Monday, August 18, 2008

School Begins Again

I've just returned from opening chapel at DeMotte Christian School. I have four grandchildren in its population. Last year it was five, but this year Alex will go to high school.

Th DMC principal used a verse from Joshua 1:9 to encourage parents, grandparents and students alike.....

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go".

Great words to begin a new school year.....great words to begin a new day....great words....a great promise.....something one can hang his/her hat on and trust. Remember that God told us 365 times not to be afraid. When we look around us we find that is rather counter not be afraid? There appears much for which we could be afraid but remember that the Lord our God will be with us wherever we go....whatever we do...

Today, construction will begin on our sewer system. I know you who are city people can't understand having to take care of one's own system but we live in the country and it is ours to deal with. The past system lasted thirty we have to have a new one. I hate spending money on stuff that doesn't show that we have made improvements but it has to be today is supposed to be the day....BUT....they aren't here yet and it is ten in the morning. The man of my house is getting impatient. He is trying to get someone at the company by phone but they are not available. Likely story, right? I wish they would give us a call and let us know that they still intend to start today. That would make all the rest of us more comfortable.

Soooooo....he is ringing them again......still no answer.......

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