Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wed...Christ hospital

Well, here I am. They called with a bed about noon. We arrived about 2 and didn't get into our room about four. When we walked in we walked past all the rooms where people were very sick. This is ICU cardiac/ I guess I just didn't expect such an environment for me. I got in my room and lost it. With the help of nurses and my husband I got hold of myself and surrendered once again. It was not easy.

My nurse is a young male, very competent. I had a general exam with one of the doctors on my team. Very handsome Indian/Hispanic. Young and unmarried. Gentle and very thorough. He explained every detail as he went along. Tomorrow I will have a whole gammet of tests. CAT scans etc. Most of the tests are non evasive but if you know me you know I am intimidated by even a cat scan. Imust surrender that too. What a growing experience.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning, my Precious Sister, Thanks for the wake up call this morning. I tried going back to sleep, but you were too much on my mind so I spent some time with the Lord. Very Refreshing.

Now the laundry is going & and I am on my first (and lately first of two)cup of coffee. I will be so glad tonight that I do not have to come home to laundry (ugh).

I pray that today is a good one! By that I mean a day of discovery. Finding out things that will be productive in treating your body to return strength & the knowlegde of what comes next.

The Lord has great things for us & we are filled with joy! Just one of God's promises to his children. I hope you find some joy today. Talk soon,

Love, Jann

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Gayle. You are on our minds consistantly - know that you have many praying for you each and every day. I love you and make sure to keep us posted when you can.

Miss you -

Unknown said...

Auntie Gayle,

I love you very much and am praying for you

Amy T