Friday, May 30, 2008


I was the VIP for my five year old granddaughter today.  Roosevelt school's kindergarten invited each student to select a person to spend the afternoon with him/her.  I don't know exactly why I qualified but I did enjoy the day even though it was more physical than I expected.  To say I'm tired is an understatement but I'm not ashamed of that since ALL the other VIPs were MUCH younger than I and were totally worn out by day's end.  I was the only grandparent in attendance.  All the other students had an aunt, a parent, a neighbor, etc.  It was fun to watch all those adults interact with the kids.  When we arrived on the scene, Katie saw Cloe, her good friend.  From that moment on the four of us, the two girls, Cloe's aunt and I were a group.  Whatever Cloe wanted to do, Katie wanted to do.  I finally got tired of the follow the leader game we were playing and rather subtly forced some time for the two of us.  The stress level dropped considerably and we enjoyed the rest of the day together.  

 Cloe is an adopted Vietnamese daughter of a single gal.  Seeing them together is the light and dark of it.  Katie is a platinum blonde and Cloe is a beautiful dark haired Asian.  Salt and pepper.  A beautiful sight as they blew bubbles in the wind, threw frisbees, and played a bean bag game.

I'm tuckered.  Let me rest.

Tomorrow I'll down load pictures of Alex's graduation and Katie blowing bubbles.  I'm doing this on John's computer which is foreign to me.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Giving Peggy Sue Attention

WOW! We made big progress on Peggy Sue today. Ken came home from town this morning with paint chips to match what "Bill" suggested. I approved. Up until today, it seemed as if we had no progressional organization. Ken talked of doing this and then that. I think we were both frustrated. Today, things kind of fell together. We both ended up on our rumps in the trailer pulling out the flooring.........two layers. We talked of things to make bringing Peggy Sue to our comfort standards and made some decisions. It feels good to be on the same page. Generally, our projects are not done amiably. We always end up angry or irritated but today went really well and I think we both enjoyed the journey. At this point, all the flooring is out......the complete floor is out of the front four feet. Putting in that front floor will be a challenge and I think Ken has been dragging his feet on that effort. I noticed he took cardboard and made a template to cut the curve......remember, Peggy Sue is a silver bullet and they are shaped round in front and back.

We learned while taking out the floor that much of it is wet. There are two explanations; one is that the bottom tin of the trailer was so loose that the water from traveling oozed its way up to the wood floor. If that is the case, the problem has already been cured. Ken has been under that trailer with rivet gun in hand and gone at it for all he is worth. The second explanation is that there may be a water system problem. If that is the case, the floor has been wet since the last owners ran water because we have not run the water to this point. Ken plans to check that out before we go much farther. Either way, a solution is possible.

As I sat on the floor watching my husband pull with strength I don't have, I thought of friends of ours from church. They bought the model and year of car in which they dated and restored it themselves. She was under the hood as much as he was. They have a beautiful antique car now and enjoy showing it at various functions. They with other like minded car owners have started a club at church. Who knows? Maybe we are starting a trend. I rather doubt it but I think we are going to have fun. Today was fun.

Time to get ready for Alex's graduation.......

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Weekend Plans

It's Wednesday and I have nothing heavy on my plate today. Worked out at Curves and had coffee with my friend of forty years, Bernice. Then picked up my meds from CVS and came home. The house is empty except for me. These moments are rare and I'm not complaining. When I look ahead at the rest of the week, I get tired before I start. Tomorrow morning I'll have a friend come for coffee after she brings her grandson to school so my day will start early. Rosa is going "home" to Puerto Rico for two months beginning on Saturday. I will miss her cheery face at church those two months. She is a delightful lady and gives me some fresh views on issues.

Tomorrow night is granddaughter Alex's eighth grade graduation. What a big deal for her and her classmates. I graduated from the same school and remember my graduation far more clearly than my highschool graduation. I loved De Motte Christian of our eight kids went there and now five of our grandchildren attend. It's a great place to develop an educational as well as spiritual foundation.

Friday, we are going to Michigan to another set of grandchildren. Katie, our first grader there is having a special day for grandparents so off we go. We will spend the night with them and leave early on Saturday morning to go to a camp ground in Michigan City, Indiana where they are having an Avion rally. Avion is the brandname of the travel trailer we bought and so we would like to visit those who have done their own restorations and get some tips if we can. Last Saturday, a church friend's father came to see our Avion. He has restored an Airstream and has years of trailer experience. He is also an artist and interior decorator so he was FULL of ideas. The nice thing was that his ideas are doable. We know exactly where we are going with this project now. Paint color is decided as well as flooring and formica. Can't wait until the husband gets the floor put in so we can get going on doing the things "Bill" suggested.

Saturday afternoon will find us at the wedding of one of Ken's friends. John lost his wife last year and has since found a lovely woman to marry. Since we sit in about the same place in church we visit with them both each Sunday. They are delightful and we are so honored to be invited to their wedding. John's son, John, is a pastor in Hammond Indiana so the wedding will be in son John's church with him officiating.

Sunday morning, Bethel church in De Motte, where we were charter members about forty years ago are celebrating that anniversary. The first pastor of the church, Merlin Buwalda and his wife and family were dearly loved and embraced. Merl and Carol will be there Sunday as Merl is preaching so we will go to Bethel on Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon we will go to the Christian retirement home to participate in the little service there.

After we get home from that, we will take a deep breath and get in a nap. :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Three Breaths of Fresh Air

Today afforded me two surprises. While folding clothes fresh from the dryer, I heard the doorbell. My doorbell doesn't ring often. Most of our guests just come in and announce them selves with a "Heloooooow". I saw through the side windows two young gentlemen. When I opened the door, there stood two kids I had as students at the high school some five or six years ago. One was an immigrant from China and the other an immigrant from Bulgaria. They were good friends that year they were both students at KVHS. I enjoyed them both so much and they became very dear to me and I think I to them. Now both on to lives of their own, they paid me a visit. They were eager to sit in the living room and visit. We talked at least an hour and then the Chinese young man said he was leaving in an hour to return to his home in Tennessee so they had to go. I was thrilled to visit with both these guys. There were many comments that began with "Remember when?"

Jack from China moved from this area with his sister (also a delightful student of mine) to Tennessee to buy a Chinese restaurant. This kid who couldn't do high school work in English worth a hoot is now the successful owner of his own business. What a thrill to see that an American education is not the only vehicle to a successful life. He told me he and his sister paid a cousin $80,000 for the business two and a half years ago. They tried to each pay $3,000 each month on the loan. They paid the thing off in one year and seven months. These kids are about 25 and 26 years old. There is something about an Asian work ethic that beats all. He said that both he and his sister worked thirteen to fourteen hours a day and hired no help at all during that time. Then he smiled and said, "I work only five days a week now because I have learned by watching friends that if one works that way for a long time, one gets in trouble physically." Through tears he told of a twenty five year old friend that owns a restaurant about thirty miles from his who is now dying. He has worked himself to death. Jack said he isn't going to do that. Jack has a girlfriend now that he is planning to marry next year. He seemed so grown and matured. I asked if he and his wife would send their babies to China to let the grandparents raise them as do the two families that own restaurants in this area. His eyes got big and he said that he planned to raise his own babies. My buttons were popping as he expressed such wisdom about many things. I'm delighted to know Jack.

Mikhal is from Bulgaria and also had a bit of trouble in school. He is a great kid and is still working on getting his high school equivilant diploma. He continues to live here and is going to Bulgaria in a couple of weeks. He plans to look for a wife but knows he has to get his act together first. He is precious boy and I wish him all the best in his life.

Remember the gal whose baby fell from his car seat and split his head open? That was the trauma on Friday. I called her on Saturday but didn't get an answer so left a message that I was curious as to how things turned out for them and asked her to return my call. Today, this sweet young mom called. We had a wonderful time visiting over the phone. I learned that little Gerrit was three instead of two as I had thought. His head injury was suttured with seven stitches. She said right after I left the scene, her parents arrived to help. Her mother took the other two children home to calm them and her father drove her and Gerrit to the hospital. Gerrit was to have his stitches out today. As we visited the world got smaller as we found we commonly knew some people. All is well that ends God be the praise.

People like Mikhal, Jack, and Charity make life a rich experience. Other than our relationship with God, nothing is more important in life than relationships with other human beings. People are the best......must have something to do with people reflecting the character and glory of God.
Our baby, Emerson is growing up...four months old already. As one can see, Emerson has taken to sucking her thumb to soothe her little self. It is cute as can be.

Another new trick is to reach out and pull a toy into her mouth. Amazing to watch these little people develop. The human being is a thing beyond understanding. Of course it is created by God who is in all and above all understanding.
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Our daughter Jennifer, the hostess to her fiance's birthday party.

Kip, enjoying every moment of it.

Flowers.....pots and pots of them on his large second floor Chicago deck that overlooks the street .
Part of the party attendees
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The House That Josh Painted (and chose the colors for)
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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Party and Beyond

On Saturday evening, we went to daughter Jennifer's house to attend a 40th birthday party for her fiance' Kip.  Craig, Kendra, and Emerson met us there.  We had a great time meeting Kip's and Jennifer's friends.  We found them very enjoyable and eager to make us part of their party.  Jennifer and Kip had cooked up some great grub.  Friends also brought food items and I felt like I had let Jennifer down but she assured me she didn't want me bringing anything.  Kip is a big wine enthusiast so there were several types to taste and enjoy.   I found one of the white wines most pleasant and had a small amount in the bottom of a glass.  Beyond that I'm loopy so I know when to stop....usually before I start.  

After the party, we continued our journey to Craig and Kendra to spend the weekend.  Our rational was that we were half way there when we were in downtown Chicago so we would use that advantage to visit for Sunday and Monday.  We had a nice day today beginning by attending church with the kids.  They have been going to a church that we hadn't been able to attend yet so it was great to worship with them.  We went to Bennigan's for lunch and it was the deal of the century.  $4.99 for a lovely plate of yummy choices with the drink thrown in the mix.  We were most impressed.  We then took a walk in the strip mall nearby with the baby in the stroller.  It was a lovely day though we experienced a few sprinkles now and then. (just enough rain to make our clean car look messy) At this point, the alert strip on the bottom of the television warns us that tornado watches are in effect for this area until three in the morning.

While here, we each sleep on a sofa, one of us upstairs and one downstairs.  That way we don't fight at all.  Actually, since the baby arrived on the scene, she took over what was the guest room so we have been demoted.  It works fine enough since we don't require things so perfect.  Today the minister preached a sermon on the dangers of gambling.  He emphasized that God asks us to trust Him and to live contented lives.  Yes, we need to practice that on a daily basis in all things.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Greater Vision is concert which we took in on last Sunday evening.
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Alexandra with her dad, Elton and mom, Lauri all decked out for her eighth grade banquet. It's not everyday a fourteen year old goes to the salon. I think she had a great time. Their first big graduation event. Feels weird to think Alex will be in high school next year.
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Our Ethan as Flash Flea in his little program on Thursday. First graders are the bomb.

I read better with my eyes closed. Actually, he as well as most of the kids knew their parts by memory and didn't need the cheat cards the teacher was holding.
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Son Josh came with a crew of three workers to finish the painting job on our house. Here Josh shows his dad some pics of houses he has done recently. Josh works on large homes and the one he is showing his dad is a very tall home. Ken shudders when he thinks of the heights he painted at. Wasn't his thing at all.

The house is looking good. I'll try to get one today of the whole enchilada with the windows picked up.
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Friday, May 23, 2008

Call 911

I'm writing this on Friday evening around dinner time. This afternoon I met a friend from church to look at two houses at which her family is taking a serious look. Absolutely beautiful. One of them so formal and sophisticated, I wouldn't be able to feel comfortable there. My friend is rather a new friend to me so I'm not sure how she feels about the presentation of that house. It was a breath taking tour but I was rather glad to move on to something a bit more friendly. Same sized house but just a different feel. It was a good experience for me and I was honored to be asked to accompany the family to take their second look at both houses.

Before coming home, I remembered I'm beginning to look like a three colored cat/my hair needs some color and and I mean now. I went to CVS and looked around the store after choosing my color. I had a four dollar off twenty dollar coupon burning a hole in my pocket. Believe it or not, I had a tough time spending twenty dollars tonight. Eventually, I had spent enough to save four big dollars so I paid for the items and left the store. I took the back way out of town through a subdivision rather than the main streets. I was following a black SUV down Dogwood Street when the SUV stopped abruptly in front of me. The driver, a woman, jumped out of the vehicle and opened the back door with haste. Then she leaned out the door and waved for me to come to the car. About that time, two children came out of the car and walked around in circles crying "my baby brother, my baby brother". When I got out of my car, the young woman was pulling a little boy about two years old out of the car with blood running down his face and all over. everywhere. She yelled, "Call 911! I have not called 911 in all my years but was grateful I had my phone handy. While I was calling the emergency number, I walked to the car. The young mom was hysterical along with the two children in the back seat. Mom was yelling at the kids saying that was the reason they were not to fight in the car. I tried (imagine me staying calm at a time like that) to calm the mom as well as the two older children. The mom explained that the little boy's car seat was not tied in as she thought it was and the little guy had flown up toward the front when she breaked and had hit his head on a piece of sharp metal on the bottom of the seat in the middle of the vehicle. I asked if she had tissues and she said she had nothing because she had just run to bring back some movies she had rented. I went to my car and got some wet wipes. When I returned I wiped blood off her face while she mopped blood off the little guys face, hands, clothes, etc. I reminded her that a head wound always bleeds freely. She said, "I know, I'm a nurse!" I laughed because she simply had lost it and her ashen face was proof that the situation was beyond her endurance. She reminded me that it is different when the emergency involves one's own child. Of course.

When the police arrived, the mother walked the baby back to the police car. At that point the other two kids were crying like they had broken little hearts. I'm not sure how much of the mishap was due to their misbehavior but it was so evident they felt horrible. I asked their names and they told me. I asked if they went to church. Both little heads nodded up and down. I asked if I could pray with them and they were eager. Then holding hands, we asked Jesus to come into the situation and calm all the hearts and to heal their little brother.

By this time, the ambulance had arrived and Mom decided she would deny the ambulance ride and drive him to the hospital for stitches on her own. She told me I could leave and she thought they would all be okay. I asked for her phone number so that I could call later tonight to make sure all was well. My guess is that they are not home as yet.

Anyone who knows me would know that I am not good in emergencies. Other people take care of situations when there is a physical emergency, not Gayle. I'd sooner run the other way. When that young gal waved me to come to her rescue, I thought a quick, "Oh no, Lord, what am I going to find there. Help me to be a help whatever I find". It was amazing how objective I was in the midst of the experience. God's peace was certainly there and I think His peace showed through me. What a shocker. Thank you, Lord, for using me.

One Challenge Down, One to Go

Young people are always "with it" when it comes to new fangled least most of them are. Two Christmases ago, Jay and Tasha sent us a DVD player. At the time, we had no DVDs (still in the VHS mode) and kind of chuckled as to what we were going to do with this generous gift. Finally, last night, Isaiah dug it out from under the guest room bed and installed it in our family room. WE USED IT FOR THE FIRST TIME! It was fun and we enjoyed a DVD celebrating the beauty of America. The machine doesn't seem nearly so intimidating as it did when we received it....I guess one could say that we have caught up in that area. It just takes awhile to get acclimated to new has to sink in for awhile before I can grasp the concept.

New challenge......
This morning, son Josh came with a four men crew from Noblesville to finish the job they started last fall of painting our house. He had every intention to finish it but the weather turned on us and finishing it had to wait until spring. All week the forcast was sunny for Friday and Saturday. Of course, now that he has a whole crew is overcast and dribbly. Dear Lord, turn off the spigot and bring out the warm sun.
The challenge...what then is the challenge???? Josh came with a large gift bag and expressed belated wishes for Mother's Day. When I looked in the bag, what was inside was foreign to me. I asked, "What is this, Josh?". Oh, it is a vacuum robot. I laughed with delight. Another piece of technology of which I will have to read directions and figure it all out. Our kids are so good to us all these things that keep us on our toes with all that is new in the world. Just makes me giggle inside. I get such a kick out of our kids........I will not let this lay under the bed for two years. I will get out the book, find my glasses (half the battle, I only have about eight pair lying around the house) and sit in my recliner to learn. What a hoot!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pokey Progress

I've asked my husband to dig a spot to plant the tomatoes I've had in pots for two weeks and it just doesn't get done. His response today was, doesn't Elton (son in law) have a roto tiller. I looked at him and said, "Do you really think you need a roto tiller to make a space for seven tomato plants?" Just a thought was his reply. Well, neither Elton or Ken has a pickup or some vehicle to carry a big roto tiller so I see it as a much bigger job to drag that thing over here and get it back. Just dig for pity sake. So this afternoon as Lauri was leaving, I put on my gloves and grabbed a shovel. I've made space for two plants and then remembered I had to get a pork roast in the oven for dinner. Kendra called today and asked where the blog was. So here I am, donned in garden clothing and writing my little speel for the day. But, my roast is in the oven and dinner is on its way.

Today, seven year old grandson, Ethan, participated in a little play in his first grade at DeMotte Christian School. Lauri and I went to see them and it was four and a half minutes of pure delight to watch those little kids. After the play we hung around town and went back for lunch with Ethan...he had been student of the week and one of the perks is to have your family for lunch with the class. All three of his big sisters and his mom and grandma joined him. The teacher asked him to introduce his guests and he had no problem with confidence as he introduced each sister, told what grade they were in and how old they were. I asked him not to tell how old Grandma was. He chuckled.

It seems that gas prices have no ceiling for the moment. I'm a bit apprehensive as to what those prices are going to do to summer vacations and travel. I'm not only concerned that families will not be able to vacation but I think of all those that depend on vacations and holidays to make a living off of us who do travel. We are going to take it easy. No big mile trips. Isaiah and I discussed the blessing we had last summer going out west to all the national parks and enjoying the intense beauty of that region. I'm so glad we did it then because we surely could not justify the cost now. Lauri mentioned they will probably spend a week or so at a lake two hours south of here. She told her dad its time to get the trailer finished so we can go with them. I'm not sure. Between his partime job and his golfing and his building committee involvement at church....there isn't much time for Peggy Sue. We spent more time discussing Peggy's decor today. I think a plan is coming together. I'm getting eager to be able to spend time with her and feel as if she is cushions, etc. Patience, Gayle, patience.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One Huge Day

Yesterday, I left the house at eight thirty and returned at midnight. First, I went to the public school near our church and filled out a facility use form to do some off site dish washing for our women's retreat next February. We will see how that thought develops. Next, I met one of my friends at a garage sale at the local library. The two of us visited a friend to view her new carpet and newly decorated living room. Oh, did I mention we had a cup of coffee there? Time got away from me while we were visiting and I was fifteen minutes late for a meeting with the graphic artist at Christian Haven. They printed our retreat brochures last year and so I began the process again. I got some good ideas to pass on to the team.
After my meeting with Bill, I stopped at Quizno's and had a Sammie. Just enough food and a great bargain price. Across the street from Quizno's is the high school I worked at for sixteen years. I stopped there and went to my old classroom where I was warmly greeted. One of my former students had asked the current teacher to arrange a day I could play him a game of Scrabble because he thought he had progressed enough to beat me. former work mate and Alex and I played Scrabble. The first game, my workmate won. I had all vowels for some time which didn't help my cause in the least. Then I redeemed myself and won the second game....or at least was ahead when I had to leave.
My daughter Scarlen called and asked how to get to Bailey's Discount Store in Toto. I asked, "You are going to Bailey's without me?" She replied that if I was out in the parking lot in five minutes she would pick me up so I said my quick goodbyes and off I went with Isaiah, Scarlen and Lynette. We found some great bargains and had a really good relaxed time together.
On our way home, granddaughter Mackenna informed us that Alex would really like us to see her all dressed up for her eighth grade banquet. I looked at my watch and told her that we would meet them at school and get a look at our eighth grade beauty. We had a few moments of taking pictures and then off again as Alex and her parents had to get in to the school to get seats for the big occasion.
As we were now in seperate vehicles, I got some gas (ugh) and came home for fifteen minutes during which I chowed down a snack for my supper. Then off to Worship Committee meeting from seven until nine thirty. After the meeting two friends who had attended a different meeting met me at the door. We stood outside until it rained and then moved our informal meeting into my Durango. We talked until 12:00 a.m. I wish I could say we solved the world's problems but we did put it all in God's hands as we departed.
Why, oh, why was I up at five this morning? I'm sure my day will call for a nap some where along the line.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Painful Lessons Learned Over Time

My most important lessons in life and my philosophy about life comes from many resources......the most important being God's Word. However, I find in reading carefully selected books that I am reminded of important God lessons in a new and fresh way that makes me live differently. I recently commented that I was rereading some of the Mitford series by Jan Karon. I consider Jan Karon to be a master writer. It is so obvious to me that she has a strong and deep relationship with Christ and can so cleverly weaves her faith into the framework of the stories she dreams up. I'm having just as much fun reading the second time of the antics of the many characters in Mitford. I relate personally to Father Tim taking a teen boy into his home and truly becoming a "father". I enjoy the journey from intense struggle to intense joy. When Dooley sheds his less than complimentary English vocabulary, I shout hallelujah. The transformation of this character from one formed by a sorry childhood to one that is the product of love and trust is heartwarming and encouraging. My husband and I have walked a similar road. We, too, have watched God take the wounds of some of our adopted children's sad childhoods and heal them over and make stronger individuals. It is a marvelous thing to be a part of. To God be the praise.
On page 75 of These High, Green Hills , Dooley is having a bit of trouble in his first year of college. Father Tim has talked with the headmaster and was told Dooley had been caught smoking for the second time and was skipping chapel. He also learned that a boy Dooley shared his secrets with had betrayed him and told those secrets around the school. Father Tim laid down the law.......he made a deal about an allowance and how much would be taken away with the next infraction. Then he looked at his "adopted" son, whom he had come to love with all his heart and said something that has stuck with me since reading it. "I talked with Dr. Fleming and he told me what happened. Hear me on this. Your friends will betray you....not all your friends , but some of your friends. That's life. Let it teach you this: YOU must never betray your friends. Ever."
Could there be a better lesson than that? A very painful lesson to be sure but one that teaches the truth of the Word.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bad News

Day of rest and that is exactly what I least for the afternoon. I pulled myself out of my recliner long enough to walk about a mile. It would be so nice to enjoy exercise but I just hate it. The sun was nice and warm but the cool breeze put a strain on my ears........they ache a bit but I'll get over it.

This morning, the praise team of which I am part led in the worship service. We were at church by eight oclock for a ten thirty service. I've said it before and I'll say it again.....the average Joe in the pew has no idea how many hours go into planning and practice for one service. We practiced about three hours on Wednesday night as well. It doesn't just fall takes thought and prayer and, yes, effort, too. So, when you talk with someone that volunteers for a praise and worship team in your church, take a moment to thank them for their service.

Our beloved associate pastor announced today that he and his family will be leaving us to take up a position in California. There were many tears after the service as people approached them to support their decision and just give them a special hug. Bryan and Kathy have been such a blessing to us and to have them leave us so soon (2 years) is just kind of a kick in the back end. They truly feel God is leading them in the move and who are we to question. We will trust that the Lord has good planned for us as well as for them.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

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Well, what started out as our small group Bible study with a surprise birthday cake following turned out totally different. Three couples from our small group called with very valid reasons why they couldn't attend. At that point, I made an executive decision to turn this Bible study into a full fledged birthday party for my sixty five year old friend. I made calls to some key folks and we had a different group than had been planned but it was oh so sweet. People came at six thirty and when they had all left the front door, I was shocked to see that the clock was after eleven. I think we all had a good time.

My friend Joyce, and I grew up together. She lived about a city block and a half down the rural road on which we lived. There was one house between us and that was our good friend, John, one year older than me. I have written about him in a prior blog. I loved him then and love him now. The three of us all came from Christian families with similar values and similar goals. We had a super childhood as far as our play activities and the things we enjoyed together on our small farms. Joyce and I nursed our dolls in the front yard, fearful that someone would see us. Later as we got into high school, we both worked for a truck farmer (reason for my painful shoulders, I'm sure). We would pick and pack vegetables on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then go to the Gary market to sell the wares on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Those market days we left from "Fred's" at four oclock. I loved that job. I had other friends that worked there as well and so we all could talk from starting to quiting time. Teen girls love nothing more than to share with friends. The man we worked took a shine to us girls and I never could quite figure out if that was all innocent but I think it was. He enjoyed that we gave our best efforts to make his vegetables look good. I couldn't have had a better opportunity to work close to home and enjoy a greater exposure to the world than the Gary market. Many folks didn't speak English and there were as many people of color as not. That was a time in my life that I didn't see color in people. If one would have asked if the person I just sold corn to was white, black or brown, I wouldn't have been able to say. I loved the diversity and it made me feel my De Motte world had grown much bigger.

At any rate, I think it would be suffice it to say that we did surprise Joyce. She told me I was a "stinker". I thought that was a safe thing to be called. I could think of other things that would be less complimentary.

Is there anything better than good friends, good food and a time to fellowship? I think not. Life is all about relationship. Of course the first relationship to nurture is our one with The Creator. Matthew tells us that Jesus summed up his commandments with, "Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself". In this world where relationships are often bruised and/or broken, it is good to remember God's commands.

Joyce and husband, Jerry. When Joyce and Jerry were honeymooners, Jerry was in the Army and stationed in Tacoma, Washington. Ken and I made their home our desination when we left for our honeymoon. We pulled my dad's Avion trailer over those Rockies and ended up parking it on the hilly street while we bunked with Jerry and Joyce for a few nights. We spent several days with them and attended the World's Fair in Seattle as well. that was about 45 years and nine months ago. Time truly flies.
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Friday, May 16, 2008

Tis a beautiful spring day....low sixties...little wind and bright sunshine. My only regret is that it isn't at least ten degrees warmer. I am so ready to have temperatures that one can feel the warmth of the sun invade one's skin as one walks in the great out of doors. It's least that is what we know for sure.....the Word says there will be seedtime and harvest, summer and winter. He's never failed us yet, not even with "global warming" warnings.

Tonight we have our small group Bible study here. I'm busy getting ready since we always eat together prior to our study time. Eating together is a time to fellowship and draw closer to one another. On the carnal side, we like food.

I stopped at a Weight Watcher's meeting this morning hoping to get motivated to lose at least ten, maybe fifteen pounds. I know it would be best for my health and would also get me into the closets full of clothes I have that just don't fit over this rump any longer. Grrrrrrrr. The upshot of my visit is that I wasn't moved at all to join the group. I know stopping in and giving a brief overview of the meeting is not a fair evaluation. The vibs I got weren't attractive and noone looked as if they were pencil thin. When I heard what money they want for joining, I decided, I could use forty dollars a month in a better way than giving it to Weight Watchers. I could use self discipline and get some results. We will see what decisions I make about that little problem as time goes on. I certainly can't start a diet today........too much good food tonight. Ugh......

The last time we met as a group, we were reading a portion of Scripture where God warns us not make our stomach our god. It hit me between the eyeballs. One other lady in the group wouldn't eat the dessert after that reminder. Have I done anything about it? Not so much....I've thought a lot about it. If dreaming of being thin worked, I would be there. It is time for some action. Kendra says I eat wrong.......she thinks she has the answer for me but I don't like to make any commitments because that requries sacrifice. I'm just a big whimp right now. Keep at me, Kendra, I'll get there one day.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Personal Mission Statements Come in Handy

I know...I didn't blog yesterday and am late today...what can I say....I can say that using someone else's computer is always a pain in the neck just like using another's stove or hair curler or or knows their own and finds it easy to operate what one knows...that would explain my avoiding blogging yesterday. So it feels good to be back at my OWN computer even though it is several years old. I know it like the back of my hand and can use it without frustration (or embarrassment).

I applied to serve in a capacity for which I needed to write a statement of faith. I took a class once where the facilitator encouraged me and all those in attendance to create a personal mission statement. He went on to say that rarely would one need to "update" or "change" their statement because one's statement is foundationally in one's relationship with God and though that grows, the mission doesn't change. It took some time to put the statement together but once down on black and white, I knew I could refer to it to remind me who God is and who I am in Him.When recently faced with having to write a statement of faith, I remembered this document which I drew up some time ago.....when I found it I realized it was just what I would write for a statement of faith so I made a copy, explained the reason for its being and that it was as concise a statement of faith that I could send and sent it off. I would encourage all believers to take the time and effort to put thoughts of faith and purpose in a document such as this. I will share mine to give an example of what one can be. Obviously, everyone would put a personal spin on their own relationship with God and his or her understanding of one's mission in life. The following happens to be mine.

Personal Mission Statement

My Biblical Purpose is:

1. To love God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit with all my heart, to follow His ways, to love others, trust Him for all things and to put Him first in my life. Matthew 22:37-40
2. I will live in the fresh newness of life (optimistically with hope) that Christ gives me as His gift. (Philippians 3: 7-14)
3. My life is all about God and His purposes for me. (Matthew 16:24-26)

Personal Vision

1. I seek truth in all areas of life. (John 8:32)
2. God revealed in His word is the center of truth for me. (John 17:17)
3. God is more powerful than I comprehend and I will search to see that power revealed through faith. (Matthew 21:21)
4. I believe that God has His best in mind for me. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Life Ministry

1. I seek to show the love of Jesus in all my relationships; husband, children and spouses, grandchildren, friends and with those in my arena of influence.
2. In His church, I will welcome new people and encourage them in their walk with God. (Romans 15:6,7)
3. I enjoy and encourage fellowship with Christian believers wherever they are found.
4. I will coach younger believers and seekers through the complexities of life with lessons I have learned by walking with God through a lifetime. (Titus 2:4)
5. I will be used by God to encourage people to worship Him. (Psalm 99:5)

Go ahead...I challenge you....give it a try...I know you will be happy you did.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pictures Don't Lie

Does there have to be a reason to be unreasonable?  Kendra forgot her newly purchased greenhouse plants when she left for home Sunday night.  I had planned to spend a couple days with her in the near future husband said, "This is your opportunity....take the plants and go have a good time."  So, go I did, on the spur of the moment and totally unplanned and impulsively.  Yesterday, we planted her pots with the plants I brought and today they are getting whipped with the wind.  Hopefully, they will "toughen up and dig their roots deep".  Just as with our little ones, the desire is to protect them from anything rough and difficult but we know that isn't the best for them in the long makes for weak character and the inability to endure the storms of life.  As I watched out the window, I cringed as those little virgin plants joggled back and forth bowing to the power of the elements.   

This afternoon, we went to Penney's to take pictures of Emerson in her baptism dress.  While there the three of us had some shots taken as well.  Wow.....I didn't remember looking old....when did that happen?....then I remind myself of my age and think I must expect lines and wrinkles.  Kendra and Emerson looked good of course.  The black and white shots were much less kind than color so I opted for those.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Daddy is demonstrating the smile he wants Emerson to make but she is saying...I've been in this dress for hours and I'm starving....come on Mommy....please feed me
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Anna and Katie get their first look at their new baby cousin, Emerson. They had a very hard time keeping their hands off her and enjoyed the times they were able to hold her.

Pastor Joel from our church read the questions of the parents and the congregation. Do you promise to raise this child in the faith of Jesus......

Uncle John did baptize me but Grandma couldn't get a good shot of it.

Uncle John sang a song he wrote for Emerson and all other babies born to Christian parents.

You Will Know What True Love Is

The Giver of the good and perfect
Created all your eyes can see
And you dear child were created for this purpose
You see, life in this world is fraught with danger
Sometimes it 's hard to find the way
But from His heart you'll never be a stranger'
If you but trust the words I sing to you today

Take my hand and walk beside me
Share my heart as we share His
And everyday with His Spirit guiding
You will know what true love is

He alone is all that life can offer
He alone can put your heart at rest
Oh let me show you all that I've discovered
That yours might be a life that's blessed
His arms are strong, His hands are gentle
His judgments just, His wrath complete
But to the ones who seek him in His temple
There is shelter at His mercy seat


He does not change like shifting shadows
He does not move from day to day
That we should fear all the daily battles
That we'll face along the way
For of every word His mouth has spoken
Of every vow that he has made
Not one promise has been broken
Not one debt has gone unpaid


Little One, with water on your forehand
Little child with so much life to live
Come along as we travel in His footsteps
And treasure all the love that he longs to give

Please take my hand, and walk beside me
Share my heart as we share His
And everyday with His Spirit guiding
You will know
Oh I want you to know
What true
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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Successful Mission

It is six nineteen on Saturday mornning...Ken left an hour ago for St. Joe Michigan to spent the day golfing with men from our son, John's church. Kendra, Craig and Emerson will be coming today for the baptism weekend....I will work on finishing up last minute things until they get here. Tomorrow we have at least thirty people coming for lunch.

Our day yesterday was truly a joy. The trailer worked out perfectly to haul several pieces of furniture and had room to spare. Our friend, John, went with us and he and Ken spent the day reminscing about their growing up years in Roseland, Illinois. They told some pretty funny stories; ones I hadn't heard before. The furniture is safely in our family room and acts as if it has always been there. I was tempted to try out the sofa for sleeping last night but know my husband would wake up, miss me and come looking for me. He sleeps sound but always notices when I sneak out for this or that reason. Can't get by with any thing around here.

The sun is shining brightly but the temperature is brisk at 42 degrees. I hope it warms a bit tomorrow because we are having our Easter Egg hunt after lunch. I know Easter is over and yes, it does lose a bit of its punch but we didn't have Easter together this year and the grandkids missed the egg hunt. I promised a couple of them that we would do it on Mother's Day. The candy is all ready to be hidden.....that is usually Kendra's job....we will see if she can still do that even though she is now a busy little mom herself.

Last evening, we took a big ride around a small town near here called Fair Oaks. The mega dairies here have bought up many of the homes in that old town and sort of revived the place. The denomination, of which our church is a part, are beginning a Spanish ministry in that little town where many of the Spanish people live whom work on the dairies. Our friend showed us a house he had been working on where the "minister" that has been hired will live. The man and his family are moving from an appartment in New York to this little one horse town in northwest Indiana. Should be an interesting change for them.

After the ride, we came back to our home to play "Hand and Foot". The women were winning big and the game was nearing the end when the other couple got a phone call that their son was stranded about thirty miles away with a blown tire and no jack. So our party quickly disbanded as they went to bring aid to their son. I smiled as they were off when I thought that a mom and a dad are always a mom and dad even when the son has taken over the business and he is ALL grown up.

Friday, May 9, 2008

On a Journey

I continue to learn how to do more on the blogger thing. I spent many thoughts over how to get a post off on which I had made a spelling error. Finally, this morning I figured it out. I also learned this morning that the little envelope under each post can be clicked and the post easily sent to an e-mail address. Some of my friends don't have internet but use a different message system. They can't get my blogs so now I have an easy way to send them. It never ceases to amaze me how many options can be right in front of my nose but I haven't noticed them yet. These computer programs are amazing.

Today, Ken and I and a friend will drive to downtown Chicago to our daughter's condo to pick up some furniture. This condo has been on the market for a fair amount of time and is finally sold. That means it has to be emptied. I've admired Jennifer's furniture for some time and told her if she ever got rid of it I would like to buy it for our family room. I finally got the call that we can get it. But how? That was our big dilemna. We have a Durango which can hold a bit of things but a large sofa, love seat, chair and ottoman? I don't think so. My dad has a pickup but even that isn't large enough. We thought we would have to use two pickups. When we contacted friends to ask to borrow one, they told us they have a trailer large enough to haul the whole enchilada. Now we will only buy fuel for one vehicle instead of two. Eureka....thanks to our friends.

At our last Bible study of the year, one of the gals who is home on furlough from missions said, don't pray for will be tested.....pray for joy. We all chuckled about need prayers for joy. I know getting all this large furniture out of Jennifer's condo will not be a small trick.....she will be uptight about getting it out without damage to the condo......once that is accomplished there is the bigger effort of trying to get the stuff down our stairs, around the corner, and into the family room. Ken and I don't always see eye to eye on how things should work so it could be an interesting day. Please pray that I will have joy today. :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Big Vase of Lilacs

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When we were in our twenties and thirties, we had a friend that shared with us his dream of "making it" in life. He said if he could have half and half in his cereal and real butter on his table for every meal.....he would know he had "made it". I've chuckled about that several times over the years because most of us have attained the ability to have butter on our tables and half and half in our fridges. In those days, we all ate margarine, yuk, and put milk on our cereal. I think the one who has cereal with half and half is a rare specimen but most of the people I know have butter and not margarine on their toast. The health reports would indicate that butter is by far the healthier option and that half and half is a bit heavy on fat for drinking it with our cereal. So even though our friend may be able to afford half and half for his cereal...he probably doesn't pour it on his cereal. I hope he is enjoying butter, though.

My standard for "making it" was and still is being able to send Ken's shirts to the laundry to be starched and pressed. I have hated ironing for most of my years. My mother would have me iron my clothes on Monday's when I returned home from school. I HAD to do this because it was training for my future. I remember thinking about what was ahead of me while I was on the bus. Mom never understood and actually fluffed off my complaints that each time I ironed I got nauseated. Many years later, I realized that the reason I became sick to my stomach was that the ironing board cover, which was silver, had a coating that when hot made an odor I could not abide. There was a name for that kind of cover which escapes my memory right now but I will be happy if I never see one of those again.

People tell me that I'm crazy to still young gal said, "I take the clothes right out of the dryer and hang them up and one can't tell the difference". I beg to differ. While I'm not nearly as fussy about it as I once was, I still can't send Ken out with a shirt not ironed. Actually, I prefer them starched stiff and he likes that also but I'm not going that far anymore these days.
I have at least two sons in law and a son that iron their own shirts. My niece's husband irons his as well because my niece said she can't do it good enough to please him. Ahhhhh, so that is the secret....why didn't I do a worse job so Ken would have taken it over. Actually, this is one of those issues that makes it evident that there is a generational gap. I don't know any guy of our peers that ironed his own shirts. Guys do many things in this generation that would have been left to the wives in my younger days; such as getting up during the night with crying babies, etc.

So, what is my solution? I've been more careful to buy more knit clothing items which do not need ironing for the neat look. I have also cheated a few times and sent eight to ten shirts to the laundry. I just got finished ironing hankies and cloth napkins....I have pants and shirts to go. The pants I'll tackle but the shirts I just may cheat on again. I haven't quite "made it" but I'll act like I have this week.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Preparation Begun

I am a golf widow again this morning. I think it will be two mornings and all day Saturday this week and that is over the top from my point of view. I'm going to start demanding my rights....right.

So with every one out of the house...hallelujah.....I am doing some picking up and cleaning up....the throw rugs are in the washer and they will take two days to dry in this rainy weather but at least they will be dry by Sunday when about thirty people will be our guests for lunch. Kendra is making the bulk of the food and I'm just providing a clean house. Kendra tried the baptism gown on the baby and it fits so all is well. A friend of our family, made Kendra's wedding dress and used scraps from that dress some three years later to make Emerson's baptism dress. Kendra's brother John is baptizing the little doll baby and has written a song dedicated to her and all children of Christian parents which he will sing during the service. It will be a great day for us as we celebrate the mark of God given to Emerson. What a comfort that God works in families....that His faithfulness is from generation to generation.

Lauri and I had coffee together this morning and caught up on the last two days of our lives. When we don't talk for forty eight hours it feels strange. She claims she called my cell yesterday but I teased her that I didn't believe it because I had my cell in my pocket all day with the ringer ON. Who knows what happened?\

I'm going to get back to my cleaning. It feels so good to have things up to snuff. Once the cleaning bug bites, it begins to swell.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Some days need a bit of comic relief and yesterday was one of those days. After the tense morning at the doctor, I floated around Merrillville for awhile, enjoyed a Chai tea at Starbucks and sat at a table with my phone explaining my woes to two of my daughters who happen to call virtually one after the other. I stopped at the usual stop; Costco. picked up some things I'll use for the weekend and ordered a cake for the baptism luncheon. Home sounded good so home I went.

I drug in the the groceries and put most of them away. Noticing the beautiful sunshine and warm temperatures, I got an idea. I decided a tanned old body would be better to look at this summer than a pale old body so I dug into a drawer and found an antique swim suit. As I pulled it on, I could feel the latex snapping and cracking as it stretched over the curvatious poundage. Yuk. When is it that I will take a diet seriously and get rid of this extra stuff I carry around on me. The handwriting was on the wall, the swimsuit had seen its better day and would only serve to sit in the yard and soak up some rays.

I listened to see if any cars were coming down the road but all was quiet so I quickly sneaked into the garage and got a comfy lawn chair and placed it strategically behind Peggy Sue and out of sight of any and everyone. I THOUGHT! I put on my sunglasses and bowed my head into a book while the exposed part of my body took in the sun. Suddenly, I heard a male voice......"Don't be frightened young lady...I'm coming up behind you". For some reason I was startled but not afraid as I turned to look at the man who was invading my privacy. I recognized immediately that he was a candidate doing some last minute campaigning on foot going from door to door attempting to sell himself for the cost of a vote. As I took the brochures he was holding out to me, I sheepishly said, " I thought I had hid myself completely but obviously I didn't succeed". He left with a smile and I, too, had to chuckle as I thought that at a closer look at me, he had realized that his statement to me was a bit off. "Young lady" would not be too accurate. I should have known I was being terrorized when I noticed that the brochures he was distributing were from the party opposite my position. Today is the Indiana primary and I will not be voting for him or his presidential candidate of choice. That'll teach him not to sneak up on a lady trying to get a sun tan in her own yard.

Once I had taken in all the sun I dared (pale caucasians burn easily) I came into the house to happily get my regular clothes back on. As I took the swimsuit off, brittle latex fell out of everywhere. I took that faithful swimsuit and buried it in the garbage can. So much for my first tanning session of the summer.Remove Formatting from selection

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Dreaded Day

It's Monday, the fifth of May....a date that has been lurking in the back of my mind with disdain. I had to be at the cardiologist at 8:30 a.m. this morning. Why those things are so difficult for me is still a mystery. I suppose I would have to admit that fear is involved. One never knows what the outcome will be.

He sent me off with"see you in six months" after he scared me half to death. The reading from my defribrillator showed a major change sometime in February. He asked if I had fallen or something. I couldn't think of a thing. I asked what this meant about or for my heart and he told me it meant nothing......the only thing it could mean was that the leads that go from the defib to the heart could be failing. Everyone has heard that there is a recall on these leads so the docs are pretty cautious. He assured me that even a slight movement of the lead could have made the change. He said that he didn't think it was anything to worry about and I was not to lose any sleep over it. I had to have an EKG and then go over to the hospital for a chest xray. Oh happy day. I changed cardiologists after I had the defib put in. The guy I now go to put my defib in. He is young and optimistic. The other was old and pessimistic. I'm much happier with this one. I literally dreaded seeing the other guy....he was a foreigner and I felt threatened by him. Perhaps I could be accused of being racist but I don't think that is the case. I simply feel more at home with this tall young man with blonde hair whose coloring and gentle nature could be my own kin.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

So Many Birthdays

This weekend is one of those"birthday" weekends for us. Lauren, one of our older granddaughters was seventeen yesterday. Today is birthday to two grandsons; Aidan who is eleven and Ethan who is seven. Since Ethan is the only one of those precious kids that lives here, his will be the only one we can celebrate with him. That will be at three o'clock this afternoon. Lauren is in Plainfield, Illinois and Aidan is in Phoenix, Arizona. Ethan was full of expectation yesterday as he talked about his pirate birthday cake along with the plates and cups to match. Lynette, a girl that lives with us, celebrated her birthday on Friday. So many of our family birthdays come in twos and threes. The beginning of June is also bunched with family birthdays. Happy Birthday to each of the people for whom we are so thankful.

The work continues on Peggy Sue.....the floor is out in the front and we are to bare beams. Lauri and I went to see what type of laminate we could find to update the table and the countertop. When we asked what they had with pink in it, the guy looked at us as if we were nuts. Oh asks for what they truly want. We were told what we already knew, that pink is not much sought for kitchens these days. Duh. We eventually found a marbled pink with grey/blue which matches the cushions perfectly. We will see how that progresses. No decisions made yet. When the cabinet man told me pink wasn't in vogue, I was so tempted to tell him a story. I refrained, but need to tell someone. I don't recall what year it was, it had to be in the fifties, but I felt all grown up and my younger brother was a little kid. He was five years younger than me. We went to bed one night and woke up to a new kitchen the next morning. My parents had stayed up very late painting the kitchen cabinets pink and grey; the base was grey and the doors pink. My brother was so excited and described the new cabinets as making for a "happy kitchen". I suppose that has stuck with me and would be one explanation for choosing pink for the retro feel in Peggy Sue.

Soon, we will leave for church. It is always good to be in God's house on Sunday morning and praise Him with our family there. There is strength in fellowship with others who worship the one true God. To God be glory today and always.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Three Ring Saturday

I'm pooped. It was a three event Saturday....This morning I took Isaiah and Ethan to a World War 11 reenactment. Ethan will be seven years old tomorrow so we had to have a good talk before the battle started. "Now Ethan, none of the people that are killed are really dead. This is all pretend but it wasn't pretend when it happened and that is why we are remember that many men and women gave their lives so that we could live the way we do and speak the language we speak". I know he doesn't "get" it but it is planting the seed of appreciation for freedom that is my goal. It seems few people have a patriotic bent these days. We have had it too good........few remember it took sacrifice to have it so good.

Some years ago, I took Ethan's big sister. No amount of assurance comforted her. As she watched the soldiers shoot each other and heard the loud artillery, she got sick to her stomach. It was not a good experience for her...I find the boys are a bit tougher....they are made of different stuff than girls. Isaiah watches the history channel as a steady diet so it was no big deal for him then or today.

It was heart warming to see the few WW2 vets that attended. Most were feeble at best. Most of them are 85+. Last night we took my dad and his wife to a forty's jazz concert performed by the US Navy Band from Great Lakes Naval Base. As the hostess of the evening said, "Our days to speak to you in person are numbered. Our children and grandchildren will have to read books and view newsreels to hear your stories....we are honored to be able to hear the stories from you".

After the US won the battle today, we drove to KV High School where our friend's daughter played in wheel chair soccer. Joni was in an auto accident about seven years ago and was paralysed as a result. We, along with many other friends of the family, have walked the bumpy road with them since that time. Before the accident, Joni was very athletic, so this opportunity is something she loves. I still have trouble accepting her tribute to her, I can say, that she has accepted her lot without complaint and always makes others smile. God's grace is so evident in her life.

Then it was time for Isaiah's soccer was outside.....brrrrrrrr. I was fortunate enough to be able to park the car so that I could watch from my warm environment. Spring soccer holds little interest for me. It is either raining, cold, windy, or blistering hot. I go when the weather is appropriate. When he was little, I went regardless, now I'm picky. :)

It's been a busy feels good to be home where the wind and cold don't affect me. Hopefully, balmy breezes will return tomorrow.

Friday, May 2, 2008

God is Awesome

After bringing Isaiah to school this morning, I dropped by Lauri's house for a bit of mother/daughter time. We scoped out Regis and Kelley and Oprah. Oprah was interviewing Tom Cruise. My heart bled to hear both of them talk like aliens in a foreign land going through life with no truthful clarity.. Tom is into Scientology for his "religion" and Oprah has her own religion, whatever that may be. The closing scene was both of them riding on a snowmobile and at the end of the trail was a most gorgeous mountain scene. It was a scene that brings people to the end of themselves. "Oh my god!" was Oprah's response. Yes, Oprah, it is god you are seeing but not the god you imagine him to be.....HE is the God of the universe, the one that created what you saw and sustains what you saw. What I saw reminded me of last summer when my brother and his wife and my husband and I came to the crest of the mountain which was tundra. There was nothing for us to do but to pull off into a scenic view parking and take out our Bibles. I don't recall what Psalm we read but it was a Psalm of praise for His awesome and phenomenal creation. It was a very moving and touching our relationship with God, with creation and with each other.

Thank you, Lord, for your truth. I pray that your spirit of truth will invade people like Oprah and Tom, whose souls are in peril but whom would be a forceful mouth piece for You.

Lauri left to do some volunteer duty at school and I stopped at a friend. I had felt somewhat at loose ends not knowing what to do with myself today. While with my friend, the phone rang and troublesome news was received. The response was, "You were supposed to be here at this time." Isn't God's timing awesome? I couldn't do much to alleviate the trouble but I could listen and encourage. I also committed to praying for this friend...actually, I've been doing that for awhile now as I know stress is at an all time high there already. Dear God, send your grace and favor into their lives; bring relief and resolve.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fire, Good and Bad

Winter moved over and spring is catching up again. I walked out to our Peggy Sue (trailer) and it was so pleasant; calm air, sunshine and warmer temps. Good deal.

Last night we spent with my dad and his wife playing cards. We haven't done that with them and have noticed that when they are in Florida they do it weekly with friends or my sister and her husband. I decided that spending quality time with them is a good idea so called to see if we were welcomed to come to play some cards. "Well, what cards do you want to play?" "Whatever you enjoy, Dad." "Do you know how to play Pinocle?" "We used to play about thirty years ago so I suppose we could relearn." Relearn we did and had a very good time doing it. Mary and I won three out of four games. It was so entertaining to see the guys bid out of sight....they have more of a gambling personality or should I say, the guys in my life take bigger risks. Some they won, others they didn't. I would say the same about the things they risked in life. I think women are more play it safe kind of least this one is.

I wish I could say we have made a lot of progress in Peggy Sue. We have and we haven't. Perhaps the truth is that I would like it to go faster. Ken is kind of putsing along with this project. I know better than to nag. I see that he is enjoying the process so I'll attempt to be patient. He has the front booth out and is pulling up the flooring. He found rotted plywood under the flooring...which we expected to find. In his time, he will pull out the wood and replace it. My job is to take the table whose top is scratched and rather unsightly to the place where they will put on a new piece of formica. The fun will be choosing something to go with the pink appliances. I'm looking forward to that.

Yesterday afternoon, I got out in the yard and cleaned up some leaf residue left from this windy spring. We have a wooded area next to us so the leaves never cease their falling and or blowing. It is so amazing to me what cleaning fire can do. What was unsightly is suddenly gone and the area cleaned up. We fear fire because of its destructive powers but it can be our friend as well. We find ourselves in a pilgrimage of conflicting forces. The good and the bad; the just and the unjust...God tells us what he will do with the opposite force in Isaiah;

Isaiah 5:24 Therefore, as a tongue of fire consumes stubble and dry grass collapses into the flame, So their (people with evil intent) root will become like rot and their blossom blow away as dust; For they have rejected the law of the LORD of hosts And despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

Often in the Word, God speaks of consuming evil with fire. Just as the dry grass and leaves was consumed at my laying of a match to the Lord will consume all those that do not bend their knee in obedience to Him. All injustice and perversion will be thrown into the pit of fire. It will be destructive but will be a friend to those that put their trust in Him. May all who read these words of God take thought to how they live.