Wednesday, August 20, 2008

For Me to Live is Christ and To Die Is Gain

Be it ever so humble....there's no place like home. We are here. Home....I was nervous ab out looking at our disaster zone in the back yard but the contractor did a fairly good job of leveling out the dirt. It will need some serious working to get it ready for seed but hopefully that can be done dragging something on the back of the riding lawn mower. When I say this sewer system took all our back yard, I am not exaggerating. Wow...we wouldn't be able to put in an underground pool back there even if we wanted to....there is room to the side and to the front but wow....that is some wide spread system. I don't expect any trouble for the next thirty years and I don't think we will still be here in thirty years so there is little worry.

Ken is going spastic because some very important papers are missing. Where were they when you last had them? On the kitchen table. When? Last week. Oh for goodness sake, how the dickens am I supposed to remember something that was on the kitchen table last week? I don't let things set on the kitchen table....he knows that and if there was something really important, can you tell me why you would leave it on the table?????????? Oh frustration. Last week, my daughter had a document she left open on my important document. I unplugged her flash drive and the document vanished. I was in big trouble for losing her document on my computer. no space sacred to me computer and the kitchen table.......ugh. This is not a good way to end this day....

Cousin John's body was put to its earthly rest today. Ken was honored to be a pallbearer. After the internment at the cemetery, the undertaker told the family they could hang back and watch the casket lowered into the ground. I have never seen that done before. Time marches on and things change....I guess resistance to viewing that is changing too. I must say the men in charge of lowering the casket into the vault were most professional and sensitive. After the funeral a lovely dinner was served in a banquet facility near the cemetery.

We enjoyed fellowship with the saints there the last two days. It is truly comforting to talk with relatives and friends who know to whom they belong. A discussion about taking young children to wakes and funerals came up. Some think it is healthy to expose children to death because it is part of life. I have a problem with that philosophy. I'm not opposed to taking kids to funerals and wakes but I have serious issues with saying death is part of life. Death does come into life because of sin, but death was never meant to be, so then how can it be part of life? Death is the sheer opposite of life and I find it the enemy. The Word tells us it is our last enemy. No, I can't see it as a part of life at is the interruption of life. To me, thinking it is part of life rubs too close to making friends with death. Death is the result of sin and sin a result of the work of Satan.....I'm giving him no credit at all for the LIFE I live in Christ.

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