Monday, May 21, 2007

More Comfortable Days Ahead

The beginning of a new work week. The sun is shining in all its glory. Temperatures are supposed to rise again after a very crisp and cool weekend. I wore capris and sandals to church yesterday morning but when we went for the evening service I was back into warm slacks and socks and shoes. Brrrrrrr. Somehow I don't remember May being so fickle but this one has certainly been. I look forward to warmer and more comfortable days.
I have the same longing in my heart regarding other matters. Praise God the tests my daughter had last week came back negative. At least three out of four of them did. The fourth one showed a slight abnormality with her heart so she had an echocardiogram on Friday. The cardiologist that read the report saw no problem with her heart but said she has some fluid in her lungs. The diruritic she was given has resulted in the loss of some of the water weight but her breathing has not improved as much as I'd like to see. She is to go back to the doctor this afternoon so perhaps we will know something more today. I look forward to better health and more comfort for her.
Alex, our thirteen year old grandaughter, fell on her field trip to Indianapolis and broke her ankle. That little mishap spoiled the long awatied field trip for Alex as she spent the biggest portion of her day in the emergency room of a hospital. At thirteen, Alex is a big help to her mother, especially right now when mom isn't feeling well. Now they both occupy a chair or sofa in the living room waiting for healing and resoration.
Jesus is our great physician. I implore Him for his healing and grace in the life of our daughter and family. I'd appreciate you joining me.

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