count and we have shed tears on each other's shoulders dozens of times. Bernice is a person I can depend on to always think the best of me, regardless. I can share my deepest, darkest failures with her and know that she will not share them with others and that she won't wipe my face with them down the road. If I understand the term, soulmate, I would say, Bernice is my soulmate.
Our friendship has had its tests. Failures have slipped in and disrupted our friendship, BUT, through God's grace and the healing of time, friendship was restored. We have talked about that difficult time in our lives and have confessed that God had some purpose in seperating us for a period. As our families grew and became adults, our lives have taken more distinct paths. We both have extended families now of great number. Bernice and her husband spend the winters away so I have had to learn to "do without" her for long periods. Emails are great as we can still connect regularly.
Today? Today, we will talk and share and philosophize. We will look at a million things offered to the one that would succumb. We will smile and walk away as neither of us need another material thing. We will try to connect with some of our Amish friends that live in the area. And we will enjoy the peaceful, serene sights, smells, sounds of Amish country. I love it.
Bernice and her husband and four young boys moved into our town when her youngest son was less than two. They began attending the church we attended and somehow I was introduced to Bernice through a neighbor who is also a friend of mine. I have no idea what drew us to one another. What I do remember is that I visited Bernice with three kids in tow when she lived in a rented house behind De Kock Supply Company. Lauri was a newborn and I recall laying her on Bernice's bed for a nap and worrying that the baby would be too cold as it was winter and the window was open.
Bernice is a few years older than I and I suppose I was looking for a mentor. She had experienced things that were still ahead of me and was willing to be a great encourager. I always claimed that Bernice taught me how to openly be affectionate with my children. I was a worrier and she was the hopeless optimist. God knew I needed Bernice in my life. She got me through many a sorry time in my life. It wasn't long until we spent every single day together. All our activities were combined. Many evenings we ate together, played games and cards as couples and when the kids were school age, we would put them down to sleep in some corner while we finished our games. When we gave out, which took much longer than these days, we would plop ourselves on a sofa or somewhere on the floor and sleep the night through. In the morning we would take our tribe home and get them ready for school.
We have laughed more laughs than we can count and we have shed tears on each other's shoulders dozens of times. Bernice is a person I can depend on to always think the best of me, regardless. I can share my deepest, darkest failures with her and know that she will not share them with others and that she won't wipe my face with them down the road. If I understand the term, soulmate, I would say, Bernice is my soulmate.
Our friendship has had its tests. Failures have slipped in and disrupted our friendship, BUT, through God's grace and the healing of time, friendship was restored. We have talked about that difficult time in our lives and have confessed that God had some purpose in seperating us for a period. As our families grew and became adults, our lives have taken more distinct paths. We both have extended families now of great number. Bernice and her husband spend the winters away so I have had to learn to "do without" her for long periods. Emails are great as we can still connect regularly.
Today? Today, we will talk and share and philosophize. We will look at a million things offered to the one that would succumb. We will smile and walk away as neither of us need another material thing. We will try to connect with some of our Amish friends that live in the area. And we will enjoy the peaceful, serene sights, smells, sounds of Amish country. I love it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Going Political on Ya
Isn't it funny how we hear our mother's voice all the days of our lives? I just wiped up the bathroom and cleaned up the kitchen. My mom told me when I was a young bride; "Keep the bathroom and your kitchen cleaned up up and your house will always look tidy." I heard her voice as I was cleaning the sinks and commodes. Yep, Mom, your teachings are still alive and active thirty years after you shed your first body for your heavenly home. "I love you, Mom. You were gone way too soon from my life. Even though you would be ninety, I could still enjoy sharing life with you."
I'm turning political on you now, so those of you who know my bent and don't agree can tune me out for today. I received in my emails a voter's guide. It took a bit of linking to finally get to where I could get some information but when I did, I clicked on "comparisons" for Mc Cain and Obama. As I went down the check list of issues, I was amazed and horrified. Of all the values that are dear to me, Obama was against each one. I called Ken and had him look at the data. He wanted to print it immediately but I was on this lap top so couldn't do it. I asked him why in the world anyone with a smidgeon of morality would vote for such a man. He told me that people want change and he offers change from George Bush. I asked him how stupid it would be to invite the kind of poison which he represents into our culture just because of a resentment to George Bush. Doesn't make any sense to me. Does it to you?
Lauri and I were watching Fox news yesterday and gathering up the latest on the campaign. Last week Lauri had been negative, thinking our side didn't have a ghost of a chance. She told me last night that she confessed her negativity and lack of faith to God and asked Him again for a miracle to save our nation. I told her that I had cried out to Him in a loud voice yesterday, reminding Him again that there are many of His people waiting on Him to act. Oh, God, grant us mercy. I must say, I have faith in His mercy. Lauri then said she also told Him that she knew He could work around and beyond Obama if Obama is His will for us. I cringe at the thought but I know tis true. All rulers are subject to God, the true God. I don't think He has much patience for one that says he believes in God and then votes for everything contrary to His moral code.
If you would like to check the comparisons yourself go to
See what you think.
I'm turning political on you now, so those of you who know my bent and don't agree can tune me out for today. I received in my emails a voter's guide. It took a bit of linking to finally get to where I could get some information but when I did, I clicked on "comparisons" for Mc Cain and Obama. As I went down the check list of issues, I was amazed and horrified. Of all the values that are dear to me, Obama was against each one. I called Ken and had him look at the data. He wanted to print it immediately but I was on this lap top so couldn't do it. I asked him why in the world anyone with a smidgeon of morality would vote for such a man. He told me that people want change and he offers change from George Bush. I asked him how stupid it would be to invite the kind of poison which he represents into our culture just because of a resentment to George Bush. Doesn't make any sense to me. Does it to you?
Lauri and I were watching Fox news yesterday and gathering up the latest on the campaign. Last week Lauri had been negative, thinking our side didn't have a ghost of a chance. She told me last night that she confessed her negativity and lack of faith to God and asked Him again for a miracle to save our nation. I told her that I had cried out to Him in a loud voice yesterday, reminding Him again that there are many of His people waiting on Him to act. Oh, God, grant us mercy. I must say, I have faith in His mercy. Lauri then said she also told Him that she knew He could work around and beyond Obama if Obama is His will for us. I cringe at the thought but I know tis true. All rulers are subject to God, the true God. I don't think He has much patience for one that says he believes in God and then votes for everything contrary to His moral code.
If you would like to check the comparisons yourself go to
See what you think.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Your People Are Listening Lord
The stock market has played out its volatile self this past week. Yesterday, it went down some again. Up and down. Like a roller coaster. The young gal that heads up our Women in the
Word group is extremely open and transparent. She tells it like it is and makes most of us laugh....not at her but at the way she can lay all of us bare by exposing herself. Last week as ladies were discussing the economic upheaval, she threw up her hands and said with conviction, " I thank God that I've been poor all my life...I have nothing to lose, so I have no worries." Having known her family for all of her life and since her parents and we were young marrieds, I had to smile. Her family like ours, has had to work very hard for everything they needed for survival. One thing is sure, their faith in God has never been compromised through it all. Cathy, herself has survived a failed marriage and for some time singlely raised two small little girls. She is a survivor. At this stage in life she is happily married to a man that gives her the love and emotional/spiritual support she needs. She gives all the glory to God and tries not to be bitter about the past.
Word group is extremely open and transparent. She tells it like it is and makes most of us laugh....not at her but at the way she can lay all of us bare by exposing herself. Last week as ladies were discussing the economic upheaval, she threw up her hands and said with conviction, " I thank God that I've been poor all my life...I have nothing to lose, so I have no worries." Having known her family for all of her life and since her parents and we were young marrieds, I had to smile. Her family like ours, has had to work very hard for everything they needed for survival. One thing is sure, their faith in God has never been compromised through it all. Cathy, herself has survived a failed marriage and for some time singlely raised two small little girls. She is a survivor. At this stage in life she is happily married to a man that gives her the love and emotional/spiritual support she needs. She gives all the glory to God and tries not to be bitter about the past.
Our study group is made up of people of various ages, various stages of life and with various amounts of material goods. But when we come before God, we are all in the same boat. Miserable failures. Sinful to the core. There is a great deal of encouragement that is brought to the table. We have lost our hearts to each other as we share what God has done for us. It is a very good thing. Today, I will join my sisters once again for a morning of figuratively kneeling before the maker of the universe in humble surrender.
I found the following prayer by Max Lacado. I found it to be inspiring....hope you can pray it along with Max and me. Love to you today.
You Have Our Attention, Lord
A prayer by Max Lucado - October 2008
Our friends lost their house
The co-worker lost her job
The couple next door lost their retirement
It seems that everyone is losing their footing
This scares us. This bailout with billions.
These rumblings of depression.
These headlines: ominous, thunderous -
“Going Broke!” “Going Down!” “Going Under!” “What's Next?”
What is next?We’re listening. And we’re admitting:
You were right.You told us this would happen.
You shot straight about loving stuff and worshipping money.
Greed will break your heart,
You warned.Money will love you and leave you.
Don’t put your hope in riches that are so uncertain.
You were right. Money is a fickle lover and we just got dumped.
We were wrong to spend what we didn’t have.
Wrong to neglect prayer and ignore the poor.
Wrong to think we ever earned a dime. We didn’t. You gave it.
And now, tell us Father, are You taking it?
We’re listening. And we’re praying.Could you make something good out of this mess?
Of course You can. You always have.You led slaves out of slavery,
Built temples out of ruins,
Turned stormy waves into a glassy pond
and water into sweet wine.
This disorder awaits your order. So do we.
In Christ's name, Amen
God will always give what is right to His people who cry to Him night and day, and He will not be slow to answer them. (Luke 18:7 NCV)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Bugs and Worms Ousted
Sunday afternoon, Ken and I sat in the living room as he perused the newspaper's stock page. We chuckled at some of the costs of the stocks. One we smiled about was Ford's stock. I think it was something like, $1.99 a stock. Ken suggested taking a thousand dollars (from where I wasn't sure) and put it into Ford stock cause it was sure to go up. I laughed and asked him which thousand he was talking about. Well, this afternoon I was on the phone and on computer with our son, Jay. I had to call him again because I did something very stupid on our desk top computer and invited a raft of worms and viruses in my machine. As Jay was busy searching for all the culprits, he said, "The market bounced back big time today". I said, "Oh dear, Dad is not going to be happy with me and I told him what Ken had planned yesterday. Jay calculated what we would have made overnight and it was a choice sum. Looking back we see clearly now. Looking forward it was still a gamble I wasn't ready to take. A gambler I am not.
I invited one of my favorite former students over today to see if he could get the bugs out of my computer. There were issues he couldn't deal with so we ended up calling Jay. I think Mike thoroughly enjoyed watching Jay commandeer my machine and do this, that and the other thing. I whispered to Mike mid task that he was free to go or to stay. He smiled and said, "I'll stay because I think I will learn a thing or two today."
On my way home from town today, I stopped to deliver a photo book of our family reunion to my dad and Mary. They were thrilled since Mary had lamented all day that Saturday that she had forgotten her camera. I walked in to their home as they were reading the Bible after their noon meal. Dad was reading the story of Mordecai and Esther. It is a very long chapter and I knew he would see it through to the end. A couple of times in his reading, emotion overwhelmed him and his voice cracked. When he finished he looked at me and said, "They should make a motion picture of that story." Somewhere in my memory bank, I think that one has been made. Any help here?
I invited one of my favorite former students over today to see if he could get the bugs out of my computer. There were issues he couldn't deal with so we ended up calling Jay. I think Mike thoroughly enjoyed watching Jay commandeer my machine and do this, that and the other thing. I whispered to Mike mid task that he was free to go or to stay. He smiled and said, "I'll stay because I think I will learn a thing or two today."
On my way home from town today, I stopped to deliver a photo book of our family reunion to my dad and Mary. They were thrilled since Mary had lamented all day that Saturday that she had forgotten her camera. I walked in to their home as they were reading the Bible after their noon meal. Dad was reading the story of Mordecai and Esther. It is a very long chapter and I knew he would see it through to the end. A couple of times in his reading, emotion overwhelmed him and his voice cracked. When he finished he looked at me and said, "They should make a motion picture of that story." Somewhere in my memory bank, I think that one has been made. Any help here?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Oh God, Heal and Protect Our Land
Yesterday, I got an e-mail forward about Islam activity in Europe. It showed pictures of demonstrations where Islamic activists carried placards that had severe messages on them. Messages of the threatening demise of the rest of us. I must admit that I can get disturbed about those things. All the more alarming is the connection of one of our presidential candidates to that portion of the world's philosophy. My mind can go to all kinds of horrible things. When I am tempted to run to when my husband was showing this to me......I immediately said to him and to me, "God is still in control, Ken." One can usually tell something about the validity of a forward from the source. This particular e-message came from one of the elders at our church. I also got it from a few other people. It is a message filled with fear. Is the fear valid? I don't know.
This I do know. I have been on earth now for sixty six years. I remember my mother telling me that before the second world war, the fear was that if one didn't have a gas mask in their home, they would never survive a war. My mom wisely told me, "I didn't see a gas mask during the war." I was born during that particular war. THEN.....during my teenage years and the years that followed, we were in fear of the Communists. We were told all sorts of things that built fear within us. Red was a color not in the best of reputation at the time. We were convinced they were going to undo us from within. Don't we hear that same fear mongering these days??? I recall the overwhelming joy I had all by myself when the Communist walls started to fall down and their power was shattered. It had little to do with war or us. It had everything to do with the fact that God tells us He has the nations under His control.
So am I saying we have nothing to fear? Wasn't it FDR that said, the only thing we had to fear was fear itself? I'm not sure he was coming at things from a spiritual perspective when he said those words that have become so famous. But, you know, FDR had something right there. The devil is busy....oh so busy.....trying to undo any good or any freedom in this doesn't fit his agenda. But dear friends, and I'm speaking to myself here, too, I'm believing God!!!!!! Nothing evil will ever last. Will we suffer because of the evil? Perhaps. BUT, God says his grace is sufficient for anything we face. Now I'm really talking to myself.
In the next month, we have opportunity to discern with God's help which presidential candidate will bolster the freedom of our nation for the sake of our kids and grandkids and hopefully theirs as well. For God's sake and ours, think carefully. Think long term. And please PRAY......PRAY........PRAY. Giving this nation that was built on HIS principles back to Him is what He is looking for. Remember He says,
II Chronicles 7:14
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray ... I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. ...
I was talking to someone the other day and she pointed out that God is talking to HIS people when He says those words. It is we, His people, that are sinning. We as Christians are not to e looking at the world and blaming them for our nation's situation. It is us. Confess your sins, our sins and ask Him to heal our land.
This I do know. I have been on earth now for sixty six years. I remember my mother telling me that before the second world war, the fear was that if one didn't have a gas mask in their home, they would never survive a war. My mom wisely told me, "I didn't see a gas mask during the war." I was born during that particular war. THEN.....during my teenage years and the years that followed, we were in fear of the Communists. We were told all sorts of things that built fear within us. Red was a color not in the best of reputation at the time. We were convinced they were going to undo us from within. Don't we hear that same fear mongering these days??? I recall the overwhelming joy I had all by myself when the Communist walls started to fall down and their power was shattered. It had little to do with war or us. It had everything to do with the fact that God tells us He has the nations under His control.
So am I saying we have nothing to fear? Wasn't it FDR that said, the only thing we had to fear was fear itself? I'm not sure he was coming at things from a spiritual perspective when he said those words that have become so famous. But, you know, FDR had something right there. The devil is busy....oh so busy.....trying to undo any good or any freedom in this doesn't fit his agenda. But dear friends, and I'm speaking to myself here, too, I'm believing God!!!!!! Nothing evil will ever last. Will we suffer because of the evil? Perhaps. BUT, God says his grace is sufficient for anything we face. Now I'm really talking to myself.
In the next month, we have opportunity to discern with God's help which presidential candidate will bolster the freedom of our nation for the sake of our kids and grandkids and hopefully theirs as well. For God's sake and ours, think carefully. Think long term. And please PRAY......PRAY........PRAY. Giving this nation that was built on HIS principles back to Him is what He is looking for. Remember He says,
II Chronicles 7:14
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray ... I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. ...
I was talking to someone the other day and she pointed out that God is talking to HIS people when He says those words. It is we, His people, that are sinning. We as Christians are not to e looking at the world and blaming them for our nation's situation. It is us. Confess your sins, our sins and ask Him to heal our land.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Bugs, Pinoccle, and Thieves
The bugs are back....yuk! Yes, the lady bugs, and yes, the farmers are harvesting soy beans. When they take the beans off the stalk, the bugs that are harbored there are dispersed to places unknown to them and unfamiliar to them. One of those places yesterday was the north side of our house which faces the road and has our front door as one of its parts. Each time we came in, a couple of those little devils would come in with us. As we walked in from church a few minutes ago, I was reminded by a couple little critters lying dead on the entry floor that I need to get out the dust buster or more appropriately in this instance, bug buster. Have you noticed how those things stink? I can't stand the little things but I'm grateful they aren't as abundant as they were, say about five years ago. From what I've heard, these lady bugs are not native to our land but were brought in for some productive reason. I don't see the point. They are simply a nuisance.
Last evening we played pinoccle with my dad and Mary. It was a victory for the men. Two out of three games. The women usually win and that doesn't make the macho guys very happy so last night we did them a favor. As I've told you before, my dad is a risk taker and not nearly so much a one in his elder years as when he was younger. But, pinoccle is fairly benign so in pinoccle, he still takes risks and often finds himself setting his team. It's a very good thing that Ken is such a good sport. I have heard that when he plays with his brother in law, words fly sometimes. He pokes fun of me for playing safe but that is my style, and his? Well, he likes to play the edge. We find playing cards with them to be a wonderful way to enteract and enjoy them.
It's always so good to go to church and be with the family of God there. Today, we heard a sermon on the eighth commandment. We are all guilty of stealing in some way. Some ways I think I have stolen are not giving as much as I could give of myself in many instances. Some of my most vivid remembrances of "getting caught" was when I was around five and took a package of gum from the grocery store. As I chewed that gum and savored the flavor, my mom asked me where I got the gum Today, I don't think parents would notice such a thing as kids seem to have so much more. When it came out that I had taken the gum, I was marched to the car and taken back to the store and humbled as I had to give back the opened package and pay for the gum ( a nickel) in addition to confession. It was painful. It did make an impression, however. I don't think I have taken anything from a store again. We steal in many ways though. ALL of us. I have spoken with people who don't see this sin in themselves. I find that hard to believe. Maybe its just me that is a sinner, but I rather doubt it.
Last evening we played pinoccle with my dad and Mary. It was a victory for the men. Two out of three games. The women usually win and that doesn't make the macho guys very happy so last night we did them a favor. As I've told you before, my dad is a risk taker and not nearly so much a one in his elder years as when he was younger. But, pinoccle is fairly benign so in pinoccle, he still takes risks and often finds himself setting his team. It's a very good thing that Ken is such a good sport. I have heard that when he plays with his brother in law, words fly sometimes. He pokes fun of me for playing safe but that is my style, and his? Well, he likes to play the edge. We find playing cards with them to be a wonderful way to enteract and enjoy them.
It's always so good to go to church and be with the family of God there. Today, we heard a sermon on the eighth commandment. We are all guilty of stealing in some way. Some ways I think I have stolen are not giving as much as I could give of myself in many instances. Some of my most vivid remembrances of "getting caught" was when I was around five and took a package of gum from the grocery store. As I chewed that gum and savored the flavor, my mom asked me where I got the gum Today, I don't think parents would notice such a thing as kids seem to have so much more. When it came out that I had taken the gum, I was marched to the car and taken back to the store and humbled as I had to give back the opened package and pay for the gum ( a nickel) in addition to confession. It was painful. It did make an impression, however. I don't think I have taken anything from a store again. We steal in many ways though. ALL of us. I have spoken with people who don't see this sin in themselves. I find that hard to believe. Maybe its just me that is a sinner, but I rather doubt it.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Jay Leno on the State of the Union
My sister sent this to me. I had it checked to delete (If you send me forwards, I usually delete them b/4 reading them, sorry) but thought better of it and am glad I it and THINK! If afterward, you aren't a bit more grateful and a bit less critical, I'll be surprised.
Everyone should read this.......Jay Leno on
President Bush. Jay Leno wrote this; it's the Jay Leno we don't often
As most of you know I am not a President Bush fan, nor have I ever been, but this is not about Bush, it is about us, as Americans, and it seems to hit the mark.
'The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some Poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right?
The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans
are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent
of the country is unhappy with the performance of
the President. In essence 2/3 of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a
change. So being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, 'What are we
so unhappy about?''
A.. Is it that we have electricity and running
water 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week?
B.. Is our unhappiness
the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the
C... Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have
a job?
D. Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at
any time and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the
last year?
E.. Maybe it is the ability to drive our cars and trucks from
the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without having to
present identification papers as we move through each
F.. Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we
would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?
G.. I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from
around the world is just not good enough either.
H. Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provide
services to help all and even send a helicopter to take you to the hospital.
I.. Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own
a home.
J.. You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate
case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and
use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames, thus saving you, your
family, and your belongings.
K.. Or if, while at home watching one of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes, an officer equipped with a gun and a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.
L.. This all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents. Neighborhoods where 90% of teenagers own cell phones and
M.. How about the complete religious, social and
political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the
Maybe that is what has 67% of you folks unhappy.
Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has
ever seen. No wonder the world loves the U.S. , yet has a great disdain
for its citizens. They see us for what we are. The most blessed
people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don't have,
and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we
live here.
I know, I know. What about the president who took us into
war and has no plan to get us out? The president who has a measly
31% approval rating? Is this the same president who guided the nation in
the dark days after 9/11? The president that cut taxes to bring an
economy out of recession? Could this be the same guy who has been
called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled
ungrateful brats safe from terrorist attacks? The commander in chief of an
all-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me?
Did you hear how bad the President is on the news or talk show? Did this news
affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't take a look around for
yourself and see all the good things and be glad? Think about
it.......are you upset at the President because he actually caused you
personal pain OR is it because the 'Media' told you he was failing to kiss
your sorry ungrateful behind every day. Make no mistake about it.
The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve,
and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently
no draft in this country. They didn't have to go. They are able to
refuse to go and end up with either a ''general'' discharge, an 'other than
honorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a ''dishonorable'' discharge
after a few days in the brig.
So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 % of Americans?
Say what you want but I blame it on the media. If it bleeds it leads and they
specialize in bad news. Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and
guts. How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The
media knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations. They
offer what sells, and when criticized, try to defend their actions by
'justifying' them in one way or another. Just ask why they tried to allow a
murderer like OJ. Simpson to write a book about how he didn't kill his
wife, but if he did he would have done it this way......Insane!
Turn off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the New York Times for the bottom of
your bird cage. Then start being grateful for all we have as
country. There is exponentially more good than bad. We are among the
most blessed people on Earth and should thank God several times a day, or
at least be thankful and appreciative.' 'With hurricanes, tornados,
fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up
the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and
terrorist attacks, 'Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the
Pledge of Allegiance?'
Jay Leno
Please keep this in
circulation. There are so many people who need to read this and grasp the
truth of it all!
Everyone should read this.......Jay Leno on
President Bush. Jay Leno wrote this; it's the Jay Leno we don't often
As most of you know I am not a President Bush fan, nor have I ever been, but this is not about Bush, it is about us, as Americans, and it seems to hit the mark.
'The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some Poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right?
The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans
are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent
of the country is unhappy with the performance of
the President. In essence 2/3 of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a
change. So being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, 'What are we
so unhappy about?''
A.. Is it that we have electricity and running
water 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week?
B.. Is our unhappiness
the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the
C... Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have
a job?
D. Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at
any time and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the
last year?
E.. Maybe it is the ability to drive our cars and trucks from
the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without having to
present identification papers as we move through each
F.. Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we
would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?
G.. I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from
around the world is just not good enough either.
H. Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provide
services to help all and even send a helicopter to take you to the hospital.
I.. Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own
a home.
J.. You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate
case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and
use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames, thus saving you, your
family, and your belongings.
K.. Or if, while at home watching one of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes, an officer equipped with a gun and a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.
L.. This all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents. Neighborhoods where 90% of teenagers own cell phones and
M.. How about the complete religious, social and
political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the
Maybe that is what has 67% of you folks unhappy.
Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has
ever seen. No wonder the world loves the U.S. , yet has a great disdain
for its citizens. They see us for what we are. The most blessed
people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don't have,
and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we
live here.
I know, I know. What about the president who took us into
war and has no plan to get us out? The president who has a measly
31% approval rating? Is this the same president who guided the nation in
the dark days after 9/11? The president that cut taxes to bring an
economy out of recession? Could this be the same guy who has been
called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled
ungrateful brats safe from terrorist attacks? The commander in chief of an
all-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me?
Did you hear how bad the President is on the news or talk show? Did this news
affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't take a look around for
yourself and see all the good things and be glad? Think about
it.......are you upset at the President because he actually caused you
personal pain OR is it because the 'Media' told you he was failing to kiss
your sorry ungrateful behind every day. Make no mistake about it.
The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve,
and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently
no draft in this country. They didn't have to go. They are able to
refuse to go and end up with either a ''general'' discharge, an 'other than
honorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a ''dishonorable'' discharge
after a few days in the brig.
So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 % of Americans?
Say what you want but I blame it on the media. If it bleeds it leads and they
specialize in bad news. Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and
guts. How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The
media knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations. They
offer what sells, and when criticized, try to defend their actions by
'justifying' them in one way or another. Just ask why they tried to allow a
murderer like OJ. Simpson to write a book about how he didn't kill his
wife, but if he did he would have done it this way......Insane!
Turn off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the New York Times for the bottom of
your bird cage. Then start being grateful for all we have as
country. There is exponentially more good than bad. We are among the
most blessed people on Earth and should thank God several times a day, or
at least be thankful and appreciative.' 'With hurricanes, tornados,
fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up
the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and
terrorist attacks, 'Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the
Pledge of Allegiance?'
Jay Leno
Please keep this in
circulation. There are so many people who need to read this and grasp the
truth of it all!
When I sat chatting with my friend in the car yesterday, I saw this clump of five trees and was struck with the beauty. Then on my way home from the grocery store late afternoon, the sun was just right to shine a brillance on the fall colored leaves. Take moments each day to bask in the beauty God provides for us to be recharged and encouraged
God Willing
Isaiah had a friend sleep over last night. Each time I turned over in my sleep I would hear little voices or the pickins of guitar hero or the click of playing some video game. I smile when I think how big those kids feel when they "stay up all night". The cord on our laptop gave up the ghost so I have to use the PC downstairs. I came in the family room to find two smiling boys. What? they asked. Well, I think it is time for you to give it up and sleep awhile. It is six in the morning and you guys are going to be crabby, crabby, crabby today. At my age, it is a horror to have to stay up all night and I hope not to have to do it.
Thursday afternoon the phone rang with my daughter-in-law on the other end. After the usual niceties, she said she had a question to ask me and I could say no if I wanted to. That is enough to pique the interest, uh? She continued to explain that her husband, our son, wants to visit his bio family in Korea soon and wants to take her and their seven year old along. Susan feels apprehensive about going so they decided to ask Mom along. That would be me! The trip will, God willing, take place in April. I have met Josh's and Jennifer's bio mom but it has always been my prayer to be able to accompany one of my children to visit their bio family in their land. While I have been to Korea twice, I didn't know their family at those times so this will be a real treat. I told Susan this was an offer that would be difficult to turn down. Without talking it over with Ken or anyone else, I accepted.
When Ken came home from his usual afternoon coffee in town, I told him what was going on. In his sweet way, he said, "I am so happy for you." I asked if he was sorry he wasn't asked. No, he said, I always have tons to do and I'm just happy for you. I was very pleased with his attitude. It was freeing for me.
So, I have six months to prepare for a trip of a life time. The other two trips to Korea were highlights in our lives. Experiencing a culture so unlike our own was so broadening. Those trips were thirty years ago and now I will be able to see the progress for myself. I understand it is astounding. Josh's and Jennifer's brothers have done well for themselves so the family is in much better economic shape than when they felt forced to send Josh and Jennifer to us. I always agonized over that decision for that mom and wondered if God knew what He was doing. I am still devoid of answers to that question but know that, Jennifer, for one, has expressed that she knows the whys. Many things in life happen for reasons beyond our understanding. It is a matter of trusting that we believe God to know things much greater and fuller than we do.
So......I can't wait to taste some good Korean kimchi and some bulgogi. The smell of garlic permeates the air in Korea. It is said that a man would sooner give up his wife than give up his garlic ladden kimchi (kind of like sauerkraut but flavored with garlic). I may even give up my usual teatotaling life style for some OB Beer. When Ken and I went to Korea the first time in l977, my doctor told me not to drink anything that wasn't bottled or canned. The only thing I could find was the native brand of beer. I had not tasted beer at that point in my life. It tasted good to me....I'm not sure if it was because I was so thirsty or because it really did taste good. I will be in a better position to make that decision this time around.
Thank you, Lord, for the love of family.
Thursday afternoon the phone rang with my daughter-in-law on the other end. After the usual niceties, she said she had a question to ask me and I could say no if I wanted to. That is enough to pique the interest, uh? She continued to explain that her husband, our son, wants to visit his bio family in Korea soon and wants to take her and their seven year old along. Susan feels apprehensive about going so they decided to ask Mom along. That would be me! The trip will, God willing, take place in April. I have met Josh's and Jennifer's bio mom but it has always been my prayer to be able to accompany one of my children to visit their bio family in their land. While I have been to Korea twice, I didn't know their family at those times so this will be a real treat. I told Susan this was an offer that would be difficult to turn down. Without talking it over with Ken or anyone else, I accepted.
When Ken came home from his usual afternoon coffee in town, I told him what was going on. In his sweet way, he said, "I am so happy for you." I asked if he was sorry he wasn't asked. No, he said, I always have tons to do and I'm just happy for you. I was very pleased with his attitude. It was freeing for me.
So, I have six months to prepare for a trip of a life time. The other two trips to Korea were highlights in our lives. Experiencing a culture so unlike our own was so broadening. Those trips were thirty years ago and now I will be able to see the progress for myself. I understand it is astounding. Josh's and Jennifer's brothers have done well for themselves so the family is in much better economic shape than when they felt forced to send Josh and Jennifer to us. I always agonized over that decision for that mom and wondered if God knew what He was doing. I am still devoid of answers to that question but know that, Jennifer, for one, has expressed that she knows the whys. Many things in life happen for reasons beyond our understanding. It is a matter of trusting that we believe God to know things much greater and fuller than we do.
So......I can't wait to taste some good Korean kimchi and some bulgogi. The smell of garlic permeates the air in Korea. It is said that a man would sooner give up his wife than give up his garlic ladden kimchi (kind of like sauerkraut but flavored with garlic). I may even give up my usual teatotaling life style for some OB Beer. When Ken and I went to Korea the first time in l977, my doctor told me not to drink anything that wasn't bottled or canned. The only thing I could find was the native brand of beer. I had not tasted beer at that point in my life. It tasted good to me....I'm not sure if it was because I was so thirsty or because it really did taste good. I will be in a better position to make that decision this time around.
Thank you, Lord, for the love of family.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Be Careful to Whom You Listen
I'm free once again. I was asked to speak to De Motte Christian School's chapel on Oct 10th. I thought.... I could probably do that....a couple hundred kids and a few teachers. No sweat. When I got to school this morning I learned that it was pastor appreciation breakfast and approximately twenty pastors would be in the audience. I just shook my head. And why was it that noone had filled me in on that little detail????? Hmmmm. Probably because I would have had second thoughts. At any rate, it is over and it was a joy to encourage kids from five to thirteen to be careful to whom they listen. Perhaps one or two pastors were also encouraged. God help us all.
We were supposed to be enroute to Chicago Union Station right now to take my dad and wife to catch a train to visit her daugher and husband in Denver. When I was cleaning up my stuff at school after chapel, my phone rang. The message was that Grandpa and Grandma had cancelled their trip because Grandpa didn't feel well. Talk about an instant pain in the stomach. The message said Grandma was taking him to the doctor. I drove over to the doctors office and went inside. They were already in the back so I walked out to my car and waited for them. Soon they came out of the door and my dad was jolly as could be as he chatted with a long time friend. I began to calm down. He couldn't be too sick. The upshot was that the doctor had ordered him to take two blood pressure pills instead of one and the med had brought his bp down too far, leaving him weak and without stamina. Not a good condition to go to a place that is 5280 feet above sea level. So they cancelled their trip. I'm grateful it wasn't something worse.
To God be praise!
We were supposed to be enroute to Chicago Union Station right now to take my dad and wife to catch a train to visit her daugher and husband in Denver. When I was cleaning up my stuff at school after chapel, my phone rang. The message was that Grandpa and Grandma had cancelled their trip because Grandpa didn't feel well. Talk about an instant pain in the stomach. The message said Grandma was taking him to the doctor. I drove over to the doctors office and went inside. They were already in the back so I walked out to my car and waited for them. Soon they came out of the door and my dad was jolly as could be as he chatted with a long time friend. I began to calm down. He couldn't be too sick. The upshot was that the doctor had ordered him to take two blood pressure pills instead of one and the med had brought his bp down too far, leaving him weak and without stamina. Not a good condition to go to a place that is 5280 feet above sea level. So they cancelled their trip. I'm grateful it wasn't something worse.
To God be praise!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Peace Returns
Isaiah 26:3 (King James Version)
3Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
How true those words from Isaiah are. As I so transparently let you know yesterday, there was anything but peace in my heart. I was in turmoil. Everything seemed to be coming at me and I had nothing left to give. I recognized my condition. I was spiritually empty. I went to Women in the Word and was blessed. When I returned home, I got out my Bible, the hymn book and my Bible study book and had myself a time of worship and praise. Don't you wonder why we wait so long???? Those are some of my best times; worshiping, praying and singing His praises.
By mid afternoon, I literally felt myself coming back to peace. By then I had given up myself and allowed the Holy Spirit to take control once more. I slept well, from about eighty thirty to five this morning. A good night's rest. I feel tons better today, emotionally and spiritually. Thank you Lord.
A few weeks ago, Bill Mahler was on The View. I have to be in a brave mood to watch that show because the philosophy expressed is so lopsided. Anyway, I tuned in to hear Bill say that any body that says God exits or has a relationship with him is just using a figment of their imagination. I wondered what the response would be from the panel. I feel sorry for Elizabeth because it is always up to her to bring people back to truth. I don't know the name of the gal that responded but she is African American and must be a Christian. She looked at him and asked, "Have you ever asked God if He is truly there?" The audience clapped. She went on to say that her experience is that God is truly with her in spirit. He argued with her and disputed her claim but she held fast. I was so proud of her. I think the whole community of believers should pray for Bill Mahler. The man is so lost there is no doubt. Lord, remove the scales from his eyes because if you did, there would be no end to the message a redeemed Bill Mahler would bring.
Personal note to Barb in Phoenix...please send me the urls of the two other blogs you read. I may enjoy them as well. Thanks
3Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
How true those words from Isaiah are. As I so transparently let you know yesterday, there was anything but peace in my heart. I was in turmoil. Everything seemed to be coming at me and I had nothing left to give. I recognized my condition. I was spiritually empty. I went to Women in the Word and was blessed. When I returned home, I got out my Bible, the hymn book and my Bible study book and had myself a time of worship and praise. Don't you wonder why we wait so long???? Those are some of my best times; worshiping, praying and singing His praises.
By mid afternoon, I literally felt myself coming back to peace. By then I had given up myself and allowed the Holy Spirit to take control once more. I slept well, from about eighty thirty to five this morning. A good night's rest. I feel tons better today, emotionally and spiritually. Thank you Lord.
A few weeks ago, Bill Mahler was on The View. I have to be in a brave mood to watch that show because the philosophy expressed is so lopsided. Anyway, I tuned in to hear Bill say that any body that says God exits or has a relationship with him is just using a figment of their imagination. I wondered what the response would be from the panel. I feel sorry for Elizabeth because it is always up to her to bring people back to truth. I don't know the name of the gal that responded but she is African American and must be a Christian. She looked at him and asked, "Have you ever asked God if He is truly there?" The audience clapped. She went on to say that her experience is that God is truly with her in spirit. He argued with her and disputed her claim but she held fast. I was so proud of her. I think the whole community of believers should pray for Bill Mahler. The man is so lost there is no doubt. Lord, remove the scales from his eyes because if you did, there would be no end to the message a redeemed Bill Mahler would bring.
Personal note to Barb in Phoenix...please send me the urls of the two other blogs you read. I may enjoy them as well. Thanks
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Grumbling and Complaining?
Not a good night. I'm not sure what was wrong but I have my suspicions. Too much going on at the moment and I'm behind the eight ball. I got up at one point and did some things that were on my mind. One was to call in for some presciptions that needed refilling. Gotta love those automated systems that are available 24/7. I had a CBI lesson that needed correcting and should have been mailed back to the prisioner yesterday and it was still on my table W-A-I-T-I-N-G. I got the lesson finished and then came down to my computer to write the required letter. That went well but when it came time to printing it my printer didn't print well and one could only read a part of it. UGH......the time limit is running out and I'm having problems. More stress. I couldn't even scratch that one off my mental list. In between all the times I was up, I tried sleeping in three different places. I talked to God many times about many things thinking perhaps I needed to clear the air with Him or seek His wisdom and guidance. Nothing definitive came.
I haven't been back to Curves since I left for Florida and that is eating at my brain as well. I need to continue to do that for my health. All the printed material for our retreat is being edited for printing and that requires my brain and is stressful because it has to be right. Just stupid stuff like that just grinding at my peace. Somewhere around three, I finally found some rest.
It's eight o'clock in the morning and I just hung up from my sixth phone call. I tell ya, it's just been crazy. I love everyone of the people that call but when I consider my contacts each day, I realize that when things accidently mount up, the busyness causes a consequence. I just need a couple of days to veg. On top of all this is my stupid decision to substitute teach. I don't have time for that and I don't need that hanging over my head each day. I may have to make a definitive decision about that also.
The last phone call was from my friend in the northeastern part of the state. She was sharing all that is going on in their lives. She said she told her husband, "don't think about tomorrow, take on the concerns of today, tomorrow there will be time for the others". Those were words the Lord told us in the good book and ones that are so true. Good advice and timely for me.
I am going up stairs now and will try to get the rest of my Bible study lesson done before I need to be there at nine o'clock. I think I'll do that in the bath tub. :)
I haven't been back to Curves since I left for Florida and that is eating at my brain as well. I need to continue to do that for my health. All the printed material for our retreat is being edited for printing and that requires my brain and is stressful because it has to be right. Just stupid stuff like that just grinding at my peace. Somewhere around three, I finally found some rest.
It's eight o'clock in the morning and I just hung up from my sixth phone call. I tell ya, it's just been crazy. I love everyone of the people that call but when I consider my contacts each day, I realize that when things accidently mount up, the busyness causes a consequence. I just need a couple of days to veg. On top of all this is my stupid decision to substitute teach. I don't have time for that and I don't need that hanging over my head each day. I may have to make a definitive decision about that also.
The last phone call was from my friend in the northeastern part of the state. She was sharing all that is going on in their lives. She said she told her husband, "don't think about tomorrow, take on the concerns of today, tomorrow there will be time for the others". Those were words the Lord told us in the good book and ones that are so true. Good advice and timely for me.
I am going up stairs now and will try to get the rest of my Bible study lesson done before I need to be there at nine o'clock. I think I'll do that in the bath tub. :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
A God Ordained Visit
Big day today.....I substituted this morning at the elementary school. It was a pleasant morning but after figuring out what I got paid, both Ken and I decided I wouldn't accept half days any longer. Not worth the time and the gas.
At noon, I went to my friend, Bernice's, for a cup of tea. She then accompanied me to the printer where I perused a copy of the brochure for our next woman's retreat. After a few editorial moves, it looked professional and ready to approve but I want at least one other team member to see it before I tell him to print 600 copies.
After that job was finished, I dropped Bernice at her home (didn't hurt her a bit) and headed for my house to pick up my Bible and study book for a one on one study with a young gal from our church. She is a delight and I come away having been moved by her budding faith.
Next it was off to church to bring a glut of water pitchers that have been accumulating here. We used them one year for a retreat and that caused me to start one more collection. This morning, I bit the bullet and bagged up ten pitchers and gave them to church. I also had a project I wanted to talk with the secretary about and as usual she helped me above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks Patty, you're the best.
Home for a few minutes one more time today. Decision was made to go to the nearest truck stop for an omelet. Isaiah came along and actually ordered an omelet as well. I've noticed that the boy is getting a bit more adventurous when choosing things to eat. Must be growing up. After we ordered, a man from our church came in alone. We invited him to join us at our table. It was a God ordained visit. We learned he has had more than his share of hard knocks and needs our prayers. If we only knew the details of the lives that share our pews with us, we would be more patient, more humble, more loving and more caring. God bless that man.
It was a busy yet productive day.
Awful day again on Wall Street and in foreign markets. I'm believing God, how about you?
At noon, I went to my friend, Bernice's, for a cup of tea. She then accompanied me to the printer where I perused a copy of the brochure for our next woman's retreat. After a few editorial moves, it looked professional and ready to approve but I want at least one other team member to see it before I tell him to print 600 copies.
After that job was finished, I dropped Bernice at her home (didn't hurt her a bit) and headed for my house to pick up my Bible and study book for a one on one study with a young gal from our church. She is a delight and I come away having been moved by her budding faith.
Next it was off to church to bring a glut of water pitchers that have been accumulating here. We used them one year for a retreat and that caused me to start one more collection. This morning, I bit the bullet and bagged up ten pitchers and gave them to church. I also had a project I wanted to talk with the secretary about and as usual she helped me above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks Patty, you're the best.
Home for a few minutes one more time today. Decision was made to go to the nearest truck stop for an omelet. Isaiah came along and actually ordered an omelet as well. I've noticed that the boy is getting a bit more adventurous when choosing things to eat. Must be growing up. After we ordered, a man from our church came in alone. We invited him to join us at our table. It was a God ordained visit. We learned he has had more than his share of hard knocks and needs our prayers. If we only knew the details of the lives that share our pews with us, we would be more patient, more humble, more loving and more caring. God bless that man.
It was a busy yet productive day.
Awful day again on Wall Street and in foreign markets. I'm believing God, how about you?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A Day to Remember
The sun is rising brightly in the south east. That means fall is here and winter is on its way. We had an absolutely gorgeous day for our reunion day. Even though the temps were in the fifties, the sun was strong and we could follow it out of the shadows and stay toasty. When evening came, we all donned our hoodys and winter coats. There were even some mittens and gloves that got pulled out of moth balls.
The moon jump that Josh brought was a big hit. No lie, the kids were inside before the things was totally inflated. They were as excited as can be. Uncle Jerry, my brother, borrowed two hay wagons and filled them with hay bales. After dark, about thirty of us piled onto the wagons and Jerry pulled us by diesel tractor. We drove about two miles on the road (with a pickup truck flashing its hazard lights behind us) and then pulled off into a field and then we rode through corn fields and a wooded area. The moon was bright and those around me attempted to find the constellations.
All in all, the day was a memory maker. Six of our eight kids were there and twelve of our eighteen grandchildren attended. There were fifty five people in attendance. It was a grand day.
The moon jump that Josh brought was a big hit. No lie, the kids were inside before the things was totally inflated. They were as excited as can be. Uncle Jerry, my brother, borrowed two hay wagons and filled them with hay bales. After dark, about thirty of us piled onto the wagons and Jerry pulled us by diesel tractor. We drove about two miles on the road (with a pickup truck flashing its hazard lights behind us) and then pulled off into a field and then we rode through corn fields and a wooded area. The moon was bright and those around me attempted to find the constellations.
All in all, the day was a memory maker. Six of our eight kids were there and twelve of our eighteen grandchildren attended. There were fifty five people in attendance. It was a grand day.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
One Day
Saturday morning.....
All are still snuggly tucked in their beds. Kendra, Craig and Emerson arrived around noon yesterday. So there are eight people in the house and only one is stirring. That's fine with me....I enjoy a few moments to get my grip and get ready to face the day.
I feel like I've been on a marathon since last Friday. Today, most of my nieces and families and my brothers and wives along with my children and grands and my parents are all getting together at my brother, Jerry's house. It's another reunion. I hope the weather warms a bit today. I, for one, found facing fifty degree days rather uncomfortable. Too big a switch too fast for me. I was in Florida one day and here the next, shivering. I find myself gargling and using my trusty Zicam. Hopefully, that will kick it before it kicks me.
Ken got all the ingredients for potato salad ready and then Kendra and I mixed it. It is the mother bowl of potato salad. Basically, everyone is being kind to me and that is all I have been asked to contribute. Well, not quite. Lauri and I bought 80 each of hotdog and hamburger buns plus 80 hotdogs. But buying is different than having to "make" something. I bought a bunch of candy for the kids and want to make little bags so each can have an equal amount.
Our son, Joshua, recently acquired a big moon walk so he is taking that with him today. The thing is so large it needs its own trailer for hauling but he has that, too. My brother has wagons readied with bales of hay for the hay ride planned for after dark tonight. By the time we get home we will all smell of camp fire. Anyone that knows me well, knows that is not my favorite smell. I have to shower and wash my hair in order to sleep after I've been near a campfire. Otherwise the smell keeps me awake all night. I know.....I'm crazy.
This will be a day of renewing family ties and deepening the bonds. It is difficult to keep that in place as families get larger and the generations begin to accumulate. When we got together last year, we found that the cousin's children found great pleasure in getting to know their second cousins. One of the greatest pleasures for me and certainly for my father is that his children and grandchildren and great grandchildren serve the Lord. We have become people that worship with different brand names but the Lord is the unifier of us all.
My sister and I were together on Sunday which would have been our mother's 90th birthday. She died at fifty seven so has been in heaven a long time already. I think today of the thrill she would have as she saw this large family gather to celebrate their togetherness and blessings. I know her thrills are much better than ours but remembering her today is a good thing. Even after thirty some years, I long to visit with her. One day.
All are still snuggly tucked in their beds. Kendra, Craig and Emerson arrived around noon yesterday. So there are eight people in the house and only one is stirring. That's fine with me....I enjoy a few moments to get my grip and get ready to face the day.
I feel like I've been on a marathon since last Friday. Today, most of my nieces and families and my brothers and wives along with my children and grands and my parents are all getting together at my brother, Jerry's house. It's another reunion. I hope the weather warms a bit today. I, for one, found facing fifty degree days rather uncomfortable. Too big a switch too fast for me. I was in Florida one day and here the next, shivering. I find myself gargling and using my trusty Zicam. Hopefully, that will kick it before it kicks me.
Ken got all the ingredients for potato salad ready and then Kendra and I mixed it. It is the mother bowl of potato salad. Basically, everyone is being kind to me and that is all I have been asked to contribute. Well, not quite. Lauri and I bought 80 each of hotdog and hamburger buns plus 80 hotdogs. But buying is different than having to "make" something. I bought a bunch of candy for the kids and want to make little bags so each can have an equal amount.
Our son, Joshua, recently acquired a big moon walk so he is taking that with him today. The thing is so large it needs its own trailer for hauling but he has that, too. My brother has wagons readied with bales of hay for the hay ride planned for after dark tonight. By the time we get home we will all smell of camp fire. Anyone that knows me well, knows that is not my favorite smell. I have to shower and wash my hair in order to sleep after I've been near a campfire. Otherwise the smell keeps me awake all night. I know.....I'm crazy.
This will be a day of renewing family ties and deepening the bonds. It is difficult to keep that in place as families get larger and the generations begin to accumulate. When we got together last year, we found that the cousin's children found great pleasure in getting to know their second cousins. One of the greatest pleasures for me and certainly for my father is that his children and grandchildren and great grandchildren serve the Lord. We have become people that worship with different brand names but the Lord is the unifier of us all.
My sister and I were together on Sunday which would have been our mother's 90th birthday. She died at fifty seven so has been in heaven a long time already. I think today of the thrill she would have as she saw this large family gather to celebrate their togetherness and blessings. I know her thrills are much better than ours but remembering her today is a good thing. Even after thirty some years, I long to visit with her. One day.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Safely Home
Home sweet it ever so humble. Isn't it interesting that one can be so psyched up about leaving home and then so happy to walk back into the place one hangs one's hat? I had a wonderful time with my sister and niece even though my going there was for an emergency. I was delighted to spend time with niece, Trisha, as we met ourselves coming and going to the rehab center for Jack and to the hospital for Jann. It would be a hurry up and sit routine. I didn't do any physical work the whole time I was gone. It was a relief to get Jann home yesterday. Trisha wisely went home for the night last evening as I was there to stay with Jann. We tried to put her to bed but it was not at all comfortable for her so she slept in her recliner. I slept on the sofa in the den so not to get a bed dirty for only one night's sleep. I could hear her purring each time I awoke. It was a wonderful sound. I knew she was getting more sustained rest than she had had since her arrival at the hospital. We both woke at about fifteen minutes before five. We spent the next couple hours getting ready to part ways once more. Son Jay drove up to get me and I had to say my good byes. My prayer is that God will knit her back together as strong as before and that she will have patience in the journey.
I'm extremely tired tonight. It was a long day's travel. The flights were smooth and was just many hours in the air and on the road.
Thanks to Marcy and Barb that commented to my blog about the guessing game I play when I see the places people visit from. Barb says I was a good detective and it is indeed she in Phoenix that visits me often. I'm honored. Marcy said she has difficulty when trying to respond with a comment. If anyone else has difficulty, let me know so I can solve the mystery.
One last thing......I heard a lady sitting behind me on the plane today explain something to a young lady that was FORTUNATE enough to be seated next to her. She said, "I taught my daughters to be gregarious Christian young ladies who share their faith in a way that is not in your face". Ugh....I gringed......I didn't think she was doing a good job of not being in that young lady's face but the girl was gracious and made some small talk in response. It struck me that we have to be so careful how we come across as Christians. No wonder we are often known as bumbling idiots. I think of that woman's probable good intent compared with people that are truly gifted to speak of Christ to people they meet in planes and other public places. Glenna Salsbury, a Christian speaker, seems to have an innate gift of knowing exactly the words people need. It isn't uncommon for her to lead people to the Lord sitting next to them on the plane. "Lord, give me more of that gift so that I turn people on to you instead of off from you." I did share my friendship with a young high school boy on the flight from WPB to Atlanta. Then I shared some more of myself with a young African American woman who sat next to me from Atlanta to Indy. She was gorgeous.....tall and very thin...dressed to the nines. I leaned to her and introduced myself....we talked some....she slept some. Then when we met at the baggage claim, she approached me with open arms and we hugged goodbye.
Last of all....I can't watch debates...they drive me crazy. I'm routing for Palin tonight. Lauri came to visit me and so we asked the Lord for many things for Sarah this night......God bless that woman who may have been born for such a time as this.
I'm extremely tired tonight. It was a long day's travel. The flights were smooth and was just many hours in the air and on the road.
Thanks to Marcy and Barb that commented to my blog about the guessing game I play when I see the places people visit from. Barb says I was a good detective and it is indeed she in Phoenix that visits me often. I'm honored. Marcy said she has difficulty when trying to respond with a comment. If anyone else has difficulty, let me know so I can solve the mystery.
One last thing......I heard a lady sitting behind me on the plane today explain something to a young lady that was FORTUNATE enough to be seated next to her. She said, "I taught my daughters to be gregarious Christian young ladies who share their faith in a way that is not in your face". Ugh....I gringed......I didn't think she was doing a good job of not being in that young lady's face but the girl was gracious and made some small talk in response. It struck me that we have to be so careful how we come across as Christians. No wonder we are often known as bumbling idiots. I think of that woman's probable good intent compared with people that are truly gifted to speak of Christ to people they meet in planes and other public places. Glenna Salsbury, a Christian speaker, seems to have an innate gift of knowing exactly the words people need. It isn't uncommon for her to lead people to the Lord sitting next to them on the plane. "Lord, give me more of that gift so that I turn people on to you instead of off from you." I did share my friendship with a young high school boy on the flight from WPB to Atlanta. Then I shared some more of myself with a young African American woman who sat next to me from Atlanta to Indy. She was gorgeous.....tall and very thin...dressed to the nines. I leaned to her and introduced myself....we talked some....she slept some. Then when we met at the baggage claim, she approached me with open arms and we hugged goodbye.
Last of all....I can't watch debates...they drive me crazy. I'm routing for Palin tonight. Lauri came to visit me and so we asked the Lord for many things for Sarah this night......God bless that woman who may have been born for such a time as this.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Good Morning.....I think I beat all of you awake this morning because no one has visited yet this morning. That is a good thing. Yes, I can see where the hits come from but it doesn't tell me who the hit is. Many times I can figure out who it is and it is a little kind of game I play, "figuring out who is reading". I've noticed I've had several visits from Wisconsin this week. I figure it has to be either my brother or one of my nieces. See? Kind of fun. Then I have this question in my mind each time a visit from Phoenix arrives. Our oldest daughter, who had a birthday this week, doesn't always get to my blog but someone else that lives in Phoenix is a regular. Is it you, Barb???? More fun. Then, there is someone from Memphis that visits every couple of weeks. I think it is the wife of the man we bought Peggy Sue from. My guess is she wants to see the progress on her old trailer. I think of you often when I post pics of Peggy Sue and wonder what you would think if you saw her now. We have had fun with her and haven't really had her out in a park yet. The day is coming soon. Then there are the visits from Grand Rapids and I know that Brenda is there. My heart is full of prayers for you this week. There are people in California that visit often as well and then I wonder. The visitor from the United States is Ken's cousin Marcy and I know when his cousin Carrol has been here, too. If all of would comment on my blogs then I'd have less trouble figuring you out. At any rate...I love the visits from all of you and thank you for being interested in my life. It's a blast. My goal is to point you to God and I know that sometimes I don't meet that goal but I'll keep trying. The goal of my life is to point myself in the same direction...sometimes I succeed and other times I fail like other humans. In the end, we walk this journey together.
So, now, for current news. Jann stayed another night in the hospital and we will see if she can blow that Popsicle stand today. She felt much better last evening. We called everyone we knew that would possibly call her or visit her yesterday and asked them to hold off so she could get some rest. Trish talked about how wonderful people have been just letting her know she is loved. Yesterday, she needed all of us who love her to back off . I think it did it's magic. She felt much better by last evening so we hope she is on her way up now.
Trish and I decided to leave later yesterday and stay with her just a little while around noon. We had to visit her home first to get stuff she had requested. We got everything we needed and headed out the door. Got in Trish's pickup truck and the thing was locked down and wouldn't turn over. Poor kid has had one thing after another this week and she is being pushed closer and closer to the edge. First she asked a couple of neighbors for help and we tried to have it take a jump start. No success so a tow truck was called. When he came he tried to jump it with a power charger and she started so off we went to a repair shop where they put in a new battery. The whole process took a couple of hours so by the time we got to Jann she was wondering where we were. Ugh.
In the midst of this whole Jann episode, Trish has been making two trips a day to see her step dad, who Jann is the care taker for and who was put in a rehab center for the present. Then on the same day as Jann's surgery, a precious dog that Trisha has had for thirteen years died. My heart lamented as she said she crawled in his grate at the vets office to love on him and tell him good bye. Trish said the experience has kept everything in perspective. Buddy is gone but Mom is still here. No contest.
I think this is the first morning here that I am awake before the others. I hear, see and smell no evil outside my bedroom door. Perhaps I can get a shower and be ready before they get up this morning. That would be a good thing. Have a wonderful day, my friends, make God turn His face toward you and grant you His peace.
So, now, for current news. Jann stayed another night in the hospital and we will see if she can blow that Popsicle stand today. She felt much better last evening. We called everyone we knew that would possibly call her or visit her yesterday and asked them to hold off so she could get some rest. Trish talked about how wonderful people have been just letting her know she is loved. Yesterday, she needed all of us who love her to back off . I think it did it's magic. She felt much better by last evening so we hope she is on her way up now.
Trish and I decided to leave later yesterday and stay with her just a little while around noon. We had to visit her home first to get stuff she had requested. We got everything we needed and headed out the door. Got in Trish's pickup truck and the thing was locked down and wouldn't turn over. Poor kid has had one thing after another this week and she is being pushed closer and closer to the edge. First she asked a couple of neighbors for help and we tried to have it take a jump start. No success so a tow truck was called. When he came he tried to jump it with a power charger and she started so off we went to a repair shop where they put in a new battery. The whole process took a couple of hours so by the time we got to Jann she was wondering where we were. Ugh.
In the midst of this whole Jann episode, Trish has been making two trips a day to see her step dad, who Jann is the care taker for and who was put in a rehab center for the present. Then on the same day as Jann's surgery, a precious dog that Trisha has had for thirteen years died. My heart lamented as she said she crawled in his grate at the vets office to love on him and tell him good bye. Trish said the experience has kept everything in perspective. Buddy is gone but Mom is still here. No contest.
I think this is the first morning here that I am awake before the others. I hear, see and smell no evil outside my bedroom door. Perhaps I can get a shower and be ready before they get up this morning. That would be a good thing. Have a wonderful day, my friends, make God turn His face toward you and grant you His peace.
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