Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sign of Defiance or Surrender?

While teasing with my thirteen year old grandaughter recently, she playfully raised her arm and put her hand in a stop position, turned her head from me and said, "Talk to the hand, the face is not listening". It was the first time I had heard that phrase and thought if this phrase were said in seriousness, it would be the height of disrespect. Today I read from Jeremiah 18. In that passage, God says in verses 7 & 8 that when he decides an evil nation is to be destroyed, if that nation humbles itself and repents of its evil, He will not destroy it as He had planned. On the contrary, if a nation is strong and great and then decides to disobey God, He will then "change His mind" and not bless that nation. Sometimes I hear people say and have wondered a time or two myself, "why pray, God has everything planned anyway?" My reading today convinced me that our prayers matter to God. He truly takes our wills into His consideration. In this reading, we are reminded of the importance of repenting of our sins. Have you ever felt so ashamed of something you have thought, said or done, that it was difficult for you to even admit your wrong to the Father? I have. Sometimes it takes courage to say, "I'm sorry". But, take heart, instead of raising your arm in defiance and turning your face from Him, lift your hands in the universal sign of surrender, confess your sins and praise Him for His gracious love toward us and His desire to forgive us our sins.

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