Friday, August 22, 2008

The Rest of the Story

Wow, three (one directly by e-mail) of you humored me and commented on yesterday's blog. I love it. Thanks for sharing and adding to the mix. Keep 'em coming, folks. If the rest of you wish to know what the comments were just click on comments at the bottom of the post. We are sure not to solve the world's problems but we can at least juggle them a bit and look at them from God's perspective.

I visited a lady today and found her making applesauce and apple butter. She also had frozen apple mix with which to make pies. She had processed fifty quarts of applesauce. She made me tired just listening to her. Not only did I feel tired but I felt terribly LAZY. Long ago, I came to the conclusion that I could buy natural applesauce that tasted good and not have to go through all the mess and work. Call me lazy if you is okay. I used to do all that stuff and I'm over it. I canned beans, froze corn, made applesauce and even canned meat. When I fed nine or ten people each day, it made Not this woman. Then I began to wonder what I did with my time......I'm still wondering that one. I fill all 24 hours every day so I'm not worried....I did wonder, however, if I was using my time productively. I have my ways and I hope the Lord approves.

I visited my aunt and uncle also today. Precious people....I wasn't there long but long enough to enjoy their company and spend valuable time with them. We shared memories and a few laughs together.

Yesterday, I made an error in selecting a phone number on my cell...instead of calling my Phoenix granddaughter, I called an elderly friend who lives in Flint, MI. His wife passed away seven months ago so he was delighted to hear from me and I was glad that God had orchestrated things so that my error was made. Leroy is 84 and he began telling me about his latest hobby; walking. I said it was very good for him to walk....then he told me...."the rest of the story". He decided last week to walk to was midweek and I'm not sure what his goal was in going there but his trip took him four hours. I asked how many miles it was to church. Sixteen, was his proud reply. Then he shared that once he got to church, he realized he had bit off a bigger bite than he could chew but regardless, he began his journey home. He said he was having a hard time putting one foot in front of the other. It was a hot day so he stopped in front of some random lady's home and when he saw her in her yard, he asked her for a drink. She got him a drink and asked him if he was alright. He said he didn't think he was too good. She asked if he could call someone to get him. Well, he could call his neighbor but he knew that if his neighbor knew about what he had done, the neighbor would be unhappy with him so he walked on. Eventually, he looked at his cell phone and realized he had missed a call from the neighbor's wife. He returned the call. Irene asked where he was...he told her. She asked if Ron should come get him and Leroy said, no, that he thought he would be alright. She said, "I'm sending Ron to get you."

When Ron got to him, Ron was extremely angry. Leroy said he chewed me up one side and down the other. Leroy is a dearly loved retired pastor and teacher. He and his neighbors have a running Bible study on Friday evenings in Leroy's home. Ron informed Leroy that he wasn't coming to the Bible study that next day. Leroy asked what his walking so far had to do with their Bible study. Ron told him that Leroy had no idea how much stress he was putting on them to do such an unwise thing and that he had to sit in his soup and think about it for awhile. I laughed and laughed. He told me it wasn't so funny and I told him I thought it was so him....and so Ron. The dynamics were so predictable. Leroy explained further that the rumor spread rapidly among the people of his church and that he got a scathing letter from another of the ladies. She told him he was trying to kill himself.

He said he called her and made sure she knew that killing himself was not his goal. He has promised everyone he won't do anything stupid anymore.

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