Monday, August 25, 2008


As I parked my car along the road to attend a garage sale, this was the scene to my left. It was a serene scene....I couldn't help but grab my camera and take a shot. I thought the algae on the water, the length of the weeds and wild flowers all indicated the warmth of August and the culmination of another season of growing. When I walked into the garage, I had all but forgotten I had taken a picture as I began to look at the wares. The young man of the house looked at me and said, "Did you like my weeds?" It took me back for a second and then I remembered. "Oh, you saw me take a picture. I thought it was such a beautiful view." He said, "Weeds? Weeds are a beautiful view?" I urged him to walk out to the road and look at his little creek through different colored glasses. We had a good chuckle. Before I left, he and his mother took the baby for a stroller walk and as he walked by my car, I rolled down my window and asked him to take a good look at the beauty of the creek. He smiled with a different attitude. Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.

I have my camera with me at all times and usually have the presence of mind to take a shot at things that are worthy. I missed it entirely the other day. I drove into our church property for a meeting and as I passed a little storage garage in the one corner, three wild turkeys were strolling by bobbing their heads on their long necks as they pecked at the earth. Instead of thinking of my camera first, I thought of our pastor first. He is such an avid hunter that all I could think was the joke of what was happening here. Three succulent wild turkeys were strolling a hundred yards from where he was sitting by his desk in his office. By the time I recovered from that humorous thought, I was too late....I tried but they took off the moment I opened my car door and into the woods they fled. I meant them no harm....they were only a thing of beauty to me and not a meal but I guess they didn't understand that.

I've said it before but I'll say it again....I love mornings. I'm sitting here at my PC watching the light dispel the darkness. This is the moment of the day when I think of that comforting verse....."And His mercies are new every morning." I can just lay back in the arms of that one and enjoy a good start to my day.
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