Sunday, December 23, 2007


I'm up early today. Have to be at church at eightish to get ready for praise team practice. I heard wind each time I woke during the night. It sounded cold and blustery. As I was returning an e-mail message just now, the gal that lives with us was walking out the door to go to work. She came back in and called me, "Mom, come and see this." I walked to the door to see that our big oak tree (the only big tree we have in the front yard) has two huge limbs broken off and lying on the ground. Just what we need to take care of before we leave for Florida. I'm not sure when that will take place but we can't leave with that mess in the front yard. It appears it is a goner and will all have to be taken down. Perhaps that part of the task can wait until later. I hope and pray our treasured and beautiful tree in the back yard is okay. Will have to wait for daylight to tell.
I'm so grateful we were tucked in this warm and cozy home while all that was going on. It is a miracle that none of the heavy tree parts touched our house. While I feel rather grouchy about the mess, I am thankful for God sparing us worse damage.
Time to get ready to goooooooooo

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