Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lord, Send Revival in our Land

Regarding the presidential campaign and candidates; I got my head screwed on a bit straighter yesterday in my Bible study group. We discussed all the candidates and our fears and came down to this truth. Rather than take sides, when we don't know what side to take, we need to be praying, praying, praying that God will place in our government the power that will fulfill His will. With that done and trusted in, we can relax and watch God's will unfold. We already know from the stories in His word that unworthy persons are in high places at times and God uses them to His glory. He has told us that the kings and rulers of the nations are in His hand so it doesn't necessarily mean He will make it clear to us why certain people rise to such heights. We need to pray and vote according to our conscience. We are citizens of another kingdom, yet God commands us to be obedient to our government unless they require us to do something totally against His way. Governments are God's idea to rule the wicked hearts of mankind. It doesn't take reading too many periodicals or watching too many television programs before we are convinced of the wickedness of mankind. Actually, all I have to do is to look in my own heart. I praise God that He has redeemed (and is redeeeming) this heart bent on going its own way.

We also need to pray for revival in our land. When one reads the history of our nation, there have been times of sweeping revival. Those revivals of His Spirit in our people have been the salvation of our nation. Would that the Lord would be gracious and send the wind of His Spirit to blow mightily across this land for the sake of our children and grandchildren. For this we pray, Lord.

The love of God rest on each of you this day we call Valentine's Day.

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