Monday, June 18, 2007

Pauses That Refresh Me

Telephone call or e-mail from a friend

The hug of a child

My husband's arm around me

Stopping to take in the beauty of a flower

A 15-minute break at work

A shopping trip just to look

Finding an unexpected garage sale with great treasures

A walk in the park

Reading a book

Sitting in a whirlpool tub (or just a warm bath)

Trip to Starbucks and holding that hot chai tea in my hand

The sight of a cardinal or deer or any wild animals whose sight is seldom (I saw a dead coyote along I-65 last week!)

The down time between big events in my life

Sitting with God’s word and conversing with Him

Isaiah's words - those words that say -those who wait for the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up on wings like eagles, they will run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Notice in this promise the words - will and shall -and the total lack of modifiers in front of them. It is not - they who wait for Lord might renew their strength,it is not - maybe they will walk and not faint -it is - they will renew their strength and - they shall walk and not faint.. God says to us, “Take me at my word. Enjoy the pauses that refresh you on your way. Let the unexpected pauses point your attention to me. I am everything good in your life.

Take a pause, if only for a moment, and let the beauty of life around you refresh you.

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