Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rereading and Rearranging

Upon returning from church some fifteen minutes earlier than usual, my husband asked, "Do you want me to put those chops on the grill?" "Sure, that'd be great", was my response. He continued to make the dinner while I sat down with a book I started rereading before church this morning. I read the first two pages of the first chapter and laughed outloud twice. I'm not that easily amused but find this reading one that tickles me down to my soul. It is one of Jan Karon's Mitford Series books. It's the only one of the series that I own though I have read them all. I absolutely loved that series and am finding reading the second time just as delightful (or more as I know the characters better by now) as the first. Perhaps I identify with Father Tim because he is in the same chapter of life I am. We have experienced life through the same history and have been shaped and molded by those times and experiences. (My guess is that the same could be said of the author). Both Father Tim , Jan Karon and I serve and worship the same one true God and our values and ideals are set within the parameters of His Word.

Today in worship, we sang:

Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.
Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.

It is interesting to me that even at this stage of life, I need the Spirit to fall on me with freshness and do all that rearranging that the song speaks of. Sometimes the insides of me get out of kilter and my thoughts are not truth. Sometimes my thoughts become pity thoughts. I disdain it but it happens and I am not proud of it. I don't suppose I'm much different than most. My comfort is that God can and will and does rearrange my thoughts, emotions and focus so that my joys are greater because considering Him and His Word over and over, I know His character better.

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